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Your question GuruvAyur not being a kerala divya desam

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Dear Sri Sandeep IyengAr :


Sri GuruvAyUrappan is a Vara PrasAdhi

( KaNN KaNDa dhaivam ) . It is striking that

AzhwArs have not performed MangaLAsAsanam

to this and many other temples , which are well known .


There have been all kinds of explanations given:


(1) This is a Temple for the Bachelor KrishNa and

Sri Devi is missing . AzhwArs wont visit a temple

without Sri Devi etc . The answer to that question is :

Sri Devi never leaves the Lord's body .


(2) There is a big sannidhi for Bhagavathi . AzhwArs wont go

to a temple , where there is anya dhaivams other than the Lord .

The answer ot that question is : There are specific temples , where

VishNu Dhurgai is present , which have been acknowledged by

the AzhwArs during MangaLAsAsanam to make it a Dhivya DEsam .

This example is provided by ThirukkovalUr . Modern day AchAryAs

have visited however GuruvAyUr Temple . We do not when specific

sannidhi for MalayALa Bhagavathi was established there .


(3) Tantric worship is performed there . VaishNavite Aagama

worship is not performed there and other Dhivya dEsams

with AzhwAr MangaLAsAsanams . These temples might have had

PaancharAthra or VaikAnasa worship in AzhwAr's times .


(4) Only two of the 12 AzhwArs have performed MangaLAsAsanam

of the 13 MalainAttu ( Keralaa /ParasurAma KshEthra) dhivya dEsams .

One is Swamy NammAzhwAr , whose mother came from one of

the Kerala Dhivya dEsams . The other is the peripatetic Thiruumangai

AzhwAr , who performed MangaLAsAsanam on 80 plus dhivya dEsams .

One AzhwAr performed MangalAsAsanam for Lord RanganathA alone .


(5) The fact that the AzhwArs performed MangaLAsAsanam or not

does not connect with the history of the temples being today's major

center's of worship or not . Cases in point : Nilaa ThingaL ThuNDatthu

EmperumAn inside EkAmrEswarar Temple (?) in Kaanchi ; Talaicchanga

NaaNmathiyam in the middle of rice fields of ChOLa Naadu etc .


One can cite many dhivya dEsams , where geo proximity , accidents of

time and place ( IndhaLUr) led to the building up of the list of 108

dhivya dEsams .Some dhivyadEsams recieved more than 100 Paasurams

from one AzhwAr . Others recieved one Paasuram or are mentioned in

Passing . Ancient temples like Srirangam and ThiruvEngaDam recieved

a lot of attention form AzhwArs . The purpose of AzhwArs' avathArams

are to be seen in the context of protecting VisishtAdhvaitham from

the onslaughts of avaidhika Mathams and their Bhagavath anubhavam

during that process took the form of the immortal Paasurams on

specific temples that they visited physically or otherwise .


The summary is that the list of 106 dhivya dEsams that we

can visit today as a result of AzhwAr MangalAsAsanams is

a subset of many temples about which the AzhwArs knew about

but did not compose paasurams to qualify them to join the list of

Dhivya Desam .


Finally and on a personal note , I have had a divine encounter at

GuruvAyUr that established in my mind about the power of

GuruvAyUrappan as a Vara PrasAdhi .


The note got long but there is a lot to reflect on dhivya dEsams

and pertinent AzhwAr MangaLAsAsanams .






"rsandeep82" <rsandeep82


Friday, June 24, 2005 11:30 AM

kerala divya desams



> Dear members,

> id like to know why guruvayoor is not part of the kerala divya

> desams,considering the fact that it is the most famous vishnu temple

> there?

> Thanks

> Sandeep.S.Iyengar

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