Guest guest Posted July 25, 2005 Report Share Posted July 25, 2005 SrI: SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah; Dearest all, After the first four AzhwArs namely, Poigai, bhootha, Pey and Thirumazhisai Azhwar’s enjoyment of ThiruvEnkatam, we were blessed with Kulasekara PerumAn’s wonderful eleven verses on ThiruvEnkatam. Now let us enjoy ThiruppANaazhwAr’s. Before that, let us glean at his life history.. On a Kaisika EkAdasi day in the month of kArthigai, our ThiruppANAzhwAr, an incarnation of Sri vatsa mark, the mole on Lord's Chest, where Sri MahAlakshmi resides, appeared (as an "ayOnijA", one who is not born of mortal beings) and was picked up and brought up by a childless pANar couple who belong to pANar caste (untouchable "Harijan" caste)(in uRaiyoor near SriRangam on the other side of river kAuvEri at Tirucchirappalli). PANars were known for their sweet voice and singing in praise of BhagawAn Sriman NarayaNa. Our pANan also grew up singing in praise of Arangan. He used to come daily to the banks of River KauvEri and stand there and sing for hours together in trance enjoying the beauty of Srirangam temple from afar and imagining the Lord's ThirumEni deeply(whom he had not seen since pANars were not allowed to even enter the temple). On one such morning, the temple chief priest by name "sAranga muni" (known as muni for his devotion and piety towards the Lord Arangan) came to the River bank to collect water for NamperumAL's Thirumanjanam(Sacred Bath of Archa moorthy). When he saw one pANan standing on the way, since he belonged to untouchable category(as per the traditions existed then), sAranga muni ordered him to give way and go away from that place. Our bhAgavatA was totally lost in his world of Bhajan. sAranga muni shouted angrily and even threw a small stone at him to make him come to senses(!). The stone hit him on his forehead and it started bleeding! Our pANan realized his blunder and apologised to muni and left the place immediately feeling sorry for his action towards the priest of Arangan. Muni came back to the temple and found the Lord's forehead with blood marks and muni was totally astonished and shocked. He felt really sorry and guilty for throwing a stone at that pANan and recognised his apachAram. The entire place came to know of the bleeding scene from Lord's dhivya mangaLa vigraha; but not aware of the reason. During his restless sleep, Arangan appeared and ordered the priest to bring His bhaktA "pANAn" (whom he had scolded and wounded that day) to the temple as a prAyaschittam for his apachAram to His bhaktA. Loka sArangha muni realised the greatness of PANan and the next morning he rushed to the river bank. He narrated the entire incident to pANan and prostrated to pANan pleading for his pardon. pANan was very much embarrassed and was deeply moved by the Lord's grace and dayA on him. But he refused to enter into the temple as he did not want to spoil the purity and sanctity of the earth at Sri rangam. He said that he was not fit to set his foot in the Holy place. Immediately muni carried our "pANan" on his shoulders! Our pANan was carried by Sarangha muni and was brought to Srirangam RanganAthar sannidhi (the Sanctum sanctorum). People thronged to witness this great scene (of a high caste individual none other than the Chief priest bringing on his shoulders the lowest caste pANan to the sannidhi and everyone was moved by Lord's greatness. Our pANan throughout the journey on muni's shoulders was having his eyes closed since 1. he was highly embarrassed and 2. he was greatly moved by His daYA and His mercy with which he has been blessed to enter into the temple, which otherwise would have been impossible. That is the reason pANan is called MunivAhanar even today. (Sri vEdAntha Desikan wrote a Sanskritized Tamil [maNipravaaLam] commentary called "Muni vAhana Bhogam".) On reaching the inner sannidhi of Arangan where the Majestic Lord Sri Rangan, the Black Emerald is having His Yoga NidrA and on seeing that Eternally Beautiful, Merciful Lord's ThirumEni our AzhwAn PANan got down and stood with folded hands glued to each other; faced the Lord and was looking at His entire Sowlabhya ThirumEni. He thoroughly enjoyed His mEni azhaghu and sang TEN EXCELLENT PASURAMS THEN AND THERE FOR WHICH THERE IS NO COMPARISON AND PARALLEL. Out of 4000 pAsurams, this ThiruppANAzhwAr sang just ten! and those ten are gems. (Sri vEdAntha Desikan composed BhagavadhyAna sOpAnam on similar lines admiring Lord Arangan's ThirumEni azhaghu- At the tenth pAsuram (the end) our ThiruppANAzhwAr says: "Lord RanganAthA is the Supreme Sovereign of the Whole World and all the residents therein; He, who is of the Black Colour and the Nature of (merciful) clouds; who ate the stolen butter with his mouth and his sweet hands; who has stolen my mind and the heart fully; and HAVING LOOKED AND ENJOYED my nAthan (I swear) these eyes can NOT see and will never see any thing ELSE;" With that excellent pAsuram OUR THIRUPPANAZHWAR merged and united with the Lord Sri Ranganathar. We will enjoy this AzhwAr’s two verses {#1 and #3) on ThiruvEnkatam, though he has sung in Srirangam… ThiruppANaazhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo narayana dasan __ Start your day with - make it your home page http://www./r/hs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2005 Report Share Posted July 25, 2005 SrI: Dear BhakthAs : Sriman MadhavakkaNNan is depicting beautifuly every day the anubhavams of AzhwArs about ThiruvenkatamudayAn . It would be of interest for you to know that Sriman M.A.Alwar of Mysore and adiyEn have released one Multimedia CD ROM on the Vaibhavam of 7 AzhwArs ( 3 Mudhal AzhwArs, PeriyAzhwAr , ANDAL , ThiruppANar and ThoNDaradippodi ) . We are midway thru our completion of the second Multimedia CD ROM that would cover the Life and dhivya Prabhandhams of Swamy NammAzhwAr , Madhura Kavi , KulasEkharar , Thirumazhisai and Thirumangai Mannan . The language in the CD ROMs (Audio and Multimedia ) is ENGLISH . These Multimedia CD ROMs have excellent graphics about their lives , audio narration , ease of navigation and the recital of the dhivya Prabhandhams of these AzhwArs by the Melkote AdhyApaaka GhOshti . It is a rare educational treat relevant for the young and old alike . Number of you have provided support for the creation of these CD ROMs . Please contact Dr.M.A.Alwar at Mysore at the abovee-mail address or adiyEn , if you wish to acquire these CD ROMs for your libraries . The second volume will be ready by the end of Summer . The two audio Tapes and the First Multimedia CD ROM covering the Vaibhavams and the dhivya Prabhandhams of the 7 AzhwArs are currently available . There are also 2 audio casettes , which have the Text of the audio scripts on the lives of the 12 AzhwArs . We are placing these casettes and Multimedia CD ROMs at the sacred feet of Sriman NaarAyaNan so that He can bless us to be part of this educational Kaimkaryam to Sri VaishNavAs and abhimAnis . Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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