Guest guest Posted November 18, 2005 Report Share Posted November 18, 2005 SrI: Dear BhakthAs of KaLLazhagar : In the previous posting , adiyEn briefly touched on the ancestral links of Swamy KurEsar to ThirumAlirumchOlai and how he spent his time at his ancestral seat , while AchArya Ramanuja was exiled at Melkote. Today , adiyEn will reflect on the highlights of Sri SundarabAhu Sthavam as recaptued during that morning time waiting for for the main doors of the Azhagar temple to open . There are 132 SlOkams in this fourth Sthavam of Swamy KurEsar , which eulogizes the Vaibhavam of Lord SundarabAhu of Azahgar Koil. We will study a select few slOkams of this precious Sthavam on Azhagar of ThirumAlirum ChOlai . Swamy KurEsar's VedAnthic scholarship blends seamlessly with his poetic skills to result in a unique tribute to Lord SundarabAhu in this Sthavam .Let us sample some of these slOkams now . First SlOkam of Introduction & Statement of Purpose of the Sthavam ********************************************************************************\ ******* Srimanthou HaricharaNou samASrithOaham SrirAmaavaraja muneendhra laBdha BhOdha: nirbheeka: tatha iha SundarOru bAhUm sthOshyE taccharaNa vilOkanAbhilAshee KurEsar introduces himself as the one , who acquired clear Jn~Anam from Sri Bhagavath RaamAnuja Yatheendhrar and afterwards obtained as UpAyam the sacred feet of Hari , which have uninterrupted sambhandham with MahA Lakshmi . As a result , adiyEn is freed of fears from SamsAric terrors . In this state of mind , adiyEn is starting the eulogy of the Lord with the powerful and beautiful shoulders residing at ThirumAlirumchOlai . adiyEn has a reason for engaging in this sthuthi of the Lord . adiyEn wishes to see once again the sacred feet of Bhagavath RaamAnujA and seek this as the Phalan for this Sthuthi about Azhagar . ThirumAlirum ChOlai KshEthra VisEshams ********************************************************** PerumAL is known as Azhagar or MaalalankArar . ThAyAr is Sundaravalli . VimAnam is Somasundara VimAnam . The river flowing thru the Sthalam is Noopura Gangai or SilampARu . This river is recognized as having risen from the Silampu of the Lord durig ThrivikramAvathAram . Uthsavar is made up of Aparanji Tangam , the highest Quality Gold . Noopura Gangai has the softest of waters and enhnaces the glow of the Lord after Thirumanjanam. The mountain surrounding this dhivya dEsam is Vrushabha Giri. Sthala Vruksham is Sandal tree . BhagavAn is prathyaksham to Malayadhwaja Paandyan and Dharma Devathai . The mountain is full of leafy groves (Solais ) and is known in Sanskrit as " Vrusha ShaNDamaya adhri or Solai Malai . The Lord of this dhivya dEsam is known as " CharaNArTi Jana pravaNa dhiyan " or one who is deeply involved in the protection of those , who have sought His protection as SaraNAgathAs . AzhwAr has saluted Him as "athir kural Sankhatthu Azhakar " or one who chases away the enemies of His devotees through the resounding dhavani of His Conch . KurEsar salutes the Lord known for His frightening conch dhvani as : bhidhritha- saptha lOka suvisrungala sankharavam " . KurEsar recognizes that sound from the Lord's conch as the one that shatters the seven worlds without hindrance . KurEar performs his prapatthi to that Saadhu Rakshaka Lord : " Tamm Harim SaraNam upayAmi ". Through the first few slOkams , KurEsar describes the extraordinary natural beauty of this dhivya dEsam and then shifts to the celebration of the avayava soundharyam of the Lord . The Fourteenth slOkam of Sthavam : Lord's Beauty & SubhAsrayam ********************************************************************************\ ******** PeethAmbharam varada Seetala dhrushtipAtham aajAnulamBi-bhujam aayathakarNam Samm Sriman mahA Vanagireendhra nivAsa-dheeksham Lakshmeedharam kimapi vasthu mamm Aavirasthu (Meaning) : adiyEn prays to the indescribable Supreme Being residing eternally at ThirumAliruchOlai ( Vanagireendhra nivAsa dheeksham ) and having MahA Lakshmi on His chest (Lakshmeedharam) . May that mysterious vasthu appear before adiyEn ( kimapi vasthu mama Aavirasthu). He is the One adorning the yellow silk garment ( Peetha amBharam) and is the grantor of boons ( Varadhan) . He has cool and compassionate glances (SeethaLa dhrushtipAtham). His hands extend down to His knees ( AajAnuBaahum). His ears are beautiful (Aayatha karNa paasam). and extended . He is celebrated as "Srimann " because of His perrenial association with MahA Lakshmi . This is Sripathy Roopa DhyAanam according to commentators . Creation , protection dissolution and Moksham of the beings of the world originates from this Lord ( Jani jeevana apyaya vimukthaya: yatha: ithi Sruthi sirasu gheeyathE ) according to the Upanishads. KurEsar performs his SaraNAgathy to Him , who has the lotus soft eyes and is matchless with MahA Lakshmi on His chest and is nectar like to experience ( nisthulyAdhikam adhvitheeyam amrutham PuNDareeka YeekshaNam PrArooDa Sriyam , VanagirE: kunjOdhitham Sundaram AasrayE ) in the 16th slOkam . He incarnated as archA moorthy amidst the Vana Giri and is matchless ( adhvitheeyam ); He has no equal or superior ( nisthulya adhikam ) . The Lord is saluted as KunjOdhitha Sundaran ( The Azhagan , who incarnated amidst the dense green groves of Vrushabha Giri) . Vedic salutation with Sruthi Vaakyams ( 17th SlOkam ) ********************************************************************** pathim visvsayAthmEswaram ithi Param Braham Purusha: Param jyOthis-tatthvam Paramapi cha NaarAyaNa ithi Sruthi: BrahmEsAdheen tadhudhitha vibhUtheen gruNathee yamm-Aaha-AarUda Sree: Sa Vanagiri dhAmaa vijayathE The jyOthi seen at Vana Giri is the Lord of the world (Viswasya Pathi) ; He is the Lord for Himself ( AathmEswaran) . He is Parama Purushan and Param JyOthi and is revered as NaarAyaNa Para Brahmam . Brahma , Sivan and the other dEvAs attain their riches from Him according to Vedam . The Lord of Vanagiri shines in this resplendent manner ( " NaarAyaNa Param Brahma Tatthvam NaarAyaNa : para: , Purusha yEvEdham sarvam " are the respective Sruthi passages ). He is the indweller of all Tatthvams from Pruthvee to AathmA ( Ya: PruthivyAdhi AathmAntham tathva nikaram tath antharyAmi ). Those Tatthvams are under His control and they do not know Him (tEna avidhitha: BhagavAn niyamayathy). In the next few slOkams , many SaasthrArTams are linked to the Lord of Vana Giri . He is recognized as BhUma GuNa Visishtan as per BhUma VidhyA of ChAndhOgyam . The 21st SlOkam is an essence of the nectar of the cardinal doctrines of Sri VisishtAdhvaitham.Many siddhAnthams of Sri BhAshya adhikaraNams are linked together here to celebrate the Vaibhavam of Lord SundarabAhu of Vana Giri . The 25th SlOkam is a celebration of the auspicious kalyANa guNams of the Lord along the lines of AchArya RaamAnujA in his SaraNAgathy Gadhyam : souseelya-Aasritha vathsalathva mrudhuthA souhArdha sAmyArjavai: dhairya sTairya suveerya Sourya kruthithA gAambheerya chAthuryakai: soundaryAnvitha soukumArya samathA lAvaNya mukhyai: guNai: DEva: SrI: tarushaNDa saila nilayE nithyam sTitha: Sundara: The auspicious kalyANa guNams of Azhagar saluted in this slOkam are ( the detailed ommentaries on the guNams are to be found in Swamy Desikan's commentary on SthOthra Rathnam of Swamy AaLavanthAr ) : Souseelyam = mingling with all including those of lower status. Aasritha Vathsalyam = great affection for all those , who sought His refuge . mrudhathA = (being of )soft heart . souhArdham= (having) good disposition towards all Saamyam = attainability by all Aarjavam = of righteous conduct dhairyam = demonstrating courage , fearlessness sTairyam = having unshakable resolution to fulfil His sankalpam suveeryam = didplaying bravery to fight many enemies at the same time Souryam = showing Courage to attack the enemy by bringing war to his home kruthithA = having Joy in placing those who sought refuge at high positions Gaambheeryam = demonstrating Majesty inn execution of His deeds ChAthuryam = displaying cleverness in handling matters guNaa: = having many dhivyAthma savroopa guNams soundharya anvitha soukumAryam = possessing Combined Beauty of individual limbs , which are tender samathA = displaying proportionate dimension among limbs LAvanyaM= possessing integrated beauty of all the limbs Mukhya guNA: = having all other dhivyAthma svaroopa guNams Deva: Sundara: SrI Tarusaila shaNDa nilayE nithyam sTitha: = Thus stays the Beautiful one of Vana Giri adorned by all these innumerable auspicious attributes who showers His anugraham on His devotees and stays permanently at Vana Giri . In the 29th slOkam , KurEsar reminds us that Azhagar forgives all the sins of those , who seek His protection thru SaraNAgathy in one second ( Sundara: sannathyA KshaNAth kshamathE ). Such is His magnAnimity . He is the shady tree for those who have suffered from the scorching heat of SamsAram ( nivAsa VrukshO: SaadhUnAm) . The 36th slOkam is a salutation to the weapons found on the Lord's ThirumEni (Sarva PraharANAyudha: TasmAth Sundara: ) . The 37th SlOkam is a grand celebration of the Lord's AabharaNams that derive beauty from Him . Of the siras ( UtthamAngam) adorning the beautiful crown symbolizing soverignity , KurEsar exclaims : " Pariparha Kireeta Raajam Sundarasya utthamAngam Sundaram ! " >From the 38th to the 68th SlOkam , KurEsar describes in a brilliant manner the soundharyam and uniqueness of each of the limbs of the Lord from His Kesam to Paadham with specail emphasis on the mighty Shoulders and the sacred PaadhAravindham. Attention now shifts to the soundharyam and kalyANa guNams of the Lord's Ubhaya NaacchimArs and nithya sooris like Aadhi Seshan , Garudan , VishvaksEnar , dhvAra PaalakAs and the BhOgOpakaraNams described in Sri Vaikunta Gadhyam of AchArya RaamAnujA (69 to 80th SlOkams). DasAvathArams taken by Azhagar are eulogized next ( 81 to 116th slOkams). The next three slOkams point out that those at Thirumala , Hasthigiri and Srirangam are the same as Azhagar of ThirumAlirumchOlai . In the final four slOkams , KurEsar seeks the boon of reunion with his AchAryan at Srirangam and to grow the Sri Ranga Sri at that dhivya dEsam . Let us enjoy now the last two slOkams (131 and 132nd sOkams of this sthavam : Prayer for the growth of Sri Ranga SrI at ThirumAlirum ChOlai (131st SlOkam) ********************************************************************************\ ****************** KaaruNyAmrutha VaaridhE ! VrushapathE hE ! sathyasankalpana ! SrImann! Sundara ! yOgyathAvirahithAn uthsArya sadhvathsala! KshAmyan saadhujanai: kruthAmstu nikhilAn yEvApachArAn kshaNAth tadhbhOgyAm anisam kurushva Bhagavan ! SrIranga-dhAma-Sriyam (Meaning) There are six visEshaNams for Azhagar in this slOkam ). Oh Ocean of nectarine Mercy ! Oh King of Vrusha Giri , the embodiment of dharmam ! Oh Omnipotent One , who completes whatever You will to do ! Oh Lord with the six guNams befitting Your title as BhagavAn ! Oh Lord showing Dayaa to the Saadhu Janams ! Oh Beautiful One ! Oh Lord with MahA Lakshmi on Your chest ! Please chase away the unfit from Srirangam and bear with the unconscious apachArams of Your servants there and be pleased to grow further and further the wealth (Vaidhika SrI ) of Srirangam always ! NaicchyAnusandhAnam of KurEsar ( 132nd slOkam) ******************************************************************* idham bhUyO bhUya : punarapi cha bhUya: punarapi sphuDam vij~neepsyAmeethyagathi: aBhudhO ananya SaraNa: kruthAgA dhushtAthmA kalushamathi: asmi ithyanavadhE: dayAyAsthE pAthram VanagiripathE ! Sundarabhuja ! VanagiripathE : = Oh Lord of Solaimalai ! Sundarabhuja: = Oh Lord with beautiful shoulders ! agathi : = adiyEn with no other refuge aBhudha: = adiyEn with little Jn~Anam ananyasaraNa: = adiyEn with no recourse except You as my protector idham = adiyEn with above deficencies sphuDam = clearly vij~neepyasmi = appeal to You . bhUya: bhuya: bhUya: = again , again and again punarapi punarapicha = (after You correct me) , adiyEn accumulates kruthAgA = terrible sins dhushtAthmA = (and) is of despicable disposition . kalushamathy: = (adiyEn) is of agitated mind . asmi ithi = because adiyEn has this pitiable qualifications , tE = You , the Lord of Vana Giri ( should make me the object of) anavadhE: = Your limitless dayAyA: = compassion. pAthram asmi = adiyEn is a deserving object for Your immeasuarable Dayaa . KurEsar follows the path shown by Swamy NammAzhwAr in expressing his NaicchyAnusanthAnam . AzhwAr said : " NeesanEn niRaivonRilEn , nORRa nOnbilEn , nuNNaRivilEn , puhalonRilla adiyEn " . KurEsar also remembers the famous naicchyAnusandhAna slOkam of Swamy AlavanthAr in SthOthra Rathnam " amaryAdha: kshudhra : " while pointing out his own inadequacies . KurEsar invites Azhagar's attention with the prayerful request: " Sundarabhuja! tE dayayaa: pAthram asmi " . Through the SaraNAgathy address to Azhagar , KurEsar instructs us about the way to approach SarvEswaran at ThirumAlirumchOlai . For all of us , the four slOkams ( 1 ,25 , 131 and 132 ) are important ones to include in our daily prayers for seeking the blessings of Sriman NarayaNan . adiyEn will conclude the section on the visit to Vana Giri for AkkAravadisil SamarpaNam later in the day and get ready to cover the visits to ThirumOhUr , SingapirAn temple at Aanai Malai and ThirukkUdal Azhagar Sannidhi , where PeriyAzhwAr's PallANDu was born . Sri SundarabAhu ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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