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Dec 10 , 2005: The79th Thirunakshathram of HH Srimath Azhagiya Singar at Bangalore : Part X / SlOkam 6

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Dear Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha BhakthAs & AbhimAnis of SrI Matam:


adiyEn will keep inviting you to join in the 79th Thirunakshathram

celebrations for SrImath Azhagiya Singar THROUGH this series of postings .

adiyEn requests your support for the funds needed for HH Sri Azhagiya Singar

to administer the vast range of Kaimkaryams that He undertakes through out

the year in His extraordinarily tireless fashion inspite of the many demands on

His time for NithyAnushtAnam , AarAdhanams , KalakshEpam and SanchArams .







SishyAs of any SadAchAryan have two important time lines for suppoting their

AchAryan : (1) ChAthurmAsyam and (2) Thirunakshathram .


Sixth SlOkam of SrI Sthithi


uddhEsyathvam Janani bhajathO: ujjithOpaadhi gandham

pratyakroopE havishu YuvayO : yEksEshithva yOgAth

PadhmE pathyu: Tava cha nigamai: nithyam anvishyamANO

nAvacchEdham bhajathy mahimA nartayan maanasam na:


Short Meaning according to Dr. M.NarasimhAchAry :


Oh Mother! Both of You are the recipients of the mental oblations .

Your greatness is inconceivable and it makes our hearts dance in ecstasy .


Extended Meaning # 1 according to Villivalam NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy :


Oh Mother ! During the time of BharanyAsam ( Prapaatthi) , both Yourself

and Your Consort become the targets for recieving the oblation (havis) of JeevAthmA

in the homam performed . This is so because of the homogeneous , Integrated

and unified way in which both of You stand as One (yEka sEshithvam ) to recieve

such offerings . Our minds dance with Joy over both of You and Your vaibhavams ,

which are beyond the power of the Vedams to describe adequately .


Extended Meaning # 2 according to Oppiliappan Sannidhi Sri SrIrAma DesikAcchAr Swamy


Oh Mother of the Universe ! Oh MahA Lakshmi ! In the ordinary Yaagams of the world ,

oblations ( Ghee , PurODAsam et al) from the performer of the Yaagam are offered to

the different dEvathAs such as Agni , Indhran , Sooryan and others in homa roopam .


The dEvathai for whom the Havis is intended is known as the UddhEsyan ( One who

is deemed fit to recieve such Havis) ; That dEvathai recieves the Havis and becomes

delighted . That Havis making the dEvathai happy is known as sEsham and

the Devathai that recieved the Havis is described as Seshi for that Havis .


Lord accepting the Havis of Aathma during extraordinary Yaagam of BharanyAsam



Prapatthi performed by the chEtanams is also a Yaagam . In this extraordinary Yaagam ,

aathmA is presented to the Lord (EmperumAn) as the Havis . EmperumAn

for whom the Havis is intended recieves that Havis of AthmA with delight

as the Seshi for that Prapatthi Yaj~nam .


EmperumAn becomes UddhEsyan and SEshi in that Prapatthi Yaj~nam

just as the DevAs like Indhran et al take on the role of UddhEsyan and

Seshi for the other kinds of Havis. These dEvAs are subject to the influence of

KarmAs ; they acquire puNyams thru sath-KarmAs and become dEvAs

qualified to recieve the havis intended for them and play the role of Seshis.

The dEvAs are not by nature uddhEsyAs ; they do not have the intrinsic

qualifications to become UdhEsyAs and be Seshis . Their good KarmAs (upAthis)

elevate them to their exalted status. This is true of all ordinary Yaj~nams other than

the extraordinary Prapatthi Yaj~nam .


In that Yaagam of Prapatthi , the situation relating to Havis , UddhEsyan

and the Seshi is quite different . It is a somewhat unique situation .

The havis of AathmA does not belong to the Jeevan . That Havis of

Jeevan in reality belongs to the Lord ; it is His property . Due to one's

ignorance , the sentients think that the Jeevan is truly independent

and attach themselves to the Jeevan as their own property . The ignorant

chEtanam thinks that the Jeevan is His , whereas it really is the property of

the Lord , which leads to the act of theft of Lord's property ( aathma chOram) .


When the chEtanam gains true knowledge of the Tatthvams , he recognizes

the importance of returning the Lord's property (AathmA) to Him instead of

laying claims to it as his own . When the chEtanam offers the AathmA as havis

to the Lord , the owner , then Lord becomes the natural uddhEsyan . The jeevans

become His natural servants and He becomes their intrinsic (SvabhAveeka)

Seshi or Master , who delights in the offered havis . The Lord's glory in contrast

to the dEvAs as UddhEsyan and Seshi is that these roles are natural to Him.

For the dEvAs , it is not natural but acquired through their UpAthis ( Good KarmAs).

Our Lord is totally beyond the influence of both kinds of KarmAs ( Paapa-PuNyams) ,

where as the DevAs are Karma VasyALs . This difference demonstrates the unique

glories of the Lord as the ParamAthmA or Supreme Being or SarvEswaran or

Sarva Seshi .


Oh Mother MahA Lakshmi ! Your Lord uninfluenced by the KarmAs has

yet another glory , when it comes to His UddhEsyathvam (attribute of being

the target of the Havis of AathmA ) and Seshithvam ( enjoyment of that offered

Havis as the Master ) . He does not stand alone in possessing this UddhEsyathvam

and Seshithvam . He becomes UddhEsyan and Seshi only in union with You .


In that Yaagam of Prapatthi , both of You together become UdhEsyars and

Seshis for the Havis of AathmA . One should not intrepret here that there are two

UddhEsyars and two Seshis for the havis of AathmA . United , they become one

uddhEsyar and Seshi . This is the way to understand their yEka Seshithvam

and Yeka UdhEsyathvam . This unique vaibhavam of both of You is unlimited .

The VedAs strive to eulogize this unique glory of You as Yeka sEshithva

dampathys and yet the VedAs do not fully succeed in their efforts . They keep trying

to find the words to describe this unique tatthvam adequately . When we think about

this extraordinary yEka sEshithva yOga tatthvam , our minds dance with Joy .


Additional Comments on the passages of this slOkam :


(1) Prathyak roopE Havishi : This refers to Havis in the form of JeevAthmA .


(2) ujjitha upAdhi gandham uddhEsyathvam : Targetted to recieve that Havis of

AathmA without any specific reason such as earning phalans

arising from

sath KarmAs to attain the status of UddhEsyars like Indhran ,

Agni et al).

Lord is outside the influence of KarmAs and hence UddhEsythvam


Seshithvam has no connection to KarmAs for Him . It is natural

, intrinsic . This way ,

our Lord as Para Devathai differs from SaadhaaraNa dEvathais ,

who have finite

spans of life as UddhEsyars and Seshis for the Havis offered to

them .


(3) yEka sEshithva yOgam : having the same priveleges to recieve the visEsha Havis

in Aathma Yaagam .


(4) Pathyu: Tava cha MahimA nigamai: nithyam anvishyamANa: The Mahimai of

Yours and Your husband's is being searched always by the

Vedams for proper

sthOthram . They fail and keep searching to understand the

dimensions of

both of Your glories .


(5) Nigamai: nithyam anvishyamANA: mahimA na: mAnasam nartayan

avacchEdham na bhjathy : The glories of both of You that is


searched unsuccessfully by the VedAs puts us in a state of

awe and

reverence . The fact that both of Your mahimais are

unlimited and

therefore beyond analysis makes our minds dance with great

joy .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan







SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

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