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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


On this rirama navami day, the avathaara dhinam of raaman, we will

study ST's lines `thanakai sree raamaa avathaaram eththithivO' you

have taken avathaaram for my sake, oh raamaa? Before that one more

charaNam of ST krithi `dhayaraani' in mOhanam -


CharaNam 7: marma heenula gooDa karmamana naiyyEni

meaning: my joining those, who do not understand the secrets of you,

is due to my old [bad?] deeds.


kvaaham raja:prabhaava eesa thamO~dhikE~smin

jaatha: surEthara-kulE kva thavaanukampaa

na brahmanO na thu bhavasya na vai ramaayaa

yan mE~rpitah sirasi padhma-kara: prasaadha:

bhaagavatham seventh skandham ch 9 slOkam 26


kva - where

aham - I (am)

raja:prabhava: - being born in a body full of passion

eesa - O my Lord

thama: - the mode of ignorance

adhikE - surpassing in

asmin - in this

jaatha: - born

sura ithara kulE - in a family of atheists or demons (who are

subordinate to the devotees);

thava - Your;

anukampaa- causeless mercy;

na - not;

brahmana: - of Lord Brahma;

thu - but;

bhavasya - of Lord Siva;

vai - even;

ramaayaa: - of the goddess of fortune;

yath - which;

mE - of me;

arpitha: - offered;

sirasi - on the head;

padhma kara: - lotus hand;

prasaadha: - the symbol of mercy.


Meaning: O my Lord, O Supreme, because I was born in a family full of

the hellish material qualities of passion and ignorance, what is my

position? And what is to be said of Your causeless mercy, which was

never offered even to Lord Brahma, Lord Siva or the goddess of

fortune, Lakshmi? You never put Your lotus hand upon their heads, but

You have put it upon mine.


Point: gooda karma – secret karmas – why always to think of bad

karmas only? Why not think of good karmaas? When the lord showers his

grace, which was not given to brahma, siva, or lakshmi, can you think

of bad karmaas. Ok, since prahlaadha was born in bad company, `with

that birth' perhaps all bad karmas are gone. For, otherwise, will

naaradhaa come and teach in the garbham itself? Or will lord take

such an avathaaram to honour the words of that small boy? Or then

place his hand also on the head of his bhakthan? So, ST puts it

simply `gooda karma' – secret karmaas – it does not always mean bad



Oh, what a way to put it across these lines stuffed with so much

fineness – teras roll out even to think of that bhakthaa or that

grace of such a lord, and that of the composer and his level of

bhakthi on raamaa.


Now two more charaNams together charaNam 8-

thanakai sree raama avathaaram eththithivO


meaning: Whether you incarnated as raama for that person? [one who

has secret karmas as stated above – prahlaadha is understood?]


charaNam 9: naavaNti dhaasula brOva vedhalithivO


meaning: Or whether you want to protect people like adiyEn?


slOkam 29 of same chapter quoted above.

math praana rakshaNam anantha pithur vadhas cha

manyE sva bhrthya rsi vaakyam rtham vidhaathum

khadgam pragrhya yadh avOchadh asadh-vidhithsus

thvam eesvarO madh-aparO~vathu kam haraami


math praaNa rakshaNam - saving my life;

anantha - O unlimited one, reservoir of unlimited transcendental


pithu: - of my father;

vadha: cha - and killing;

manyE - I consider;

sva-bhrthya - of Your unalloyed servants;

rsi vaakyam - and the words of the great saint Naaradha;

rtham - true;

vidhaathum - to prove;

khadgam - sword

pragrhya - taking in hand;

yath - since

avOchath – [my father] said

asath vidhithsu: - desiring to act very impiously;

thvam - You;

eesvara: - supreme controller

math aparah - other than me;

avathu - let him save;

kam - your head;

haraami - I shall now separate.


Meaning: My Lord, O unlimited reservoir of transcendental qualities,

You have killed my father, hiraNyakasipu, and saved me from his

sword. He had said very angrily, "If there is any supreme controller

other than me, let Him save you. I shall now sever your head from

your body." Therefore I think that both in saving me and in killing

him, You have acted just to prove true the words of Your devotee.

There is no other cause.


SlOkam 44 of chapter quoted above

praayENa dhEva munaya: sva-vimukthi-kaama

maunam charanthi vijaanE na paraartha-nishta:

naithan vihaaya krpaNan vimumuksha EkO

naanyam thvadh asya charaNam bhramathO~nupasyE


praayENa - generally, in almost all cases;

dhEva - O my Lord;

munaya: - the great saintly persons;

sva - personal, own;

vimukthi kaama: - ambitious for liberation from this material world

maunam - silently

charanthi - they wander (in places like the Himalayan forests, where

they have no touch with the activities of the materialists)

vijaanE- in solitary places;

na - not;

para artha nishta: - interested in working for others by giving them

the benefit of knowledge about you

Ethan - these;

vihaaya - leaving aside;

krpaNan - fools (engaged in materialistic activity who do not know

the benefit of the human form of life)

vimumukshE - I desire to be liberated and to return home, back to


Eka: - alone;

anyam - other

thvath - but for You;

asya - of this;

charaNam - shelter;

bhramatha: - of the living entity rotating and wandering throughout

the material universes; anupasyE - do I see.


Meaning: My dear Lord Narasimha, I see that there are many saintly

persons indeed, but they are interested only in their own

deliverance. Not caring for the big cities and towns, they go to the

Himalayas or the forest to meditate with vows of silence [mauna-

vratham]. They are not interested in delivering others. As for me,

however, I do not wish to be liberated alone, leaving aside all these

poor fools. I know that without taking shelter of Your lotus feet,

one cannot be happy. Therefore I wish to bring them back to shelter

at Your lotus feet.


Point: see here, the lord appeared only for the sake of prahlaadhan,

but he says I do not want only myself alone to be saved but all. Same

is put across by ST, you have done this avathaaram only for my sake

or else also? Oh great again.


Since length puts me a brake we will continue in next.




Vasudevan m.g.

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