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Lord RanganAthA's Thirumanjana Kattiyam by SwamyParAsara Bhattar:Part V/SlOkam 4

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SrI :


Dear BhakthAs of Periya PerumAL :


On a spring day ( Vasantha Ruthu dinam ) , Swamy ParAsara Bhattar

enjoyed the Thirumanjanam for Lord RanganAthan and was moved by

that delectable anubhavam to compose the following verse :


Bhavantham Sreemantham hasitha-kalikAlnkruthamiha

asOkam kurvantham bhramara-hitham athyuthsavakaram

sukha-sparssilshyath Pavanaja-mahAnandha bharitham

Vasantham RangEsa prakaDa-sumanaskam manumahE


( Meaning according to Dr.S.Padmanabhan ) : Here , the Lord is identified

with the beautiful (Sreemaan) spring season ( (Vasantam) , which puts forth

many a flower in its advent and which adorns the AsOka tree , with

beautiful buds ( Kalikaalankrutha ) , making it attractive to bees

(Bramara-hita) . It is full of bliss caused by the gentle and plesant touch of

breeze.(Pavanaja-mahAnandha ) The Lord is also glorious with SrI

(SrImAn) , rendering even this KaliyugA a Kruthayuga ( KalikAlankruta ) .

He is free from misery (asOka) and dispelling all-illusion(Bhrama-rahitha) .

Lord RanganAtha is full of bliss of embracing HanumAn ( Pavanaja mahAnanda) .


Additional Commentary by Swamy ParAsara Bhattar on this slOkam : NaayantE :

Oh Lord of Srirangam ! Upanishads salute Your indwellership in all created beings

as " Sarvam khalvidham Brahma " , " nEhAnAsthi kinchana " , eithathAthmiyam idham

Sarvam " , "YasyAthmA Sareeram , Yasya Pruthvee Sareeram '' , " taani SarvANi

Tadh Vapu: " . AzhwArs have saluted the same universal antharyAmthvam of

the Lord as " Udan misai uyirenak-karaenthengum paranthuLan " , "YaavarAy

niRkinRathellAm NedumAl " . As Sarva Sareeri and SarvAntharyAmi , Lord RanganAtha

feels the heat from the strong rays of the Sun during this season as experienced

by His created beings .


Oh Lord ! You make a sankalpam based on the NyAyam " MaathA pipathy kashAyam ,

stanantayO bhavathy neerOga: " ( The Mother drinks the medicine so that her breast

feeding child will be free of disease) and accept sisrOpachArams ( the upachArams

to remove the heat thru cooling means ) . You accept Thirumanjanam with cool sandal paste

infused with KasthUri and saffron to cool the world during the vasantha Kaalam .

Both Madhu and Maadhava( Yourself) are related to Spring this way : "Madhusccha

Maadhavasccha Vaasanthikkaa puthrou " . Therefore , it is appropriate to use

the slEdai (double meaning for Vasantha ruthu) of Vasantham for You .


Bhavantham Sreemantham : NaayantE ! Vasanatha Kaalam is much more

luscious and radiant than all other Ruthus ( Chaithra Sreemann ayam maasa: ) .

You are the Lord of SrI Devi ( Sriya: Sriyam , Thiruvukkum ThiruvAhiya Selvan ,

Dhaivatthukkarasu ) . You are the Lord by every indicator ( SarvasmAth Parathva

Soochakar) and reveal Your Sriya: Pathithvam as SreemAn .


Hasitha Kalikaalankruthamiha asOkam kurvantham Bhramara-hitham :

NaayantE ! Vasantha Kaalam will make the bunches of AsOka flowers adorned with

bees . Like Vasantham , You free the residents of Kaliyugam from all illusions and

make them enjoy a status like they are the residents of Krutha Yugam known for its

sarva MangaLathvam . For the Lord " Kalou Krutha Yugam Tasya " . He blesses His

adiyArs abundantly to free them from the dhOshams of Kali Yugam ( KaliyugamonRum

inRikkE TannadiyArkku aruL seyyum " . Kali Yugam becoems Krutha yugam ( Dukkha/

Bhrama rahitham ) for those souls blessed by You ( nithyam pramdhithAs-sarvE yatha

Krutha yugE tathaa") .


Athyuthsavakaram : NaayantE ! Vasantha Kaalam is the time , when the Yaj~nams

like JyOthishtOmams are performed as athyuthsavams / grand festivals ( VasanthE

vasanthE JyOthishA yajathE ) . You too like Vasantha ruthu make the hearts of sages

like ParAsarar , ParAnkusar ( kalakkamilaa naltava-munivar karai

kaNDOr) filled with Joy (athyuthsavakaram ) : " yeNNAthanahaL yeNNUm

nann-munivar inbam talai siRappa " .

Athyuthsavam means grand festivals , the occasion for grand joys (athiharsham) .


Sukha sparsa-slishyath Pavanaja mahAnandha bharitham :

Vasantha Kaalam is known for the sukha sparsam experienced by the

people due to the cool

embrace of the gentle breeze (mandha maarutham) prevalent at this

season : angai:ananga-tapthairaviralamAlinkuthum Pavana: "

Comparing You to the Vasantha ruthu , we are

reminded of Your comforting embrace(sukhasparsa-slishyath) with HanumAn ( Pavanaja ) :

" Vaatha Maamahan markaDam vilangu maRROr saathi yaenRozhinthilai uhanthu

kaatalAdharam kadalinum peruhacchey tahavinukkilai KaimmARu " ( You did not think of

HanumAn as a monkey belonging to a Jaathi other than humans) and You embraced Him with

ardour for his UpakAram ) Thru anukoola sparsam , you embraced HanumAn (aalinganam)

and derived joy and stayed as Nirbharan thereafter .


PrakaDasumanaskam : PrakaDam means PrakAsam . NaayantE ! Vasantha kaalam is

radiant over all the other seasons with the flowering trees abundant with bunches of fragrant

flowers ( PuNya Pushpitha Kaanana: ) . It is PradhAnam therefore among

the six seasons .


Oh Lord of Srirangam ! You are known for your abundance of Samruddhi

and Subham . Your mind ( ThiruvuLLam ) is athiprasiddham ( very well

known ) and athisObhakaram ( extremely generous

for conferring all mangaLams ) .


RangEsa! Bhavantham Vasantham manumahE : Therefore Sri Ranganaatha!

You remind us now of Your upadEsam to ArjunA as ParTasArathy : "

RuthoonAm KusumAkara: "( I am Vasantha Ruthu among the Ruthus ) .


In the next slOkam , Swamy ParAsara Bhattar compares Lord RanganAtha

to a Hamsa Pakshi .


SrI RanganAtha ParabrahmaNE Nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


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