Guest guest Posted November 21, 2005 Report Share Posted November 21, 2005 SrI: SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah: Dearest all, Let us continue to enjoy Thirumangai AzhwArs wonderful verses on Thiruvenkatamudiayaan. kalayaami kalidhvamsam kavim lOkadhivaakaram yaSya kObi: prakaaSaabir aavidhyam niHatham thama: I meditate on the Poet, who is like the Sun for the whole world, to destroy the darkness of ignorance (a~jnAnam) with his word and who destroys the Kali dhOsham. ThirumangaiAzhwAr proceeds to plead the Lord of TirumalA for His unbounded limitless mercy that pours out on His own -out of His Greatest compassion on us. Let us enjoy this nice ten on AzhwAr's plea. vanNdhaayenmanampugunNdhaay manninNinRaay, nNanNdhaadhakozhuNYchudarE yengkaL nNambee!, chinNdhaamaNiyE thiruvEngkadammEya enNdhaay!, iniyaanunnai yenRum vidEnE. 1.10.9 Oh Lustrous light which never ever dims and extinguishes! Oh Lord- the One who alleviates our sorrows! Oh Lord- the One who is capable of ANYTHING AND EVRYTHING THAT we seek for(including Paramapadha vaasam)!Oh perumAnE! ChinthAmaNI! The One who is at ThirumalA! my Lord! You came to me; You entered into my heart (out of Your Greatest Compassion and dayA!); You stayed there; and NOW adiyEn (I) shall never ever LEAVE YOU. (I simply can not resist my temptation of re-writing the transliterated version here breaking the lines- for its superb, simple style and lovely meanings! Read and enjoy!) "vandhaay; en manam pugundhaay; manni ninRaay/ nandhaadha kozhu~n chudarE! ye~ngaL nambhI!/ chinthA maNiyE! ThiruvEkatam mEya/ endhaay! ini yaan unnai yenRum vidEnE!/" This is similar to PeriyAzhwAr’s Thirumozhi 5.3.2: and NammAzhwAr’s ini naan pogalottEn vaLaiththuvaiththEn_inippOkalottEn … thirumaalirunchOlaiyendhaay! 2. [i can go out someway or the other; If you do not let me go, I will hide myself here without being seen by you at all.- Says PerumAL. AzhwAr swears on PerumAL in this pAsuram] My Father! The Lord of ThirumalirunchOlai divya desam full of sacred ponds of clear waters, the sprinkling of which can cleanse of one from all sins! People from all cities, all places flock here at ThirumalirunchOlai to get their sins removed with such sacred waters. I have surrounded You and captured You in my heart. Hereafter I would never let You leave from there. If you attempt to hide Yourself there itself not showing yourself to me, then let me swear on You and Your divine consort. (nin thiru ANai) [unless I do that] You, (who can not bear to see Bhagawathas suffer} are so mysterious and mischievous and do not show Your true form to everyone. This line of swearing on the Lord and His divine consort (nin thiruvaaNai kaNdaay) is similar to NammAzhwAr?s ini naan poGalottEn; onRum maayam seyyEl ennaiyE.. maayam seyyEl ennai, un thirummarvatthu maalai nangai.. vaasam chey poonkuzhalaaL ThiruvaaNai ninANai kaNdaay.. [what a wonderful pAsuram and lines! ] Thirumangai AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo Narayana dAsan Start your day with - Make it your home page! http://www./r/hs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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