Guest guest Posted September 12, 2005 Report Share Posted September 12, 2005 SrI: SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah: Dearest all, After PeriyAzhwAr anubhavams, let us now continue on his darling daughter GodhA PiraaTTi¡¦s Naacchiyaar Thirumozhi verses... on ThiruvEnkatam¡K [Extracted from the most wonderful translation of Smt Kalyani Krishnamachari based on Sri Sadagopan Swamin¡¦s treatise and acharyas¡¦ commentaries.- Thanks to her] In earlier verse, [4.2] AndAL requested the chOzhi to help her ¡V koodidu koodalE¡K ANDAL has done her best to plead to kUDal to unite her with her kaNNan; The desired result had not happened. Thus, the achethana was asked by GodhA to help her. Now a cuckoo bird warbles sweetly in the grove, looking for its mate. She looks at the chethana [the sentient ] and assumes that it can think and understand her position. Thinking that the cuckoo will very well realize her plight in looking for kaNNan, godai starts pleading with the cuckoo to call out to kaNNan and get her lord to come to her. We may wonder as to how the cuckoo bird can understand our plight. Doesn¡¦t she know? When you are in Bhagavath prEmai like those of AzhwArs, AndAL¡¦s it is bound to have such a non-clarity [unlike us ¡V who are very clear in our thinking that the cuckoo can not understand; only we know what we can do-etc.. ] when you are so much in love with the Lord.. It does not apply to us naturallyƒº says Sri Velukkudi krishnan Swami in his discourse on naachiyar Thirumozhi. GodhA remembers the cuckoo that was singing when she and kaNNan were once spending time together in the grove. Thinking that the cuckoo might remember that, she falls now at the feet of the cuckoo to see if it will help in uniting her kaNNan with her. SitAdEvi even went to the extent of advising the wicked rAvaNan that it is best for him to make friends with rAma (which is equivalent as saying that he should return her back to rAma): "mitramaupayikam kartum rAma: sthAnam parIpsatA vadhancAnanicchatA ghOram tvayAsou purusharshabha: (SrImad rAmAyanam sundara kANdam 21-19) When she could seek this help even from the enemy rAvaNa, her requesting the friendly cuckoo to unite her with her lord is not surprising at all. In addition, while the inanimate kUDal cannot respond to her words, the cuckoo who was responding ("prativacanam") when it heard the words exchanged between godai and kaNNan in the grove when they were together once, would definitely respond now to her pleadings to unite her with her kaNNan. This is another reason for the lovelorn ANDAL to look to the cuckoo for its help. veLLai viLisaNG kidankaiyiR koNda vimala Nnenakkuruk kaattaan, uLLam pugunthennai naiviththu naaLum uyir_peythu kooththaattuk kaaNum, kaLLavizh seNpagap poomalar kOthik kaLiththisai paaduNG kuyilE, meLLa virunthu mizhaRRi mizhaRRaathen vEngada vanvarak koovaay. 5.2 Oh cuckoo (who drinks the nectar from honey-laden ceNbagam flowers and sings joyfully)! My lord has the (pAncajanyam) conch in His left hand. This pure white conch seems to have a sound that invites bhaktas to do kaimkaryam to emperumAn. This lord of mine is not showing Himself before me. Not only that, He enters and stays in my mind and makes me suffer (in love) and tortures me alive, at the same time enjoying this drama. Without wasting your time near me by uttering your mazahalic-col (child-like talks), go to my emperumAn who resides in tiruvEnkata malai and call Him to come to me! veLLai viLi Sa~ngu iDam kaiyil koNDa vimalan - SrI PVP makes two important comments here. One is that the pure-white conch appears beautifully to contrast with the beautiful black tiruemeni of bhagavAn which resembles the water-laden cloud. The other is that bhagavAn's tirumeni and His divya Ayuda-s are not for His own benefit or protection, but for that of His devotees only. "na tE rUpam na cAkArO nAyudhAni na cAspadam tathA'pi purushAkArO bhaktAnAm tvam prakASase" (jitantE 1-5) uruk-kATTAn - ANDAL laments that this parama-purusha who has His divya rUpa and divya-Ayudha-s only for the benefit of His devotees, is not revealing Himself to her, His great bhaktai. SrI PVP quotes similar experiences from tiruma~ngai AzhvAr - "kAsin oLiyil tigazhum vaNNam kAttIr emperumAn vAsivalliR, indalUrIr vazhndE Pom nIrE" (periya tirumozhi 4-9-4). May be He thinks His thirumeni is only for the nitya-surI-s in vaikuNTham. This is like giving more and more water for the fish whose abode is water in the first instance, but He is not quenching ANDAL's thirst. nALum uyir peidu kUttATTuk-kANum: ANDAL is living the life of hope against hope. She runs with great love to embrace Him with her hands and then is hurting because He is not getting into her hands. She keeps dying (not being able to see Him) and coming back to life (in the hope of seeing Him). But then it appears that bhagavAn seems to be enjoying her plight, and is playing with her this way. This seems to be His pastime! kaLLavizh cembagam ... kuyilE: ANDAL seems to say: "While I am saddened at the very sight of flowers because my Beloved venkaTavan is not with me, you are drinking the nectar in these same flowers and singing with glee. en vEnkatavan varak kUvAi: rAma was stationed in the garden outside mithilai prior to His gaining the hands of sItA pirAtti. So also ANDAL feels that His empirAn is waiting in tiruvEnkatam just to come and gain her hands. When He has come all the way from SrIvaikuNTham for her, she is pleading with the kuyil to make Him walk the few more feet and come and get her. SrI PVP's anubhavam is interesting to read here: godai thinks "the reason why He left parama padam and is stationed in tiruvEnkaTam is only for her svayamvaram". In the first pAsuram, Godhai chides the cuckoo for sleeping in the nice flower beds while she is suffering, and in this pAsuram, she points out that the cuckoo is enjoying itself eating and drinking heartily from these flowers (SrI T.S. rAjagopAlan's observations). AndAL ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam Regards namo Narayana dAsan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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