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Draupadi episode in MB

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Dear Devoptees,

A few weeks ago, we discussed the episode in Mahabharata about the

insult to Draupadi by the Kauravas. Recently, I was reading the

Bhagavatam translation by Bhagawan Satya Sai Baba in his Bhagawata

Vauhini. I am reproducing below the extracts relating to this

episode. Since, from this, the Bhagavatam version appears to be

slightly different from the Maha Bharata version, I am bringing it to

the notice of members.

DasanKrishnaswamy M.K.


“…….. the Lord, took upon Himself the burden of rescuing her from

distress; He moved in silent and unseen, and blessed her, unnoticed.

And, wonder of wonders, the Sari which the human ogres were

attempting to remove in order to disgrace her was rendered endless;

every one, including the tormentors, were stunned at the

demonstration of Krishna's grace and Droupadi's devotion. Good men

and wise realised that Sathya and Dharma can never come to harm. The

tears of joy that rolled from their eyes gave proof of the exaltation

they experienced. The wicked Dussasana fell down, exhausted and

humiliated. Droupadi did not suffer the least dishonour. All the

dishonour fell to the lot of the Kauravas, and the Pandavas were


"Can God permit the just and moral Pandavas to suffer humiliation? The

harm that the Kauravas planned to inflict on the Pandavas recoiled on

them only. This was the direct consequence of the grace that Lord

Krishna showered on your grandfathers and grandmother and of the

devotion and faith they had reposed in Lord Krishna."

"Intending to declare to the world the intense devotion of the

Pandavas and its efficacy, and also to hold them up as examples for

the Kali Age that was to come, the Lord contrived this thrilling

drama; there is nothing more in this than that purpose of the Lord.

You may be subjected to calumny, insult and dishonour; you may be

plunged in poverty or pain; but, the person who has surrendered to

the will of God will welcome each of these gladly and bear it with

equanimity. The Lord will never give up His children; those devoted

to God have to be patient and calm, under the most poignant

provocations. The fact is the pious and the God-fearing are those who

are visited by travails and troubles; in order to teach mankind these

great truths, Krishna enacted this drama, with the Pandavas as the

cast. Every incident in their lives is but a scene in His play.


Sage Vyasa continued, "Listen O king!"

"Droupadi was overwhelmed with amazement when she experienced the

grace of Krishna who granted the boon of clothing to protect her

honour; she shed profuse tears of gratitude and exclaimed in ecstasy,

'Krishna ! Krishna!' with such a rush of feeling and zeal that those

present in the audience-hall were struck with fear. The shining

splendour of her face made them suspect that she must be the

veritable Goddess (Sakthi) who energises the universe."

"Meanwhile, Krishna manifested Himself in concrete form before your

grandmother, Droupadi and said, 'Sister! Why are you troubled in

mind? I have taken birth with the express purpose of destroying these

evil men blinded by pride. I shall see that the glory and fame of the

Pandavas are held high for the admiration of this world for

generations to come. Console yourself.'"

"At this, she fell at the Lord's feet, washing it with her tears

darkened by the collyrium in her eyes; the tresses of her long thick

hair, unloosened by wicked hands, fell over His feet and covered

them. She rolled on the ground round the feet."

"Her furious contentment and her angry excitement steeped the assembly

of courtiers and warriors in astonishment. Krishna raised her up and

placing His hand upon her head, He blessed her. 'Rise! Tie the hair

into a knot. Await patiently the events that will happen in the days

ahead. Go, join your companions in the inner apartments', He implored

her. Hearing these words, Droupadi started like a serpent that has

raised its hood. Her eyes shone through the veil of hair that covered

her face; her glances were like flashes of lightning among the


"She stood in the centre of the assembly and turning on Krishna, she

said in deliberate tones, 'Krishna! Cloth that gets torn can only be

stitched; the rents cannot be mended otherwise. A virtuous bride can

be given away only once. Curdled milk cannot be restored to its

primal purity. The tusks of the elephant can never be withdrawn into

the mouth, from out of which they came. Droupadi's tresses have been

loosened, by the foul hands of these evil men. They can never be

knotted again, as formerly, to mark the happiness of a wife.' At

this, every one sat silent with bent head, overcome with the shame of

the insult of the queen."


"But, Krishna broke the silence. 'Then when do you dress your hair as

of old? Sister! These loose tresses make you really frightening'. At

this the heroic queen roared like a lioness, 'Lord! Pray listen! The

filthy rascal who dared touch this hair, hold it in his foul hand and

drag me into this hall must have his head broken into bits and his

corpse gnawed by foxes and dogs; his wife must be widowed; she must

unloosen her tresses and wail in unquenchable grief; that day, I

shall dress this hair into a knot; and not till then'. Hearing this

imprecation, the elders in the hall were alarmed at its terrible

consequences. They covered their ears so as not to hear more; they

pleaded, 'Pardon', 'Peace', 'Quieten yourself', for they knew how

calamitous was the curse of a woman of virtue. The heart of

Dhritharashtra, the old blind father of the wicked gang that insulted

her, very nearly burst with fear; his sons tried to put on brave faces

but, within them, they were struck down by a tornado of panic. A wave

of dread swept over the assembly, for, they knew that her words must

come true, the wrong must be avenged by the punishment she has


"To reinforce this apprehension, Krishna too said, 'O! Droupadi! May

it happen as you have said. I shall destroy these wicked men who

caused so much sorrow to your husbands. The words you spoke now must

come true, for you have not tainted your tongue with falsehood, even

in fun, since the moment of birth. Your voice is the voice of truth;

truth will triumph, in spite of everything.'"

"This was the assurance given to your grandmother by the Lord; the

Kauravas were destroyed and the righteousness of the Pandavas

vindicated, before the world. Where Dharma is, there the Lord is;

where the Lord is, there victory is; this holy axiom was taught to

the world by the Lord through this tragedy."

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