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79th Thirunakshathram of Srimath Azhagiya Singar : Dec 10 , 2005 at Bangalore , SrI sthuthi SlOkam 14 : Part XVIII

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SrI :


Dear BhakthAs of SrI Lakshmi Nrusimhan :


The 14th slOkam is recited to remove the curses (Saapams)

incurred due to apachArams to BhagavathAs :


AalOkya ThvAm amrutha-sahajE VishNu vaksha: sTalasTAm

SaapAkrAnthA: SaraNam agaman sAvarOdhA: surEndhrA:laBdhvA

bhUyas-thribhuvanamidham lakshitham Thvath-katAkshai: sarvAkAra

sTira samudhayAm sampadham nirvisanthy


( anvya Karamam=Prose order) : Amrutha SahajE ! Saapa

AakrAnthA:sAvarhOdhA: sura indhirA: VishNu vakshalasTAm ThvAm


SaraNam agaman . Thvath katAkshai: lakshitham idham thribhuvanam

bhUya: laBdhvA , sarva AakAra sTira samudhayAm sampadham nirvisanthy .


Meaning according to Dr. M.NarasimhAchAry :


You are the sister of Nectar .The accursed gods resorted to You and

regained their prosperity , which became permanent in all aspects.


Meaning according to Vaikunta Vaasi according to Villivalam

Narayanachar Swamy:


Oh Amrutha SahOdhari ! The best among the DevAs along with their wives

performed their SaraNAgathys to You ,who is seated in the temple of the Lord's

sacred chest . They resorted to You to for the removal of the curse of Sage

DhurvAsaa that led to their loss of their wealth and positions .The result of

their SaraNAgathy to You was their regaining of their former positions

and Iswaryam . Your benovolent glances have blessed them with

the restoration of rulership over the three universes and enjoyment of

eternal wealth .


Additional Observations on the passages of the 14th slOkam of SrI Sthuthi


1)Amrutha sahajE! = Oh Sri DEvi , who appeared along with the Nectar from

the Milky Ocean !


2) Indhran offended Sage DhurvAsa at one time . The enraged sage cursed

Indhran and all his subjects to loose their Iswaryam . The asurAs gained

the wealth of Indhran and the DevAs . Indhran shrank in power and was

soundly defeated by the asuras . Indhran arrived with Brahma , Sivan

and all the DevAs to the Milky Ocean and sought the refuge of Sriman

Narayana . EmperumAn commanded the dEvAs to churn the Milky ocean

with the AsurAs and offered to help in gaining nectar from that ocean

to give immortality to the DEvAs , freedom from fear from the asurAs

and regain their lost wealth . When the amrutha maTanam was over ,

MahA Lakshmi arose from the Ocean seated on a lotus flower in front

of Her Lord and the DEvAs. Sri DEvi was crowned the Empress of the world

and She took Her seat on the chest of the Lord . With Her auspicous glances ,

She nullified the curse of DhurvAsa and restored the Iswaryams that

Indhra had lost before . DevAs are enjoying their wealth and bhOgams

even today thanks to the power of those auspicious glances of Sri DEvi.


3) Swamy Desikan describes the pitiable state of the accursed Indhran ,

the DevAs and their wives this way :" Saapa AakrAnthA: ( overpowered

with sadness from the curse of Sage DhurvAsa) sAvarOdhA: Sura

IndhrA: ( the celebrated dEvAs along with their wives) arrived (agaman)

in front of You seated on the chest of Your Lord . All of them saw You

and prostrated before You and sought You as refuge ( VishNu VakshasTalAm

ThvAm aalOkya SaraNam agaman) . You looked at the sad dEvAs with

Your auspicious glances and blessed them to gain back all the three

worlds that they had lost as a result of the sage's curse ( Thvath KatAkshai:

lakshitham idham thribhuvanam bhUya: laBdhvA) . Due to the anugraha

sakthi of SrI DEvi , the dEvAs enjoy imperishable Iswaryam of every kind

( Sarva AakAra sTira samudhAyAm sampadham nirvisanthy) even today .


4) MahA Lakshmi is "AakAra Thraya Sampannai " . It is therfore natural

that Her auspicious glances conferred on the dEvAs every kind of lasting

wealth ( sarva aakAra sTira samudhAyAm sampadham ) to enjoy .


5) With Her ever merciful heart , Sri DEvi removed the dhainyam ( helplessness)

of Indhran and restored his dhairyam and Iswaryam . Another poet described

Sri DEvi's anugraham this way :


" bheethi: prAdhurbhavathi mahathee SakthimathyA BhavathyA

KaaruNyArdhrE mrudhuni hrudhayE chinthithE hantha dhairyam "

--- Passage from the 23rd SlOkam of Lakshmi Sahasram


Indhran had lost every thing and was filled with great fear ( mahathee bheethi).

It encircled him (prAdhurbhavathy) . He stood before You full of power

( Sakthimathy ) . Your soft heart full of compassion for the suffering children

of Yours ( BhavathyA: KaaruNyArdhrE mrudhuni hrudhayam) blessed

Indhran to regain his lost wealth and endowed him with courage (dhairyam)

to defeat his enemies .


SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Dear BhakthAs : We have now crossed the half way mark of

Sri Sthuthi . We seek MahA Lakshmi's grace to bless us all

with Iswaryam to support the 79th birthday of one of the most

revered AchAryan as His SishyAs and abhimAnis of SrI Matam .

Please contact me for details on how you can take part .

Thank you .

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