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Veda Suktams

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Dear Sri Sandeep Iyengar :


We ( VedAbhimAnis from India and USA ) are now in the middle of

creating a CD ROM to house Pancha Sooktham from different Veda SamhithAs

and their rescensions ( SaakhAs) . Sri Sooktham , which is a Khila Rk

( Stray section) along with the three other Sookthams will be recorded .


The Five Sookthams that you referred to below are

the Pancha Sookthams that are used by VaishNavAs .

Sikshavalli of TaitthirIya Upanishad is also used .


Pancha Saanthi Manthrams are different from Pancha SookthAs .

TTD , Thirumala has a good recording of Pancha Saanthi Manthrams .

Audio files of the Sookthams and meanings of Purusha Sooktham et al

are availble on the net .


There are many other Sookthams , which are not used by Vishnavas ,

which are mostly from Rg Vedam : Madhu Sooktham , Jn~Ana Sooktham ,

Saanthi Sooktham , VivAha Sooktham , Agni Sooktham, Durga Sooktham et al .

You can however hear the audio files from Kapali Institute reciters .


Purusha Sooktham (PS) is found in all the Four VedAs :


(1) 90th Sooktham of the 10th Mandalam , Rg Veda

(2) TaitthirIya AaraNayakam of KrishNa Yajur Vedam

(3) VajasanEyi SamhithA of Sukla Yajur Vedam

(4) Saama Vedam/ Jaimini , Kouthuma and RaaNAyani SaakhAs

(5) Atharva Vedam


Most of the PS recordings have been done now except the rendering

as per RaaNAyani SaakhA of Saama Vedam .


We plan to release this CVD ROM some time this year with

the anugraha BhAshaNam of Srimath Azhagiya Singar .







"rsandeep82" <rsandeep82


Tuesday, June 07, 2005 12:49 PM

Veda Suktams



> Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha Parabrahmane nama:

> Dear Members,

> Id like to know the vedic suktams which refer to Emperuman and which

> Srivaishnavas use for parayanam daily.

> I know of

> -Purusha suktam

> -Vishnu suktam

> -Sri suktam

> -Bhu suktam

> -Nila suktam

> Are there any others apart from the aforesaid ones,and which vedams do

> they belong to?,Ill be glad if any one can let me know.

> Thanks

> Sandeep.S.Iyengar






> Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

> Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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