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Magnanimity 8

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The invisible Lord -who is spread everyhwere -who resides in all, also

possesses the magnanimous qualities. How can the Lord who does not

show Himself in any form can display such pleasing and wonderful

qualities? may be a qustion springing up in the mind.


He always strives for the welfare of the jEvAthmAs. However, the souls

who are submerged in the mundane and materialistic pursuits, may

reject Him, if He reveals His identity. They may ignore Him if He

tries to help them overtly. This is akin to a a son who had

quarrelled with his parents takes refuge in an inn nearby. The mother

realising that he will be hungry supplies food through the inn-keeper,

that night, without revealing that the food is given by her.

Otherwise, due to the disgruntlement, the boy may reject the food.

'irA maDam vUTTuvAraip pOlEa' says swAmy Azhagia maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr in The AchArya Hridhayam.


SwAmi nam-AzhWar also talks of this aspect of the Lord entering His mind surreptiously

'nErmaiyAl nenjam vanjithup pugundhu" . Out of His great magnanimity

the Lord surreptiously entered the mind lest He be not allowed to

enter at all.


The Almighty resides inside each and every Atman and thinks for their

good. This is reinforced by Sri thiruvarangathamudhanAr in the

irAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi 'vuL ninRuyirgaLukku vuRRanavEa seiddhu

-avarkku vuyave seiiyum paran'



The vibhavam of course is to rescue the souls of the upper world who

never let the Lord rest in peace. They call HIm off and on to rescue



The Lord of course always thinking How to retrieve the souls

'vuRanguvAn pOle yOgu' are the words of mARan in thiru-voi-mozhi.


The magnanimity thus pervades like antharyAmithvam and is latent like the vibhavam.



vanamamalai padmanabhan

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