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Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- Thirumangai AzhwAr anubhavam Periya Thirumozhi 1.10.4

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest all,


Let us continue to enjoy Thirumangai AzhwArs wonderful

verses on Thiruvenkatamudiayaan.


kalayaami kalidhvamsam kavim lOkadhivaakaram

yaSya kObi: prakaaSaabir aavidhyam niHatham thama:


I meditate on the Poet, who is like the Sun for the

whole world, to destroy the darkness of ignorance

(a~jnAnam) with his word and who destroys the Kali



ThirumangaiAzhwAr proceeds to plead the Lord of

TirumalA for His unbounded limitless mercy that pours

out on His own -out of His Greatest compassion on us.

Let us enjoy this nice ten on

AzhwAr's plea.


uNdaayuRimEl nNaRuneyyamudhaaga,

koNdaaykuRalaay nNilameeradiyaalE,

viNthOysigarath thiruvEngkadammEya,

aNdaa! adiyEnukku aruLpuriyaayE. 1.10.4


Oh Lord! The One - Cowherd Boy- who ate the butter

that is kept in the hanging rope ("uRi') as the sweet

nectar! The One who appeared as Vaamanan and measured

the whole Universe in two steps of His "little"

Feet! The Lord of ThiruvEmkatam! dEvaadhi dEvA! Please

show mercy on me!


In the last verse, AzhwAr had mentioned about His

swallowing the Universe [maNN]… now he now remembers

His eating veNNai [butter] and ghee [ney] as Kutti

KaNNan. But AzhwAr mentions about eating Ghee in the

first line… and then the Earth in the next line.


SrI Periya Vacchaan PiLLai comments that Kutti KaNNan

enjoys swallowing butter and Ghee since there is more

karasparsam of Asrithars [His devotees namely Gopas

and Gopikas]. And Ghee involves more involvement [than

that of Butter] and thereby more karasparsam.


maNN uNdaan is split into maNN [earth] measuring and

Ghee unDaan [eating ghee]. Also one may interpret that

He had swallowed the maNN [sand] while Kutti KaNNan

and Yasodha saw the seven worlds in His mouth..

vaiyamellaam kaNdaaL PiLLai vaayuLae...


AzhwAr addresses the Lord as aNdaaa… The One who is

the nirvaahakan [director] of all Universes [andaa]



14 lokaas constitute one andaa and aavarana is an area

which is ten times an anda. The soul after having

crossed brahmaandam crosses the 17 aavaranas. These

avaranas are like roof over each andaa.

Thirumangai AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







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