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A peep into thousand years of the history of Sri VaishNavam : Part III

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SrI :


Dear Fellow Students of the History of Sri VaishNavam :


Before we get to the time lines of the Kings , Emperors

who strutted the stages of historical India , we have to summarize

the time lines of our VaishNavite AchAryAs and see where they intersected

and impacted each other .


For reference purposes , we stated that the AzhwArs & AchAryA's times

span from the 3rd Century A.D ( Mudhal AzhwArs ) to the 9th Century A.D

( Thirumangai AzhwAr , the last of the AzhwArs) . Once again , let me state

that there are understandable problems in dating the exact times of the AzhwArs .


Regarding the AchAryAs , We will start with Swamy Natha Muni ( 824-924 A.D)

and conclude with Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni ( 1370-1444 A.D) . A brief

coverage would be made to the current times .


In between Swamy Naatha Muni's times and today , there have been many AchAryAs ,

who grew VaishNavam to newer pinncales of excellence and that tradition continues .

Here is a roaster in a chronological sense and AchArya-Sishya hierarchy . There might be

some gaps and knowledgable devotees are requested to step in and correct . It would

not be possible to include all sishyAs of a particuar AchAryan :


1. Naathamuni ( 824-924 A.D) , Sishyar of Swamy NammAzhwAr


2. PunDareekAkshar/UyyakkoNDAr ( 826-931 A.D), Sishyar of

Swamy Naatha Muni .


3. MaNakkAl Nambi / Raama Misrar ( 832-937 A.D) , AchAryan of

YaamunAchArya ( Swamy AaLavanthAr ) .


4. YaamunAchArya ( 916-1041 A.D ) , the grand son of Naatha Muni.


5. Sri Saila PoorNar/ Thirumalai Nambi ( 973-1073 A.D) ,

Uncle of AchArya RaamAnujA and one of the five AchAryAs

of Bhagavad RaamAnujA . He was the Sishyar of Swamy AaLavanthAr.


6. Periya Nambi ( b 998 A.D) , One of the five AchAryAs of

Bhagavad RaamAnujA . He is another sishyar of Swamy

AaLavanthAr . More information is available at :




7. AchArya RaamAnujA ( 1017-1137 A.D) , Many sishyAs , 74 SimhAsanAdhipathis

from whom the AasrayaNa Paramparai , Sri BhAshya Paramparai and

Bhagavad Vishaya Paramparais are traced .


8. Thirukkuruhai PirAn PiLLAn (Jn~Ana Puthran of Bhagavad RamaanujA )

and son of Sri Saila PoorNar /Thirumalai Nambi , author of 6000 PaDi ,

the first commentary on ThiruvAimozhi .


9. KurEsar ( 1010-1116 A.D ) or (1031-1137 A.D) ,

AchAryan of Thiruvarangatthu AmudanAr . Father of

both Swamy ParAsara Bhattar and Veda VyAsa Bhattar ,

who gave his eyes for the Darsanam .


10 . EmbAr ( 1026-1131 A.D) , Cousin of Bhagavad RaamAnujA,

AchAryan Of ParAsara Bhattar .


11. MadapaLLi AacchAn / Kidambi AacchAn ( 1057-1157 A.D ) ,

who performed MaDapaLLi Kaimkaryam for AchArya RaamAnujA

at the request of ThitukkOttiyUr Nambi , another AchAryan of

Bhagavad RaamAnujA.


12. NadAthUr AzhwAn/ Varada VishnumisrA ( 1165-1275 A.D ),

AchArya RaamAnujA's sister's son .


13. YengaL AazhwAn / VishNu Chitthar ( 1106-1206 A.D),

Sishyar of PiLLAn , Commentator on VishNu PurANam.


14. Thirumalai AaNpiLLai AnanthAzhwAn (b 1053 A.D) , who

volunteered to go to Thirumalai to perform Pushpa Kaimkaryam

at the behest of AchArya RaamAnujA .


15. AathrEya RaamAnujar ( 1220-1310 A.D) , Maternal uncle of

Swamy Desikan and latter's AchAryan .


16. Vatsya VaradAchArya /NadAthUr AmmAL ( 1165-1275 A.D) ,

The AchAryan of AthrEya RaamAnujar and Sudarsana Bhattar ,

the author of Srutha PrakAsikA .


17. ParAsara Bhattar ( b 1074 ) / Sri RangEsa Purohithar , the Elder son

Of Swamy KurEsar and ANDAL and AchAryan of Nanjeeyar .


12. Nanjeeyar ( b 1054) , Author of 9000 PaDi , who hailed from Melkote

prior to his losing the debate with Swamy ParAsara Bhattar.


13 . NampiLLai / LokAcchAr( b 1127 A.D) : Great Commentator on

ThiruvAimozhi .


14. Vadakku Thriuveethi PiLLai ( 1167-1264 A.D), Father of Swamy

PiLLai LokAcchAr and Azhagiya MaNavALa NaayanAr and

a distinguished sishyar of NampiLLai .


15. PeriyavAcchAn PILLai / KrishNa Suri ( b 1159) ,

VyAkhyAna Chakravarthy , who was another

distinguished sishyar of NampiLLai .


15. Swamy PiLLai LOkAcchAr ( 1205-1326 ) , anchor of

TennAchArya SampradhAyam ; author of Ashta Dasa

RahasyAs and the elder son of Vadakku Thiruveethi PiLLai .


16. Swamy VedAntha Desikar ( 1268-1369 A.D) , anchor of

Vadakalai SampradhAyam after AchArya RaamAnujA's time

and a contemproary of PiLLai LokAcchAr & Sudarsana Soori .


17. KumAra VaradAcchAr ( 1316-1401 A.D) , Son and Primary

disciple of Swamy Desikan .


18. Brahma Tantra Svatantrar ( 1286-1386 A.D) , Founder of

ParakAla Matam and Key disciple of Swamy Desikan .

More information about the Vaibhavam of the revered Jeeyar's

of Parakaala Matam is available at :




19. PrathivAdhi Bhayankaram Annan ( 1300-1410 A.D) , a disciple of

both KumAra VaradhAcchAr first & Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni



19. Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar ( 1378-1458 A.D ) , the Founding

Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam , who was initiated into SanyAsAsramam

by Lord Narasimhan at AhObila KshEthram . He iniitiated Swamy

MaNavALa Maamuni into SanyAsa Aasramam . Sri Ahobila Matam

has 45 illustrious Jeeyars until now . More information about

the Vaibhavam of Ahobila Matam Jeeyars are available at :





20. ThiruvAimozhi PiLLai , AchAryan of Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni revered

as Periya Jeeyar .


21 . Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni ( 1370-1444 A.D) : VaanamAmalai Matam ,

Srirangam NaarAyaNa Jeeyar Matam , Thirumalai Jeeyar Matam and

Melkote YathirAja Matam & SrivilliputthUr Matam et al belong

to this

SampradhAyam . adiyEn's web page for Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni

with Sri Haresh Balasubramanyan can be accessed at :




22. Munithrayam SampradhAyam's illustrious founder was Theiukkudanathai

Gopala MahA Desikan ( 1700-1783 A.D) . He was a sishyar of


Swamy , who blessed us with the 24,000 paDi commentary for


6000 Padi commentary of ThiruvAimozhi .Thirukudanthai Desikan

is the 15th descendant of Swamy AppuLLAr , the AchAryan of


Desikan . The current PeetAdhipathy of this illustrious matam


HH SrimushNam Andavan , who celebrated his 71st birthday last

month at Srirangam . Poundarikapuram Andavan , HH Gopala MahA


is the current PeetAdhipathy of the PoundarIkapuram Andavan


and has blessed us with comentaries for so many AzhwAr-AchArya


SrI Sookthis . The Vaibhavam of the Srirangam Srimath Andavan


PoundarIkapuram Andavan Aasramam are covered at the following

web sites :





Much more information on AchArya Vamsa Vruksham are also available at:




This excellent article is by Sri Anbil Ramaswamy .




This article is by adiyEn .


Now that we have the chronology of AchArya lineage from

the Ninth Century to current day , let us link the political times

that the AchAryAs had to face to carry on with their divine missions .


We will start with Pallava Kings first and move on to ChOLaa and

Paandya-ChEra Kings later . We will see next as to how the kingdoms of

ChALukya , Rashtrakootaa , Sultanate of Delhi affected the kingdoms

of Southern part of India .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappn Koil V.Sadagopan









AzhwAr , AchAryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan

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Sri Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva Parabrahmane Namaha//

Sri Parakal Yteendra Mahadesikaya Namaha//








I would request you to consider mentioning the name of

Tallapaka Annamacharya in the list of the history of

SreeVaishnavism. Being the diciple of Sri Sri AdiVan

Satakopa Jeer, Annamacharya studied the Sri Bhasyam

and Ramayanam under his holiness and by the Acharyas

grace, he has composed some 32,000 Sankirtanas, which

are nothing but divine melodious forms of the tenets

of Ramanuja siddantha.

Not much is known about Annamacharya and his

contibutions to Ramanuja Siddantha. It was his

presence along with greats like Ahobilam Jeer,

PrathivAdhi Bhayankaram Annan, etc that

SreeVaishnavism flourished once again in the 15th

century. His sankirtanas were hidden in a rock cell in

the tirumala temple beside Sree Bhasyakarla Sannidhi

and was found only in the 1950's. SreeVaishnavas DO

NOT really know about the immense contributions he has

made to our sampradayam, and i feel that it is our

duty to give him the due respect when we speak of our



Out of his 32,000 kirtanas,14000 are available, and

not one is on any other deity than Sriman Narayana.

The only kirtanas which are not on Narayana are a few

on Ramanuja, who was Annamacharyas 'Speaking God' (as

he calls him) and one was on SRi SRi Adivan Satakopa


Every sankirtana is faithfully adherent to the

commandments of Ramanuja. You will be surprised to

know that some of the sankirtanas have words verbatim

from Ramanujas bhashyas or Alwar Pasurams.


M.S Subbulakshmi has rendered some excellent

sankirtanas of Annamacharya in the balaji

pancharatnamala series. The notable ones are:

1) Tolliyunu Marraku- kirtana on Srirangam Ranganatha

2) Vande Vasudevam- kirtana sung in praise of kanchi


3)Sriman Narayana- a kirtana based on the Dvayam

4)Bhavamu Lona- a kirtana summarizing the supremacy of

Sriman Narayana

5) Entamatramuna- a kirtana declaring that the deity

at Tirumala is none other than Lord Narayana


Please listen to these songs carefully and analyze the

Visistadvaita bhavam in Annamacharyas Sankirtanas. You

will realize what a great SreeVaishnava he is.


sadly, his name is always left out. I feel that it is

not right to ignore such a great contribution made to

Ramanujas Siddantham by this Parama bagavatha. Though

no school of Ramanuja recognizes his contributions, i

never forget to chant his Taniyan when i think of our

purvacharyas. If his name is left out, it is like

leaving out one precious gem from the garland of

SreeVaishnava acharyas.


it is my sincere request that Adiyen help me in

propogating the contributions of Annamacharya. i am

willing to share with the group some very brilliant

sankirtanas of annamacharya that contain the nectar of

the teaching of Ramanuja matham. I assure you that

reading every single one of them will be an exhuberant

experience and will enlighten us on the great life of

Annamacharya, the amsa of nandaka, - the true follower

of Ramanujas divine commandments.


Please tell me you opinion Adiyen.


Yours Respectfully,

With all humility,







--- sgopan <sgopan wrote:


> SrI :


> Dear Fellow Students of the History of Sri

> VaishNavam :


> Before we get to the time lines of the Kings ,

> Emperors

> who strutted the stages of historical India , we

> have to summarize

> the time lines of our VaishNavite AchAryAs and see

> where they intersected

> and impacted each other .


> For reference purposes , we stated that the AzhwArs

> & AchAryA's times

> span from the 3rd Century A.D ( Mudhal AzhwArs ) to

> the 9th Century A.D

> ( Thirumangai AzhwAr , the last of the AzhwArs) .

> Once again , let me state

> that there are understandable problems in dating the

> exact times of the AzhwArs .


> Regarding the AchAryAs , We will start with Swamy

> Natha Muni ( 824-924 A.D)

> and conclude with Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni ( 1370-1444

> A.D) . A brief

> coverage would be made to the current times .


> In between Swamy Naatha Muni's times and today ,

> there have been many AchAryAs ,

> who grew VaishNavam to newer pinncales of excellence

> and that tradition continues .

> Here is a roaster in a chronological sense and

> AchArya-Sishya hierarchy . There might be

> some gaps and knowledgable devotees are requested to

> step in and correct . It would

> not be possible to include all sishyAs of a

> particuar AchAryan :


> 1. Naathamuni ( 824-924 A.D) , Sishyar of Swamy

> NammAzhwAr


> 2. PunDareekAkshar/UyyakkoNDAr ( 826-931 A.D),

> Sishyar of

> Swamy Naatha Muni .


> 3. MaNakkAl Nambi / Raama Misrar ( 832-937 A.D) ,

> AchAryan of

> YaamunAchArya ( Swamy AaLavanthAr ) .


> 4. YaamunAchArya ( 916-1041 A.D ) , the grand son

> of Naatha Muni.


> 5. Sri Saila PoorNar/ Thirumalai Nambi ( 973-1073

> A.D) ,

> Uncle of AchArya RaamAnujA and one of the five

> AchAryAs

> of Bhagavad RaamAnujA . He was the Sishyar of

> Swamy AaLavanthAr.


> 6. Periya Nambi ( b 998 A.D) , One of the five

> AchAryAs of

> Bhagavad RaamAnujA . He is another sishyar of

> Swamy

> AaLavanthAr . More information is available at

> :


> http://www.srivaishnava.org/sva/pnambi.htm


> 7. AchArya RaamAnujA ( 1017-1137 A.D) , Many

> sishyAs , 74 SimhAsanAdhipathis

> from whom the AasrayaNa Paramparai , Sri

> BhAshya Paramparai and

> Bhagavad Vishaya Paramparais are traced .


> 8. Thirukkuruhai PirAn PiLLAn (Jn~Ana Puthran of

> Bhagavad RamaanujA )

> and son of Sri Saila PoorNar /Thirumalai Nambi

> , author of 6000 PaDi ,

> the first commentary on ThiruvAimozhi .


> 9. KurEsar ( 1010-1116 A.D ) or (1031-1137 A.D) ,

> AchAryan of Thiruvarangatthu AmudanAr . Father

> of

> both Swamy ParAsara Bhattar and Veda VyAsa

> Bhattar ,

> who gave his eyes for the Darsanam .


> 10 . EmbAr ( 1026-1131 A.D) , Cousin of Bhagavad

> RaamAnujA,

> AchAryan Of ParAsara Bhattar .


> 11. MadapaLLi AacchAn / Kidambi AacchAn ( 1057-1157

> A.D ) ,

> who performed MaDapaLLi Kaimkaryam for

> AchArya RaamAnujA

> at the request of ThitukkOttiyUr Nambi ,

> another AchAryan of

> Bhagavad RaamAnujA.


> 12. NadAthUr AzhwAn/ Varada VishnumisrA ( 1165-1275

> A.D ),

> AchArya RaamAnujA's sister's son .


> 13. YengaL AazhwAn / VishNu Chitthar ( 1106-1206

> A.D),

> Sishyar of PiLLAn , Commentator on VishNu

> PurANam.


> 14. Thirumalai AaNpiLLai AnanthAzhwAn (b 1053 A.D) ,

> who

> volunteered to go to Thirumalai to perform

> Pushpa Kaimkaryam

> at the behest of AchArya RaamAnujA .


> 15. AathrEya RaamAnujar ( 1220-1310 A.D) , Maternal

> uncle of

> Swamy Desikan and latter's AchAryan .


> 16. Vatsya VaradAchArya /NadAthUr AmmAL ( 1165-1275

> A.D) ,

> The AchAryan of AthrEya RaamAnujar and

> Sudarsana Bhattar ,

> the author of Srutha PrakAsikA .


> 17. ParAsara Bhattar ( b 1074 ) / Sri RangEsa

> Purohithar , the Elder son

> Of Swamy KurEsar and ANDAL and AchAryan of

> Nanjeeyar .


> 12. Nanjeeyar ( b 1054) , Author of 9000 PaDi , who

> hailed from Melkote

> prior to his losing the debate with Swamy

> ParAsara Bhattar.


> 13 . NampiLLai / LokAcchAr( b 1127 A.D) : Great

> Commentator on

> ThiruvAimozhi .


> 14. Vadakku Thriuveethi PiLLai ( 1167-1264 A.D),

> Father of Swamy

> PiLLai LokAcchAr and Azhagiya MaNavALa

> NaayanAr and

> a distinguished sishyar of NampiLLai .


> 15. PeriyavAcchAn PILLai / KrishNa Suri ( b 1159) ,

> VyAkhyAna Chakravarthy , who was another

> distinguished sishyar of NampiLLai .


> 15. Swamy PiLLai LOkAcchAr ( 1205-1326 ) , anchor of


> TennAchArya SampradhAyam ; author of Ashta

> Dasa

> RahasyAs and the elder son of Vadakku

> Thiruveethi PiLLai .


> 16. Swamy VedAntha Desikar ( 1268-1369 A.D) , anchor

> of

> Vadakalai SampradhAyam after AchArya

> RaamAnujA's time

> and a contemproary of PiLLai LokAcchAr &

> Sudarsana Soori .


> 17. KumAra VaradAcchAr ( 1316-1401 A.D) , Son and

> Primary

> disciple of Swamy Desikan .


> 18. Brahma Tantra Svatantrar ( 1286-1386 A.D) ,

> Founder of

> ParakAla Matam and Key disciple of Swamy

> Desikan .

> More information about the Vaibhavam of the

> revered Jeeyar's

> of Parakaala Matam is available at :


> http://www.parakalamatham.org/welcome.shtml


> 19. PrathivAdhi Bhayankaram Annan ( 1300-1410 A.D) ,

> a disciple of

> both KumAra VaradhAcchAr first & Swamy

> MaNavALa Maamuni

> later.


> 19. Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar ( 1378-1458 A.D ) ,

> the Founding

> Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam , who was initiated

> into SanyAsAsramam

> by Lord Narasimhan at AhObila KshEthram . He

> iniitiated Swamy

> MaNavALa Maamuni into SanyAsa Aasramam .

> Sri Ahobila Matam

> has 45 illustrious Jeeyars until now . More

> information about

> the Vaibhavam of Ahobila Matam Jeeyars are

> available at :


> http://www.ahobilamutt.org/intro.html



> 20. ThiruvAimozhi PiLLai , AchAryan of Swamy

> MaNavALa Maamuni revered


=== message truncated ===






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Dear Sri Dixit :


Your Message is most welcome and appropriate .

As the beloved SishyA of HH Sri Aadhi VaNN SaThakOpa

Jeeyar , Sri AnnamAchArya's NaadhOpAsanai about

the Lord Of Thirumalai and HIs divine Consort , Sri AlarmEl mangai

and AchArya Bhakthi reached heights of glory .


You are so right in pointing out the need to include

an avathAra Purushar , Sri Annamayyaa, whose music

reverberates across the seven hills even today and beyond

wherever bhakthAs of Lord SrinivAsa assemble .


NamO VenkatEsAya ,



P.S : Please write about the krithis of Saint Annamayyaa

in Oppiliappan and Raama Bhakthi Lists . You probaly

are familiar with the excellent monograph by Professor

M.NarasimhAchAry , Editor of Sri Nrusimha PriyA about

Saint AnnamAchAryA's contributions to VisishtAdhAvaitham

released by TTD . Here Prof. M.N Swamy maps the thoughts of

Saint Annamyyaa to selected Paasurams of AzhwArs .


Please cover the rare krithis , where Saint AnnamayyA salutes

His AchAryan , Sri Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar . Thanks .


"Adviteeya Dixit" <visistadvit


Thursday, July 07, 2005 2:18 AM

Re: A peep into thousand years of the history of Sri

VaishNavam : Part III



> Sri Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva Parabrahmane Namaha//

> Sri Parakal Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha//



> Sree:


> I would request you to consider mentioning the name of

> Tallapaka Annamacharya in the list of the history of

> SreeVaishnavism. Being the diciple of Sri Sri AdiVan

> Satakopa Jeer, Annamacharya studied the Sri Bhasyam

> and Ramayanam under his holiness and by the Acharyas

> grace, he has composed some 32,000 Sankirtanas, which

> are nothing but divine melodious forms of the tenets

> of Ramanuja siddantha.


> Not much is known about Annamacharya and his

> contibutions to Ramanuja Siddantha. It was his

> presence along with greats like Ahobilam Jeer,

> PrathivAdhi Bhayankaram Annan, etc that

> SreeVaishnavism flourished once again in the 15th

> century. His sankirtanas were hidden in a rock cell in

> the tirumala temple beside Sree Bhasyakarla Sannidhi

> and was found only in the 1950's. SreeVaishnavas DO

> NOT really know about the immense contributions he has

> made to our sampradayam, and i feel that it is our

> duty to give him the due respect when we speak of our

> purvacharyas.


> Out of his 32,000 kirtanas,14000 are available, and

> not one is on any other deity than Sriman Narayana.

> The only kirtanas which are not on Narayana are a few

> on Ramanuja, who was Annamacharyas 'Speaking God' (as

> he calls him) and one was on SRi SRi Adivan Satakopa

> Jeer.


> Every sankirtana is faithfully adherent to the

> commandments of Ramanuja. You will be surprised to

> know that some of the sankirtanas have words verbatim

> from Ramanujas bhashyas or Alwar Pasurams.


> M.S Subbulakshmi has rendered some excellent

> sankirtanas of Annamacharya in the balaji

> pancharatnamala series. The notable ones are:

> 1) Tolliyunu Marraku- kirtana on Srirangam Ranganatha

> 2) Vande Vasudevam- kirtana sung in praise of kanchi

> Varadaraja

> 3)Sriman Narayana- a kirtana based on the Dvayam

> 4)Bhavamu Lona- a kirtana summarizing the supremacy of

> Sriman Narayana

> 5) Entamatramuna- a kirtana declaring that the deity

> at Tirumala is none other than Lord Narayana


> Please listen to these songs carefully and analyze the

> Visistadvaita bhavam in Annamacharyas Sankirtanas. You

> will realize what a great SreeVaishnava he is.


> sadly, his name is always left out. I feel that it is

> not right to ignore such a great contribution made to

> Ramanujas Siddantham by this Parama bagavatha. Though

> no school of Ramanuja recognizes his contributions, i

> never forget to chant his Taniyan when i think of our

> purvacharyas. If his name is left out, it is like

> leaving out one precious gem from the garland of

> SreeVaishnava acharyas.


> it is my sincere request that Adiyen help me in

> propogating the contributions of Annamacharya. i am

> willing to share with the group some very brilliant

> sankirtanas of annamacharya that contain the nectar of

> the teaching of Ramanuja matham. I assure you that

> reading every single one of them will be an exhuberant

> experience and will enlighten us on the great life of

> Annamacharya, the amsa of nandaka, - the true follower

> of Ramanujas divine commandments.


> Please tell me you opinion Adiyen.


> Yours Respectfully,

> With all humility,


> Adviteeya




>> 19. Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar ( 1378-1458 A.D ) ,

>> the Founding

>> Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam , who was initiated

>> into SanyAsAsramam

>> by Lord Narasimhan at AhObila KshEthram . He

>> iniitiated Swamy

>> MaNavALa Maamuni into SanyAsa Aasramam .

>> Sri Ahobila Matam

>> has 45 illustrious Jeeyars until now . More

>> information about

>> the Vaibhavam of Ahobila Matam Jeeyars are

>> available at :


>> http://www.ahobilamutt.org/intro.html


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Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Dear bhAgavatas,


Please note that the idea that the first Jeeyar of

Ahobila Mutt, Sri AdhivaN Satakopa Jeeyar, is the

one who initiated Sri Manavala MamunikaL into

sanyAsAshramam, is not accepted by all scholars or



Yatindra Pravana Prabhavam which gives us the

vaibhavam of MamunikaL states the following

"... appOthE thamakku sabrahmachAriyAna satakOpa

jIyar sannidhiyilE ezhuntharuLi ..."


It is to be noted here that it is not stated

that MamunikaL took sanyAsAshramam from AdhivaN

Satakopa Jeeyar. Instead it is said that he took

sanyAsAshramam from SatakOpa Jeeyar and that this

Jeeyar was his fellow disciple (sabrahmachAri).


The latter should make it clear that it could

not have been AdhivaN Satakopa Jeeyar. He was

not a co-disciple of Mamunikal, under Thiruvaymozhip



So, who was this Satakopa Jeeyar from whom

MamunikaL took sanyasAshramam? This was the 7th

pattam Jeeyar of Azhvar Thirunagari Emperumanar

Jeeyar matam, who indeed was Thiruvaymozhip

Pillai's disciple along with MamunikaL, at

Azhvar Thirunagari. His name is recorded as

"emperumAnAr kOyil sathkOpa jIyar" in periya

thirumudi adaivu.


That he gave MamunikaL sanyasAshramam is recorded

in his vaibhavam as well as in his vAzhi thirunAmam

"azhagiya maNavALa munikku Asiramam aLiththa pirAn




adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan



--- sgopan <sgopan wrote:

> 19. Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar ( 1378-1458 A.D ) , the

> Founding

> Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam , who was initiated into

> SanyAsAsramam

> by Lord Narasimhan at AhObila KshEthram . He

> iniitiated Swamy

> MaNavALa Maamuni into SanyAsa Aasramam .







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