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Sri Vaikunta Stavam series : SlOkams 69-75

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SrI :


SlOkam 69:


bhrUvibhramENa mrudhu seetha vilOkithEna

mandhasmithEna madhurAksharayA cha vaachaa

prEmaprakarsha pisunEna vikAsinA cha

sambhAvayishyasi kadhaa mukha-pankajEna


(Meaning) : Oh VishNu Bhagavann! When are You going to give

the five signals that convey Your benovolent intentions towards

me ? adiyEn is awaiting the indication of those signals: the movement of

Your auspicious brows , Your beautiful and cool glances , Your bewitching

smile , Your sweet words of welcome and Your thirumukha MaNDalam filled

with affection for adiyEn .


(Comments): Bharatha Naatya Saasthram states that one should express

one's thoughts by fivemeans : Oshtaa-akshi-bhrU hastha paadhou vaachA

mounEna soochayEth " ( lips, eyes, brow , hands , legs , speech and

silence) . Here , KurEsar begs the Lord to reveal His auspicious

intentions towards him with those signals . He asks : when are You going

to bless adiyEn and when can I know about that thru the signals


from the movements and expressions originating from Your limbs and

faculty ?

KurEsar expresses his longing here for signs of Bhagavath anugraham .


SlOkam 70



mathsee sudhaa kalasakalpaka kalpithAngam

Thvath-Paadha-padhma-yugaLam vikaLath-prabhdhbhi:

bhUyOadhikshEshyathi kadhaa nu sirO madheeshAm


(Meaning): Oh Vaikunta NaaTa ! When will my head be drenched

and made cool by the sacred waters flowing from Your auspicious feet

embossed with the holy marks of Vajram , elephant goad (ankusam) ,

flag , lotus , chakram , conch , fish , nectar pot and kalpaka tree ?


(Commentary) : BhagavAnn is Mahaa Purushan and as such unique

lakshaNams (marks) are seen on the sole of His sacred feet .They indicate

that Bhagavaan is Para Tatthvam ( Supreme principle) and is the SaamrAD

( Emperor of the Universes) . VishNu Sooktham revelas that delectable honey

flows from the sacred feet of the Lord : " VishNO: padhE ParamE madhva

uthsa: ".


Sounakar , Sukha Brahmam , Swamy AlavanthAr and Swamy Desikan have made

similar prayers for the placement of the Lord's Thiruvadis with the above

subha lakshaNams on their heads . Sri Sukha Brahmam longed for such

a blessing this way : " sanchidhayEdh BhagathasccharaNAravindham

vajrAnkusa-dhvaja- sarOruha-laanchanADyam ".


SlOkam 71



utthamsamutthamam anutthama-bhakthi-bhAjam

nithya dhanam mama kadhaa hi madhutthamAngam

angeekarishyathi chiram Tava paadha padhmam


(Meaning) : Oh Vaikunta NaaTa ! When will Your lotus soft feet

have its permanent rest on adiyEn's head as undiminishing wealth ?

Those sacred feet are the ones , which through their steps showed

the dimensions of the worlds and stay as the matchless alankArams

(decorations ) for the heads of Your BhakthAs .


(Commentary) : Lord's sacred feet is the wealth that never diminishes

or disappears (Nithya dhanam) . They are the superior decorations

(noble SirOalankAram/utthamam utthamsam) for the heads of visEsha

BhakthAs of the Lord ( anutthama bhakthi bhAjAm utthamsam) . Those

sacred feet are the Ones that measured the three worlds during Thrivikrama

avathAram ( Thraivikrama krama krutha aakramaNa thrilOkam , Paadha

Padhmam ) . During ThrivikramAvathAram , the mark of the Lord's feet

was left on all objects in the three worlds . They got sanctified by that

association .DevAs derived their sakthi from that imprint of the Lord's

feet on their heads ( Rg Vedam : athO dEvA avanthu nO yathO VishNur-

vichakramE ) . KurEsar longs for that sambhandham . In SrI Vaikuntam ,

the abode of Muktha Jeevans is between the sacred feet of the Lord and

the aadhAra Padhmam ( lotus below the sacred feet of the Lord ) .


SlOkam 72


unnidhra pathra sathapathra sagOthram anthar-

lEkhAravindham abhinandhanam indhriyANAm

mannmUrdhni hantha! kara-pallava-tallajam tE

kurvan kadhaa krutha-manOraTaayishyasE mAmm


(Meaning) : Oh Vaikunta NaaTa ! When are You going to make

adiyEn fulfilled by placing Your tender hand over my head ?

That hand of Yours is marked by softness reminescent of

the lotus petals , has the lotus flower marks inside ( on the palm)

and generates joy for the eye, nose , body and mind ( indhriyANAm

abhinandhanam) .


(Commentary ) : Sri Saathvatha Samhithai states that SrI Vaikunta NaaTan

looks with affection at the Muktha Jeevans that reaches His supreme abode ,

greets them with His sweet welcome and places His hand on the siras of

the jeevans as anugraha mudhrai . KurEsar like others before him begs

the Lord to prevent his indhriyams from roaming here and there ( patti

mEyAthu) by placing His auspicious hands over his head (AzhwAr's request:

" aNi mihu tAmaraik-kaiyai anthO ! adicchiyOm talaimisai Nee aNiyAyAi ) .


SlOkam 73


aanghee nisarganiyathA Thvayi hantha kaanthi:

nithyam tavAlam iyamEva taTApi chAnthyA

vaibhUshaNee bhavathi kaanthiralanthrAm

hai pushkalaiva nikhilApi bhavath vibhUthi :


(Meaning) : Oh Vaikunta NaaTa ! The natural beauty of Your body

without the association of Your aabharaNams is itself astounding .

That would be sufficent to satisfy anyone . When the aabhAraNams

are also added , that superior beauty celebrated by AzhwArs and

AchAryAs becomes multifold and makes one say , enough , enough .

This is indeed a matter of great wonder . This slOkam is linkable to

ThiruppANAzhwAr's anubhavam of Lord RanganAtha ( kOla MaamaNi

aaramum mutthu dhAmamum mudivillathOr yezhil neela mEni IyyO !

niRai koNDathenn nenjinayE ! ) . Swamy Desikan would say later along

these lines: " BhUshAyudhai: adhigatham nija kaanthi hEthO: ) . Every

limb of the Lord is mangaLAnAm MangaLam . When the aabharaNams

are added , then they get enhanced in their beauty and add to

the Lord's Soundharyam .


SlOkam 74


Srivathsa-kousthubha-kirIDa lalADikAbhi :

kEyUra-haara-kaDaka-uthtama kaNDikAbhi :

uddhaama-dhAma maNi noopura neeviBandhai:

bhAntham Bhavantham animEsham udheekshisheeya


(Meaning) : Oh SrI Vaikunta NaaTa ! May adiyEn be blessed to have

Your most beautiful and eye-filling darsanam of Your ThirumEni with

its Srivathsam mole , Kousthubha gem , tilakam , shoulder decorations ,

pearl necklace , forest flower garland , gem -- laden waist belt , ankle

jewelery and other aabharaNams !


(Commentary ) : Sripathy Roopa DhyAnam along the lines described

in SrI Poushkara Samhithai is attempted here ( sragvasthrAbaraNai:

yuktham svAnuroopai: anUpamai: , chinmayai: svaprakAsaisccha

anyOnya ruchiranjithai: ) . KurEsar wishes to enjoy that dhivya

soundharyam without blinking his eyes like the dEvAs ; sadhA pasyanthy

anubhavam is souhgt . NaayikA BhAvam is implied in this anubhavam

( Bhuktham PriyAbhi: animEsha vilOchanAbhi: ) . There is no doubt about

the Svaroopam of the Lord , when one looks at the unique aabharaNams

adorning the Lord . For instance , the beautiful and tall crown adorning

His head is not seen on the heads of Brahmaa or Sivan . This crown

is unique to Him . Sivan has matted locks . Brahmaa has the appearance

of Tapasvi ( Taapasa Vesham) . Our Lord's SarvEswarathvam is indicated

by the Crown ( Bhagavatasthu kiriDAdhi yOgAth SarvEswarathva khyApakam) .

He is understood as " ImayOr Talaivan " through the adornment of

this Vaira Mudi .


SlOkam 75


Eindheevaree kvachidhapi kvachanAravindhee

chAndhrAtapee kvachana cha , kvachanATa haimee

kaanthis-tavODa-parabhAga-paraspara SrI:

paaryEtha paaraNayithum kimu chakshushOr-mE


(Meaning) : Here KurEsar enjoys the integrated beauty of all

the limbs of SrI Vaikunta NaaTan(SamudhAya sObhA anubhavam) .

Oh Vaikunta NaaTa ! Your divine body and portions of Your eyes have

the dark bluish-black hue of NeelOthpalam ( Karuneythal pushpam) .

Your palms and sole of Your divine feet have a red hue reminding one of

the petals of red lotus. Your gentle smile and lips have the hue of

the cool , Moon's rays . Your chest has the radiance of gold arising

from the residence of HiraNya VarNai , MahA Lakshmi . All of these

different hues compliment each other and add to the total beauty of

Your dhivya ThirumEni . When will adiyEn enjoy that samudhAya

sobhA soundharyam as the dhvAdasi PaaraNai for one , who has

observed EkAdasi Vratham ?


(Commentary) SrivathsAnkAcchAr Swamy reminds us of a beautiful

slOkam from Tatthva Muktha KalApam regarding this SamudhAya Sobhai

of Srimann NaarAyaNan :


LakshmI-nEthrOthpala SrisathathaparichayAdhEsha samvardhamAnO

naabhInAlee-karinghan madukarapaaDalee-dhattha hasthAvalamBa: ,

asmAkam sampadhOgAn-avirala-tuLaseedhama sanjAtha bhUma:

kaalindhee kaantheehAree kalayathu vapusha: kaalimaa kaiDabhArE :


Swamy KurEsar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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