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Artha Prapatti

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah:


Adiyen's understanding is that prapatti can be of two types. Thripta

and Artha prapatti. While we see lots of adiyaars undergoing thripta

prapatti at the lotus feet of emperuman Narayanan under the auspices of

sadacharyas, we don't hear about anyone performing artha prapatti.


Do any of the acharyas perform artha prapatti even to this day? If yes,

what are the preconditions for one to request his acharya for the same?


I would be most grateful to your esteemed selves if you could clarify

this point to me.


Sudharshana Dasan

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Dear Sri Aravamudhan :


Yes , there are two types of Prapatthi :


1. Aartha Prapatthi

2. Dhruptha Prapatti


Both Swamy PiLLailOkAchArya ( Artha Panchaka

SrI Sookthi) and Swamy Desikan ( Srimath Rahasya Thraya

Saaram ) have elaborated on these two kinds of Prapatthi.


These categories yield the SAME Phalan of Sri Vaikunta Vaasam

and Nithya Kaimkaryam there .


The differences between them is derived from the intensity of feeling and

the sense of urgency experienced by the Prapannan for attaining Moksham .


Some Prapannas cry out for immediate Moksham .They can not

brook any delay and seperation from Sriman NaarAyaNa . This RARE

type of Prapanna is Aarta Prapannan . Swamy MaNavALa MaamunikaL

was one such Aarta Prapannar . His Aarti and sense of urgency

is movingly enshrined in his Charama Prabhandham

( the last divine Sookthi in Tamil) appealing to AchArya RaamAnuja to

help him attain Parama Padham .


it has been my bhAgyam to create a web site for Swamy MaNavALa

Maamuni in 1999 , where in Sriman U.Ve.T.A. Srinivasan Swamy of

Kaanchipuram at my request contributed a scholarly article on

Aaarti Prabhandham , a soulful cry of MaamunigaL :




Aarthi means passionate despair , deep despondency ,

impatience to wait in this world as a Prapannan to reach

Sri Vaikuntam. It is not somebody's despair about temporary

disappointment in life or old age or ill health etc . It is a deep spiritual

experience that only the Jeevan , AchAryan and PerumAL

recognize . The Prapannan appeals to his or her AchAryan

for release from the obstruction of the physical body

that stands in the way of nithya kaimakryam at Sri Vaikuntam .

Not many have this type of intensity and urge . They as dhruptha

(Not Truptha) prapannAs , wait out until their body falls to depart

for Sri Vaikuntam via archirAdhi maargam . After prapatthi and until

their last moment , the dhruptha Prapannan performs prescribed

Bhagavath-BhAgavatha Kaimkaryam and waitd for the day , when

his alloted tim on this earth is up .


Two others noted for their Aarthy are :

the lady with no education , who supplied Milk and curd

for RaamAnuja . One day , she asked her AchAryan ,

whether he can help her leave her physical body

and leave for Sri Vaikuntam . AchArya RaamAnuja

accepted her aartha prapatthi and right in front of

the assembled people , she shed her mortal coils and

ascended the divine chariot of the VishNu dhUthAs

to travel to Sri Vaikuntam . The third example in more recent times

is that of an AchAryan of ParakAla Mutt , who was being pestered

by a local king about the truth of Aarhti Prapatthi . The AchAryan

demonstrated it using the king's doubt as a vyAjam to shed his

physical body and ascended to Sri Vaikuntam to join his AchAryan

and the dhivya dampathis . One can consider KurEsar's departure

from this world to the great regret of His AchAryan as one of

the instances of Aartha Prapathti . KurEsar asked Lord Ranganatha

directly for the boon of Aartha Prapatthi and was granted the request .


In seperate articles , I will cover the various ThiruvAimozhi Paasurams

about the two types of SaraNAgathi .


AchAryan , AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Oppiliappan KOil V . Sadagopan



"cavallino_2003" <reach.suds


Monday, May 23, 2005 6:26 AM

Artha Prapatti



> Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah:


> Adiyen's understanding is that prapatti can be of two types. Thripta

> and Artha prapatti. While we see lots of adiyaars undergoing thripta

> prapatti at the lotus feet of emperuman Narayanan under the auspices of

> sadacharyas, we don't hear about anyone performing artha prapatti.


> Do any of the acharyas perform artha prapatti even to this day? If yes,

> what are the preconditions for one to request his acharya for the same?


> I would be most grateful to your esteemed selves if you could clarify

> this point to me.


> Sudharshana Dasan

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