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another soorya 2

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Post 2


Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,




The paaNdavaas were asked to leave for the forest, having lost the dice game to

dhuryOdhanan and team. The droupathy maana bangam has been completed and

paaNdaavas leave for the forest. The people of the kingdom accompanied them to

some distance and stopped. But the brahmanaas rishis and munis continued with

them into the forest. Since they stuck to their guns of coming along with them

the king yudhishtira had the problem of feeding them. As the king, he felt the

responsibility and asked his guru sage dhoumya, how to feed these people, that

having been deprived of the kingdom and the wealth. Then dhoumya advised

yudhishtira to pray to sun god who will provide the wealth required and thus

take care. This is appearing in 'vana parva' or aaraNyaka parva, the third major

part of maha bharatham - in chapter 2.




Now the meaning of the slokams seen in previous post. [since the whole

bhaaratham is as a sort of conversation - vaisampaayana says this to the other

rishi who was listening bhaaratham -




"Vaisampayana said, 'Listen attentively, O king, purifying thyself and

withdrawing thy mind from every other thing. And, O king of kings, appoint thou

a time. I will tell thee everything in detail, And, O illustrious one, listen to

the 108 names (of the sun) as they were disclosed of old by Dhaumya to the

high-souled son of Pritha [viz. yudhishtira].




Dhaumya said,


'Surya, Aryaman, Bhaga, Twastri, Pusha, Arka, Savitri. Ravi, Gabhastimat, Aja,

Kala, Mrityu, Dhatri, Prabhakara, Prithibi, Apa, Teja, Kha, Vayu, the sole stay,

Soma, Vrihaspati, Sukra, Budha, Angaraka, Indra, Vivaswat, Diptanshu, Suchi,

Sauri, Sanaichara, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Skanda, Vaisravana, Yama, Vaidyutagni,

Jatharagni, Aindhna, Tejasampati, Dharmadhwaja, Veda-karttri, Vedanga,

Vedavahana, Krita, Treta, Dwapara, Kali, full of every impurity, Kala, Kastha,

Muhurtta, Kshapa, Yama, and Kshana; Samvatsara-kara, Aswattha, Kalachakra,

Bibhavasu, Purusha, Saswata, Yogin, Vyaktavyakta, Sanatana, Kaladhyaksha,

Prajadhyaksha, Viswakarma, Tamounda, Varuna, Sagara, Ansu, Jimuta, Jivana,

Arihan, Bhutasraya, Bhutapati, Srastri, Samvartaka, Vanhi, Sarvadi, Alolupa,

Ananta, Kapila, Bhanu, Kamada, Sarvatomukha, Jaya, Visala, Varada, Manas,

Suparna, Bhutadi, Sighraga, Prandharana, Dhanwantari, Dhumaketu, Adideva,

Aditisuta, Dwadasatman, Aravindaksha, Pitri, Matri, Pitamaha, Swarga-dwara,

Prajadwara, Mokshadwara, Tripistapa, Dehakarti, Prasantatman, Viswatman,

Viswatomukha, Characharatman, Sukhsmatman, the merciful Maitreya.




These are the 108 names of Surya of immeasurable energy, as told by the

self-create (Brahma). For the acquisition of prosperity, I bow down to thee, O

Bhaskara, blazing like unto gold or fire, who is worshipped of the gods and the

Pitris and the Yakshas, and who is adored by Asuras, Nisacharas, and Siddhas.

He, that, with fixed attention reciteth this hymn at sunrise, obtaineth wife and

offspring and riches and the memory of his former existence, and by reciting

this hymn a person attaineth patience and memory. Let a man concentrating his

mind, recite this hymn. By doing so, he shall be proof against grief and

forest-fire and ocean and every object of desire shall be his.'




We will see more on this in next post. [The translation is as per 'kesari mohan

ganguly' available in internet].






vasudevan m.g.


















Vasudevan m.g.

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