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79th Thirunakshathram of Srimath Azhagiya Singar : Dec 10 , 2005 at Bangalore , SrI sthuthi SlOkam 20 : Part XXIV

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SrI :


Dear BhakthAs of SrI Lakshmi Nrusimhan :


The 20th slOkam is recited for being blessed with Moksha Sukham :


sEvE Devi thridaSa mahiLA mouLi mAlArchitham tE

siddhi kshEthram Samitha vipathAm sampadhAm pAdhapadhmam

yasmi yeeshan namitha SirasO yApayithvA Sareeram

varthishyanthE vithamasi padhE VaasudEvasya dhanyA:


The key passage if this slOkam is : " Yasmin yeeshath namitha Sirasa:

dhanyA: Sareeram yaapayithvA VaasudEvasya PadhE VarthishyanthE "

( Oh SrI Devi ! Those who have performed SaraNAgathy at Your sacred

feet are the most fortunate. After their dissolution of their physical body ,

they reach Sri Vaikuntam of Your Lord ).


Word by word Meaning


Devi ! =Oh SrI Devi !


thridaSa mahiLA mouLi mAlA architham = ( Your feet ) are worshipped

with the flower garlands adorned on the heads of the wives of the dEvAs


Samitha VipadhAm siddhi kshEthram tE Paadha padhmam sEvE = Your lotus

feet are the crop yielding ground for removing dangers and conferring

Iswaryams . adiyEn prostrates before them .


Yasmin Yeeshath namitha SiraSa: dhanyA: = in front of those sacred Thiruvadis

of Yours , the puNyasAlis who have performed their SaraNAgathys stand with

their heads bent in devotion


Sareeram yApayithvA = and after gaining release from their physical body

at the end of their earthly lives


VaasudEvasya vitamasi padhE varthishyanthE = these PuNyasAlis reside at

the Supreme abode of Para VasudEvan ( SrI Vaikuntam) .


Meaning according to Dr. M.NarasimhAchAry:


Oh Divine Mother ! I wait upon Your lotus feet . They are the source of all welfare.

The lucky ones , who just bend a little before these feet will live in the abode of

Lord VaasudEvA , which is free from the impact of material nature .


Meaning according to Villivalam Sri Narayanachar Swamy


Oh the DEvi of the DevadEvan ! adiyEn prostrates before Your sacred feet

which are worshipped by the Deva sthrees with garlands adorned on their

heads ; Your sacred feet are the growing ground for all types of wealth .

Even those , who bend before them with nama ukthi become blessed ones and

they reach Your Lord's Parama pdham at the end of their lives on this earth .


Additional observations on this slOkam ssages :


Oh Periya PirAtti (MahA DEvi of Kaanchipuram ) ! When the dEva sthrees

adorned with flower garlands on their beautiful hair prostrate before Your

sacred feet , the flowers from those garlands serve as pushpa varshams

for Your worship . That is like archanA performed by them to Your sacred

feet .


Those sacred feet yields " Bhava sAgara antha: avasAdham yEyushAm

abhayAya bhAthi " according to a passage from Lakshmi Sahasram .

Your sacred feet , NaamAs and Your MangaLa ThirumEni shine to remove

the fear of SamsAram . They destroy the light of amangaLams ( " aSubha

dheepthim hruth ) . With their golden lustre , they steal the heart of

the worshippers ( SuvarNa nibhayA prabhayA manOramam bhAthi) .

In Tamil , the power of those sacred feet and Her NaamAs have been

described as : " MangaLangaL mangAmal manna vaikkum " . You are

the " SrEya: Saadhana dEvathA " ( The PumpradhAnEswari , who is

the UpAyam for SrEyas ). Your sacrd feet are like the wish-granting

KaamsdhEnu . They chase away all samsAric sorrows ( nirAkrutha

vyasanE Tava dhivya charaNAravindham ) .


The author of Lakshmi Sahasram reminds us of the power of Her sacred

NaamAs . His comments apply to the power of Her sacred Thiruvadi as well :

" Aamushmikam Saasvatham eihikam vaa kim naama phalam ThvannAma

na dhatthE ? " ( What type of Phalan -- here on earth , at the other world or

any other Phalan--can they not give ? ).


SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Dear BhakthAs of Sri Devi ! Please support to the best of your abilities

Srimath Azhagiya Singar's forthcoming Thirunakshathram . Please contact

adiyEn for the various ways in which you can support this Kaimakryam .

Thanks very much .

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