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The Book Release by Dr.S.M.S.Chari : " The Philosophy Of Bhagavad Gita " : Part I

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Dear BhakthAs :


Dr.S.M.Srinivasa Chari is a preeminent , contemproary Vedantic Scholar ,

who has been blessed to recieve training from sampradhAyic VaishNavite

AchAryAs like Vaikunta Vaasi , SrI Goshtipuram SoumyanArAyaNAchArya

Swami for many years


Those years of intense , traditional kaalakshEpams from authoritative VaishNavite

scholars & AchAryAs have laid the foundation for him to share his unique insights into

Bhagavad RaamAnuja Darsanam in the form of outstanding monographs ;

latter are reference books for many aasthikAs at every level of knowledge

about our Aasthika darsanams . The facility and throughness with which

Dr.Chari explains the grand doctrines of VisishtAdhvaitham , Adhvaitham

and Dhvaitham is unique among modern day authors on Comparitive

Philosophy . With a keen sense of impartiality , he has compared the three

darsanams developed by AchArya RaamAnuja , Samkara and MaadhvA

and evaluated them in the context of their aadhAram in PrasthAna Thrayam

( Upanishads , Brahma SoothrAs and Bhagavad GitA ) . His constructive

evaluations of the fundamentals of the above three darsanams and

their key assumptions are eye openers for novices as well as advanced

students of philosophy .


Sofar , Dr.Chari has illumined us with such comparitive evaluations of

the three darsanams through the release of the following Six outstanding

monographs so far . Each one of them is a treasure :


1. Advaitha and VisishtAdhvaitha : A study based on Swamy Desikan's

Sata dhUshaNi .


2. Fundamentals of VisishtAdhvaitha: A study based on Swamy Desikan's

Tatthva Muktha Kalaapa .


3. VaishNavism : A handy reference monograph dealing with Its Philosophy ,

Theology and Religious Discipline .


4. Philosophy and Theistic Mysticism of the AzhwArs :In depth study of

the theological and philosophical teachings of the 12 AzhwArs .


5. The Philosophy of the VedAntha SoothrAs : An objectie and pioneering

evaluation of BadarAyaNA's VedAntha SutrAs as commented upon by

the three principal darsana sthApakAs .


6. The Philosophy of the Upanishads : A dispassionate study of the commentaries

by Samkara , MaadhvA and Ramanuja on BadarayaNa"s Vedanta SutrAs .


Sr.S.M.S. Chari's mature genius has now added to the above list of Six

important monographs , yet another brilliant monograph entitled :

"The Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita " .


We are indeed fortunate to have the benefit of Dr. Chari's authoritative

and scholarly monograph on " The Philosophy of Bhagavad Gita ",

which focuses on the objective evaluation of Samkara's , RaamAnujA's

and MaadhvA's commentaries on GithOpanishad . Dr. Chari's latest

monograph on Gita is one of its kind that breaks new grounds and

extends the frontiers of research in this important area of comparitive

study of VedAntha . Dr.Chari summarizes first the Philosophy of Bhagavad

Gita as advanced by the three AchAryAs in an impressively clear and concise

manner . He covers all the eighteen chapters of Bhagavad Gita using key

slOkams from each of the chapters and compares the different intrepretations

on these quintessential slOkams from the point of view of the three

AchAryAs .

This forms Part I of this monograph . In Part II , Dr. Chari focuses on

an objective and refreshing evaluation of the individual commentaries of

Samkara , Ramnauja and Maadhva on Bhagavd Gita across the matrix of

(1) The TatthvAs (2) The Saadhana and (3) The Doctrine of Parama PurushArtha .


The TatthvAs deals with the three doctrines of VedAntha (Tatthva Thrayam )

on ParamAthman( Iswaran) , JeevAthman( Sentients) and the Jagath ( Universe) .


The Saadhana comprises of Karma Yoga , Jn~Ana Yoga and Bhakthi yoga ,

the spiritual doctrines established by Gita for attaining Parama PurushArtha .

Saadhana is recognized as the Central theme of Bhagavad Gita .


The doctrine of Parama PurushArtha deals with the Supreme goal (Viz).,

the knowledge of Brahman . The knowledge of Reality (TatthvAs) and

the means of its attainment would be valuable , if only there is a worthy

higher goal (Parama PurushArtham) is to be attained . That highest goal

as taught by Lord KrishNa as the Supreme Brahman is the attainment of

liberation from bondage in SamsAram .


A close study of Dr.Chari's scholarly monograph throws light on " how

this important religious classic ( Bhagavad Gita) , which is one of the (three)

source books of VedAntha , is viewed so differently by the three VedAntic

exponents". Dr. Chari's most welcome contribution is the assessment of

the main philosophical tenets advanced by the three Schools of VedAntha

and their closeness or otherwise to the purport of the original text of Bhagavad

Gita . In this monograph , Dr. Chari has advanced convincing reasons

to conclude that AchArya Ramanuja's BhAshyam on Bhagavad Gita

conforms closely to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita .


Dr. Chari has arrived at the above conclusion in an impartial manner

by " a critical examination of the following major philosophical theories

and the connected issues " . The issues in his own words are :1. The

nature of the Para-Tatthva or the ultimate reality - -whether it is

the personal God of religion or the impersonal undifferentiated Being .


2. The nature of JeevAthman- - whether it is a distinct ontological spiritual

entity different from Brahman or non-different from it .


3. The status of the Universe- - whether it is real or phenomenal in character.


4. The theory of Saadhana- -the Karma Yoga and its role in the Saadhana

for Moksha ; the Jn~Ana Yoga and its role as the means to Moksha;

the Bhakti Yoga and its role as the direct means to Moksha .


5. The nature fo the Supreme Goal- - whether it is the attainment of

a status of equality with Paramatman by the JeevAthman or is it

the realization of the identity of the Jiva with Brahman .


In the final chapter entitled , " General Evaluation and Conclusion " ,

Dr. Chari develops his case for his conclusion that AchArya Ramanuja"s

BhAshyam is the closest in reflecting the teachings of Bhagavad Gita .

He rests his case on developing the answers for the above five questions.


His answers based on comparitive analysis of the three BhAshyas are :


1.The Nature of Para TatthvA or Ultimate Reality : " Throughout Gita ,

we come across only one concept of ParamAthman , who is equated with

a personal God in the name of Lord KrishNa . There is no reference to

an undifferentiated impersonal Being anywhere in Gita .


2. The Nature of JivAthman : Gita acknowledges that JivAthman is

a distinct ontological entity that is distinctly different from ParamAthman .

There is no verse in Gita , which explicitly states that JivAthman is

essentially Brahman. The Upanishads and the VedAntha SutrAs

also affirm the difference between the two: JivAthman and ParamAthman .


3. The Status of the Universe : Is it real or illusory in Character ?

There is nothing in Gita that holds the universe as illusory .


4. The theory of Saadhana: The question is which of the three pathways

( Karma , Jn~Ana and Bhakthi yoga) is the direct means to Moksha

and which are the subordinate means ? Samkara identifies Jn~Ana

yoga as the direct means and the Karma as well as Bhakthi yogas

are subordinates . Ramanuja holds that Bhakti yoga is the direct means

to Moksha and the other two are aids to it . Maadhva identifies aparOksha

Jn~Ana ( direct perception of ParamAthman) as the direct means to Moksha ;

aparOksha Jn~Ana arises from dhyAna yoga , which is the same as

bhakthi yoga . The upadEsam in GitA does not seem to support the views

of both Samkara and Maadhva .


5. The Nature of the Supreme Goal : is it the attainment of a status of

equality with ParamAthman by the JivAthmanor is it the realization of

the identity of JivAthman with Brahman ? According to the teachings of

Gita , it is clear that the attainment of a status of equality (Saadharmyam)

with ParamAthman by the JeevAthman constitutes the Supreme goal .

Maadhva and Ramanuja hold this view .


Dr.Chari gives copious references in support of the above views

and concludes on that basis that AchArya Ramanuja's Gita BhAshyam

is closest to the teachings of GithOpanishad .


Dr. Chari's monograph has a very useful glossary , list of references

and subject index . This brilliantly composed monograph has 280 pages

and is published by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers , New Delhi .

One can order this book on line from the web site:www.mrmlbooks.com

The price for the book is Rupees 575 (~14$) .


adiyEn recommends this outstanding monograph for your libraries

without reservations .


Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan

SrImath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi .

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