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AchAryan- Sishyan 1


The relationship between the AchAryan and Sishyan is well known. One

is the imparter of spiritual knowledge and the other is the recipient

of this knowledge.



Sri PiLLai lOkAchAryAr has given the perception of AchAryAn on Sishyan

mutually from sRE-vAchAnabhUshaNam 309 onwards.


The first sUthram in this context is a master pices.


"thAn hithOpadhEsam paNNum pOdhu, thannaiyum, sishyanaiyum, palanaiyum

mARADi ninaikka kurUra nishitham"



When the AchAryan imparts spitirual knowledge to His student, he

should not perceive the relationship in a reverse fashion. If he so

thinks, it is deplorable and worst of apachAram-s.


What is the reverse perception, is explained in the next sUthram.


1.thannai mARADi ninaikkaiyAvadhu thannai AchAryan enRu ninaikkai


i.To think that he is the teacher/AchAryan is the primary wrong

thinking of an AchAryan. That is instead of thinking that he is an

extension of his AchAryAn, he should not think himself as the direct




2. Sishyanai mARADi ninaikkaiyAvadhu thanakku sishyan enRu ninaikkai


ii. It is wrong to perceive the student as one's devotee/student.

Similarly, instead of considering the sishyan as sishyan of his

AchAryan, he should not consider him as his direct sishyan.

3 palanai mARADi ninaikkaiyAVAdhu---. To consider the tangible results as the end aimed at.


iii. That is, AchAryan should not consider that the sishyan will get

relieved from this samsAram or to correct a jEvAthmA etc.


Summary: The AchAryan should correctly perceive the relationship with

his sishyan. First of all he should not consider himself as the

achAryan at the time of imparting spiritual knowledge; Likewise, he

should not consder the sishyan as one who has come to him as sishyan.

The perceptible results that may ensue on imparting education to the

sishyan should not be considered as the end result aimed at.


(to be continued)



vanamamalai padmanabhan

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