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Fw: Srimath Azhagiya Singar's 79th Thirunakshathram : Part XXXIII ( Selected Lakshmi Sahsram SlOkams )

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Dear BhakthAs of Sri Lakshmi Nrusimhan :


Today , we wil focus on one more Lakshmi Sahasra SlOkam

that celebrate Her Naama Vaibhavam and include its 8 SaasthrArthams

as per the NavalpAkkam School .


May the power of those Naamams shower Kanaka Varsham (rain)

for Srimath Azhagiya Singar's Thirunakshathra Uthsavam !


Akshara Naamam of Sri Devi that blesses us with Aksharam


Aksharam means a letter of the alphabet and aksharam also means

aparAjitha ( invincible) and eternal , everlasting Sri Vaikuntam . Here ,

the Kavi refers to the EkAkshari ( One letter ) mantram of Lakshmi (SrI)

granting the boon of Sri Vaikuntam , the akshara world .


SlOkam :


SaraNa-varaNa-manthrE SaarngiNa: PrANakAnthE !

Parama-purusha-nAmna: prAgupAdheeyamAnam

ViSadha-mahima nAma Kshipram yEkAksharam tE

vitarathy japathAmapi yEkamEvAksharam tath


Let us enjoy Sri NavalpAkkam KaNNan Swamy's commentary now.


SaarngiNa: PrANa KaanthE ! = Oh Dearest consort ( Uyir Kaathali)

of the Lord holding the bow named Saarngam !


SaraNa-varaNa -mantrE = in the SaraNAgathy manthram of dhvayam


viSadha mahima yEkAksharam tE naama = Your name with undisputed

and transparent glory is constitued by One Letter (SrI:)


Parama Purusha Naamna: prAk upAdheeyamAnam = (is positioned )

before Your Lord's name ( NaarAyaNa) .


tE nAma japathAm api = For the reciters of that yEkAksharam ( Your name of SrI )


tath yEka aksharamEva kshipram vitharathy = that yEkAksharam quickly grants

them ( the reciters of Your NaamA ) the akshara(eternal) sTAnam of Parama padham.


Oh Lakshmi ! Dhvayam is the SaraNAgathy Manthram . There , Sri sabdham appears

before the NaarAyaNa sabdham . That nAmaa of SrI is made up of one letter( Yeka

aksharam) . That yEka aksharam on japam grants one Sri Vaikuntam . ( Aksharam

has two meanings : a letter of the alphabet or the One that is eternal , without

ksharam ( dissolution) .


The 8 SaasthrArthams


1. In our sampradhAyam , the Manthram starting with "Sriman NaarAyaNa--"

is used to perform SaraNAgathy . This is the dhvaya manthram .All other beginnings

not having the Sri Naamam at the beginning and followed by PerumAL's name next

are not accepted as SaraNAgathy mantram .


2. It is not only true that the ThAyAr's name is before PerumAL's name but it

is also the tradition to perform SaraNaagathy to ThAyAr before performing

SaraNAgathy to perumAL . That yEkAksharam ( Sri ) is present in the SaraNAgathy

Mantra Vaakyam .


3. The fact that those who recite the yEkAsharam (SrI ) gain Aksharam ( Vaikunta

PrApthi) fits with the Tathkrathu nyAyam . The target for the japam(DhyAnam)

and the phalan of that Japam are not different form one another .


4. VishNu SahasranAmam has a naama for PerumAL : Aksharam . Even when

we accept this meaning , the essential meaning of dhvyam with Lakshmi's

YekAksharam in the front does not change essentially ( bhAvArTam does not

alter) .


5.Yekam has two meanings : It is a number . It also means unique , matchless .


6. ViSatha mahima: The glorious , unmatched vaibhavam of Sri Devi is referred to

here . Only our SampradhAyam gives this much reverence to Sri Devi as exemplified

by AchAryAs starting from Swamy AlavanthAr ( " SrIrithyEva naama tE" in ChathusslOki) .

Swamy KurEsar devotes a whole slOkam in SrI Sthavam to celebrate the Sri Padham .


7. Our AchAryAs give six different meanings to bring out the multiple roles played by

Sri Devi. Swamy Desikan brings them out in Srimath Rahasya Thraya Saaram ,

SthOthra BhAshyam , MummaNikkOvai et al. With all these in mind , Sri VenkatAdhri Kavi

uses the words "ViSatha Mahimaa " for the unique vaibhavam of SrI Devi.


8. Kavi chooses the word "Kshipram to indicate the rapidity with which the meditation

on SrI yields the Phalan of Moksham .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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