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nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67

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Dear Srimathy Varadarajan :


Thanks very much for your excellent series of postings .

Is it possible for you to provide the Tamil fonts for

the passages from Dhivya Prabhandhams and commentaries ?


By copy of this note , I am aslo requesting Sriman V.PadmanAbhan

to consider such a possibility in his postings . It is easier to read .

I wish I could use the Tamil Font. I tried but do not seem to use

it with comfort .


Best Wishes ,





"Sumithra Varadarajan" <sumivaradan

"vanamamalai" <vanamamalai>; "Ramanuja"


Cc: "oppiliappan" <oppiliappan>

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:19 PM

nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67



> Sri Parthasarathi thunai


> Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


> Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


> Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha




> Paasuram-58



> "ennenja mEyAn erul neekki empiran


> mannanja munnoru nAl maNNalandhAn-ennenja


> mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerth


> thAnukku AkkinEn anbu"




> Having defeating all those who argued with thirumazhisai piran on the

> topics of anya devata paratvam, Iykyam (equality) etc now azhvar was

> confident to have converted them all to bhagavat pravanas (those

> interested in bhagavat vishayam). In this paasuram, thirumazhisai piran

> expresses his ecstasy to have made them all love that divine lord who has

> done so much to azhvar. With the last paasuram, the parOpadEsam (advise

> to others) in this prabhandam comes to an end. The following paasurams

> are mostly svAnubhavam (Azhvar's experiences), kAlashepa prakAram (azhvar

> showing the way to spend time for those who have just entered into

> bhagavat vishayam) and expression of depression towards those who miss

> these divine experiences.




> (ennenja mEyAn)One who has got fixed in my heart; Emperuman doesn't even

> cherish the stay at paramapadam after entering azhvar's heart.


> "nirpadhuvum Or verpagaththu" [thiruchandaviruththam-65]


> "nindradendhai Ooragaththu" [thiruch-64]


> "kallum kaikadalum vaikundavAnAdum pullendrozhindhana kol yEpAvam vella

> nediyAn niram kariyAn vulpugundhu neengAn adiyen vuLLaththu Agam" [Periya

> thiruvandhAdhi-68]


> "nenjamE neelnagarAga erundha en tanjamE" [thiruvai 3-8-2]


> "paNikkadalil palli kOlai pazhaga vittu enmanakkadalil vAzhavalla mAya

> manAla nambee" [periyazhvar thiru]




> Why did emperuman come and reside in azhvar's heart permanently?




> (erul neekki) Emperuman wanting to bring the common folks to his track and

> hence he first removed the darkness of ignorance from the heart of azhvar

> and through him wanted to change the world.




> (ennenja mEyAn erul neekki) If emperuman desires to remove the darkness

> he cannot do it sitting in paramapadam, since it is a land of ever

> brightness. So he entered the heart of azhvar and has now received the

> honorary name "erul neekki"




> (erul neekki empiran) Emperuman who has now removed azhvar's ignorance and

> through him the darkness in others is a great benefactor (vupakArakan)




> Who is he?




> (man anja munnorunAl maN alandhAn) creating a fear in all the evil minded

> people and kshatriyas who visualised the sad state of mahabali, on one

> fine day emperuman put all the 3 worlds under his divine feet (he measured

> the worlds with his divine feet)


> (erul neekki empiran ..maNNaLandhAn) Azhvar now has found the purpose of

> vamana moorthi measuring the worlds. It was not only for correcting

> mahabali's attitude but also to clear azhvar's mind now.




> (maNNalandhAn en nenjam mEyAnai) Not satisfied with measuring the three

> worlds now empiran has entered my heart with great love.




> (en nenjam mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRan) Siva considered himself to be a

> servant of the divine lord when his sAtvika guna raised but at other times

> when the rajO/tamO gunas were at their peak he considered himself to be

> supreme and didn't even fear to fight against emperuman. That siva, who

> has Ox as his vehicle (rishabhavahanan) who doesn't have the lord in my

> heart in his heart;




> (vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerththu)Inspite siva's dual attitude emperuman

> still saved him from the brahmahatti dhosham and helped him danger.




> Is that all?




> (vevvinai teerththa AyAnukku) Siva with the brahma kapalam (skull of

> brahma) in his hand underwent a lot of misery and came around the world to

> find someone to remove his misery. But it was possible only by the divine

> lord who considered siva's problem as his own and got relieved only after

> solving it. What a divine grace!




> (AyAnukku AkkinEn anbu) Now mesmerized by the divine act of the lord who

> loves even those who stand against him I shower all my love towards him

> and have made even others do the same. All this is due to his mahOpakAram

> (great help).


> Nammazhvar wished/vowed to do it, "ninkaN vEtkai ezhuvippanE"


> Thirumazhisai piran has completed the mission "AkkinEn anbu"




> (To Be Continued)




> Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




> Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


> Sumithra Varadarajan










> Links








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Dear Sriman Sadagopna swamin


Dasasya vignapanamam:


Mylai-sri is quite easy and it is phonetic. Adiyen is using this font

quite often. Once you get accustomed, it is quite easier.

This font seems to be much more easier than other fonts. But here also

one should have this font down loaded to read.




Dasan Srinivasan



Sumithra Varadarajan wrote:


>Dear Sri Sadagopan swamy,


>Adiyen has been trying to do the same. But in case of anjal font that

>adiyen has downloaded it can be read only by those who have the same font

>downloaded. Typing is easier in anjal. Adiyen downloaded one another font

>but there is some problem in typing. Can you suggest any font that can be

>read by all and easy to type (adiyen is not familiar with tamil typing)


>Adiyen ramanuja dAsee

>Sumithra Varadarajan



>"sgopan" <sgopan


>Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:37 AM

>Re: nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67





>>Dear Srimathy Varadarajan :


>>Thanks very much for your excellent series of postings .

>>Is it possible for you to provide the Tamil fonts for

>>the passages from Dhivya Prabhandhams and commentaries ?


>>By copy of this note , I am aslo requesting Sriman V.PadmanAbhan

>>to consider such a possibility in his postings . It is easier to read .

>>I wish I could use the Tamil Font. I tried but do not seem to use

>>it with comfort .


>>Best Wishes ,





>>"Sumithra Varadarajan" <sumivaradan

>>"vanamamalai" <vanamamalai>; "Ramanuja"


>>Cc: "oppiliappan" <oppiliappan>

>>Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:19 PM

>> nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67



>>>Sri Parthasarathi thunai


>>>Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


>>>Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


>>>Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha







>>>"ennenja mEyAn erul neekki empiran


>>> mannanja munnoru nAl maNNalandhAn-ennenja


>>> mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerth


>>> thAnukku AkkinEn anbu"




>>>Having defeating all those who argued with thirumazhisai piran on the

>>>topics of anya devata paratvam, Iykyam (equality) etc now azhvar was

>>>confident to have converted them all to bhagavat pravanas (those

>>>interested in bhagavat vishayam). In this paasuram, thirumazhisai piran

>>>expresses his ecstasy to have made them all love that divine lord who has

>>>done so much to azhvar. With the last paasuram, the parOpadEsam (advise

>>>to others) in this prabhandam comes to an end. The following paasurams

>>>are mostly svAnubhavam (Azhvar's experiences), kAlashepa prakAram (azhvar

>>>showing the way to spend time for those who have just entered into

>>>bhagavat vishayam) and expression of depression towards those who miss

>>>these divine experiences.




>>>(ennenja mEyAn)One who has got fixed in my heart; Emperuman doesn't even

>>>cherish the stay at paramapadam after entering azhvar's heart.


>>>"nirpadhuvum Or verpagaththu" [thiruchandaviruththam-65]


>>>"nindradendhai Ooragaththu" [thiruch-64]


>>>"kallum kaikadalum vaikundavAnAdum pullendrozhindhana kol yEpAvam vella

>>>nediyAn niram kariyAn vulpugundhu neengAn adiyen vuLLaththu Agam" [Periya



>>>"nenjamE neelnagarAga erundha en tanjamE" [thiruvai 3-8-2]


>>>"paNikkadalil palli kOlai pazhaga vittu enmanakkadalil vAzhavalla mAya

>>>manAla nambee" [periyazhvar thiru]




>>>Why did emperuman come and reside in azhvar's heart permanently?




>>>(erul neekki) Emperuman wanting to bring the common folks to his track


>>>hence he first removed the darkness of ignorance from the heart of azhvar

>>>and through him wanted to change the world.




>>>(ennenja mEyAn erul neekki) If emperuman desires to remove the darkness

>>>he cannot do it sitting in paramapadam, since it is a land of ever

>>>brightness. So he entered the heart of azhvar and has now received the

>>>honorary name "erul neekki"




>>>(erul neekki empiran) Emperuman who has now removed azhvar's ignorance


>>>through him the darkness in others is a great benefactor (vupakArakan)




>>>Who is he?




>>>(man anja munnorunAl maN alandhAn) creating a fear in all the evil minded

>>>people and kshatriyas who visualised the sad state of mahabali, on one

>>>fine day emperuman put all the 3 worlds under his divine feet (he


>>>the worlds with his divine feet)


>>>(erul neekki empiran ..maNNaLandhAn) Azhvar now has found the purpose of

>>>vamana moorthi measuring the worlds. It was not only for correcting

>>>mahabali's attitude but also to clear azhvar's mind now.




>>>(maNNalandhAn en nenjam mEyAnai) Not satisfied with measuring the three

>>>worlds now empiran has entered my heart with great love.




>>>(en nenjam mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRan) Siva considered himself to be a

>>>servant of the divine lord when his sAtvika guna raised but at other


>>>when the rajO/tamO gunas were at their peak he considered himself to be

>>>supreme and didn't even fear to fight against emperuman. That siva, who

>>>has Ox as his vehicle (rishabhavahanan) who doesn't have the lord in my

>>>heart in his heart;




>>>(vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerththu)Inspite siva's dual attitude emperuman

>>>still saved him from the brahmahatti dhosham and helped him danger.




>>>Is that all?




>>>(vevvinai teerththa AyAnukku) Siva with the brahma kapalam (skull of

>>>brahma) in his hand underwent a lot of misery and came around the world


>>>find someone to remove his misery. But it was possible only by the


>>>lord who considered siva's problem as his own and got relieved only after

>>>solving it. What a divine grace!




>>>(AyAnukku AkkinEn anbu) Now mesmerized by the divine act of the lord who

>>>loves even those who stand against him I shower all my love towards him

>>>and have made even others do the same. All this is due to his


>>>(great help).


>>>Nammazhvar wished/vowed to do it, "ninkaN vEtkai ezhuvippanE"


>>>Thirumazhisai piran has completed the mission "AkkinEn anbu"




>>>(To Be Continued)




>>>Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




>>>Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


>>>Sumithra Varadarajan

















>>> Links












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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha







"ennenja mEyAn erul neekki empiran


mannanja munnoru nAl maNNalandhAn-ennenja


mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerth


thAnukku AkkinEn anbu"




Having defeating all those who argued with thirumazhisai piran on the topics of

anya devata paratvam, Iykyam (equality) etc now azhvar was confident to have

converted them all to bhagavat pravanas (those interested in bhagavat vishayam).

In this paasuram, thirumazhisai piran expresses his ecstasy to have made them

all love that divine lord who has done so much to azhvar. With the last

paasuram, the parOpadEsam (advise to others) in this prabhandam comes to an end.

The following paasurams are mostly svAnubhavam (Azhvar's experiences), kAlashepa

prakAram (azhvar showing the way to spend time for those who have just entered

into bhagavat vishayam) and expression of depression towards those who miss

these divine experiences.




(ennenja mEyAn)One who has got fixed in my heart; Emperuman doesn't even cherish

the stay at paramapadam after entering azhvar's heart.


"nirpadhuvum Or verpagaththu" [thiruchandaviruththam-65]


"nindradendhai Ooragaththu" [thiruch-64]


"kallum kaikadalum vaikundavAnAdum pullendrozhindhana kol yEpAvam vella nediyAn

niram kariyAn vulpugundhu neengAn adiyen vuLLaththu Agam" [Periya



"nenjamE neelnagarAga erundha en tanjamE" [thiruvai 3-8-2]


"paNikkadalil palli kOlai pazhaga vittu enmanakkadalil vAzhavalla mAya manAla

nambee" [periyazhvar thiru]




Why did emperuman come and reside in azhvar's heart permanently?




(erul neekki) Emperuman wanting to bring the common folks to his track and hence

he first removed the darkness of ignorance from the heart of azhvar and through

him wanted to change the world.




(ennenja mEyAn erul neekki) If emperuman desires to remove the darkness he

cannot do it sitting in paramapadam, since it is a land of ever brightness. So

he entered the heart of azhvar and has now received the honorary name "erul





(erul neekki empiran) Emperuman who has now removed azhvar's ignorance and

through him the darkness in others is a great benefactor (vupakArakan)




Who is he?




(man anja munnorunAl maN alandhAn) creating a fear in all the evil minded people

and kshatriyas who visualised the sad state of mahabali, on one fine day

emperuman put all the 3 worlds under his divine feet (he measured the worlds

with his divine feet)


(erul neekki empiran ..maNNaLandhAn) Azhvar now has found the purpose of vamana

moorthi measuring the worlds. It was not only for correcting mahabali's

attitude but also to clear azhvar's mind now.




(maNNalandhAn en nenjam mEyAnai) Not satisfied with measuring the three worlds

now empiran has entered my heart with great love.




(en nenjam mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRan) Siva considered himself to be a servant of

the divine lord when his sAtvika guna raised but at other times when the

rajO/tamO gunas were at their peak he considered himself to be supreme and

didn't even fear to fight against emperuman. That siva, who has Ox as his

vehicle (rishabhavahanan) who doesn't have the lord in my heart in his heart;




(vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerththu)Inspite siva's dual attitude emperuman still

saved him from the brahmahatti dhosham and helped him danger.




Is that all?




(vevvinai teerththa AyAnukku) Siva with the brahma kapalam (skull of brahma) in

his hand underwent a lot of misery and came around the world to find someone to

remove his misery. But it was possible only by the divine lord who considered

siva's problem as his own and got relieved only after solving it. What a divine





(AyAnukku AkkinEn anbu) Now mesmerized by the divine act of the lord who loves

even those who stand against him I shower all my love towards him and have made

even others do the same. All this is due to his mahOpakAram (great help).


Nammazhvar wished/vowed to do it, "ninkaN vEtkai ezhuvippanE"


Thirumazhisai piran has completed the mission "AkkinEn anbu"




(To Be Continued)




Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


Sumithra Varadarajan












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Dear Sri Sadagopan swamy,


Adiyen has been trying to do the same. But in case of anjal font that

adiyen has downloaded it can be read only by those who have the same font

downloaded. Typing is easier in anjal. Adiyen downloaded one another font

but there is some problem in typing. Can you suggest any font that can be

read by all and easy to type (adiyen is not familiar with tamil typing)


Adiyen ramanuja dAsee

Sumithra Varadarajan



"sgopan" <sgopan


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:37 AM

Re: nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67



> Sri:


> Dear Srimathy Varadarajan :


> Thanks very much for your excellent series of postings .

> Is it possible for you to provide the Tamil fonts for

> the passages from Dhivya Prabhandhams and commentaries ?


> By copy of this note , I am aslo requesting Sriman V.PadmanAbhan

> to consider such a possibility in his postings . It is easier to read .

> I wish I could use the Tamil Font. I tried but do not seem to use

> it with comfort .


> Best Wishes ,

> V.Sadagopan



> -

> "Sumithra Varadarajan" <sumivaradan

> "vanamamalai" <vanamamalai>; "Ramanuja"

> <ramanuja>

> Cc: "oppiliappan" <oppiliappan>

> Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:19 PM

> nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67



>> Sri Parthasarathi thunai


>> Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


>> Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


>> Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha




>> Paasuram-58



>> "ennenja mEyAn erul neekki empiran


>> mannanja munnoru nAl maNNalandhAn-ennenja


>> mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerth


>> thAnukku AkkinEn anbu"




>> Having defeating all those who argued with thirumazhisai piran on the

>> topics of anya devata paratvam, Iykyam (equality) etc now azhvar was

>> confident to have converted them all to bhagavat pravanas (those

>> interested in bhagavat vishayam). In this paasuram, thirumazhisai piran

>> expresses his ecstasy to have made them all love that divine lord who has

>> done so much to azhvar. With the last paasuram, the parOpadEsam (advise

>> to others) in this prabhandam comes to an end. The following paasurams

>> are mostly svAnubhavam (Azhvar's experiences), kAlashepa prakAram (azhvar

>> showing the way to spend time for those who have just entered into

>> bhagavat vishayam) and expression of depression towards those who miss

>> these divine experiences.




>> (ennenja mEyAn)One who has got fixed in my heart; Emperuman doesn't even

>> cherish the stay at paramapadam after entering azhvar's heart.


>> "nirpadhuvum Or verpagaththu" [thiruchandaviruththam-65]


>> "nindradendhai Ooragaththu" [thiruch-64]


>> "kallum kaikadalum vaikundavAnAdum pullendrozhindhana kol yEpAvam vella

>> nediyAn niram kariyAn vulpugundhu neengAn adiyen vuLLaththu Agam" [Periya

>> thiruvandhAdhi-68]


>> "nenjamE neelnagarAga erundha en tanjamE" [thiruvai 3-8-2]


>> "paNikkadalil palli kOlai pazhaga vittu enmanakkadalil vAzhavalla mAya

>> manAla nambee" [periyazhvar thiru]




>> Why did emperuman come and reside in azhvar's heart permanently?




>> (erul neekki) Emperuman wanting to bring the common folks to his track

>> and

>> hence he first removed the darkness of ignorance from the heart of azhvar

>> and through him wanted to change the world.




>> (ennenja mEyAn erul neekki) If emperuman desires to remove the darkness

>> he cannot do it sitting in paramapadam, since it is a land of ever

>> brightness. So he entered the heart of azhvar and has now received the

>> honorary name "erul neekki"




>> (erul neekki empiran) Emperuman who has now removed azhvar's ignorance

>> and

>> through him the darkness in others is a great benefactor (vupakArakan)




>> Who is he?




>> (man anja munnorunAl maN alandhAn) creating a fear in all the evil minded

>> people and kshatriyas who visualised the sad state of mahabali, on one

>> fine day emperuman put all the 3 worlds under his divine feet (he

>> measured

>> the worlds with his divine feet)


>> (erul neekki empiran ..maNNaLandhAn) Azhvar now has found the purpose of

>> vamana moorthi measuring the worlds. It was not only for correcting

>> mahabali's attitude but also to clear azhvar's mind now.




>> (maNNalandhAn en nenjam mEyAnai) Not satisfied with measuring the three

>> worlds now empiran has entered my heart with great love.




>> (en nenjam mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRan) Siva considered himself to be a

>> servant of the divine lord when his sAtvika guna raised but at other

>> times

>> when the rajO/tamO gunas were at their peak he considered himself to be

>> supreme and didn't even fear to fight against emperuman. That siva, who

>> has Ox as his vehicle (rishabhavahanan) who doesn't have the lord in my

>> heart in his heart;




>> (vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerththu)Inspite siva's dual attitude emperuman

>> still saved him from the brahmahatti dhosham and helped him danger.




>> Is that all?




>> (vevvinai teerththa AyAnukku) Siva with the brahma kapalam (skull of

>> brahma) in his hand underwent a lot of misery and came around the world

>> to

>> find someone to remove his misery. But it was possible only by the

>> divine

>> lord who considered siva's problem as his own and got relieved only after

>> solving it. What a divine grace!




>> (AyAnukku AkkinEn anbu) Now mesmerized by the divine act of the lord who

>> loves even those who stand against him I shower all my love towards him

>> and have made even others do the same. All this is due to his

>> mahOpakAram

>> (great help).


>> Nammazhvar wished/vowed to do it, "ninkaN vEtkai ezhuvippanE"


>> Thirumazhisai piran has completed the mission "AkkinEn anbu"




>> (To Be Continued)




>> Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




>> Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


>> Sumithra Varadarajan

















>> Links













> Links







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Madam, As I earlier intimated please download some Tamil unicode fonts TSCII

fonts--as youdo not know Tamil typewriting. This can only help you. If you

can afford Rs.1500/ azhagi is best in as much as you can switch over from

tamil to English easily and also they provide you dynamic fonts which will

be very useful for you to utilise in your geocities website. Otherwise this

problem for the recipient will continue. Even in the case of unicode XP and

2000 it is good for 98 the letters have to be read with strain.


On 24/11/05, Sumithra Varadarajan <sumivaradan wrote:


> Dear Sri Sadagopan swamy,


> Adiyen has been trying to do the same. But in case of anjal font that

> adiyen has downloaded it can be read only by those who have the same font

> downloaded. Typing is easier in anjal. Adiyen downloaded one another

> font

> but there is some problem in typing. Can you suggest any font that can be


> read by all and easy to type (adiyen is not familiar with tamil typing)


> Adiyen ramanuja dAsee

> Sumithra Varadarajan


> -

> "sgopan" <sgopan

> <Oppiliappan>

> Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:37 AM

> Re: nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67



> > Sri:

> >

> > Dear Srimathy Varadarajan :

> >

> > Thanks very much for your excellent series of postings .

> > Is it possible for you to provide the Tamil fonts for

> > the passages from Dhivya Prabhandhams and commentaries ?

> >

> > By copy of this note , I am aslo requesting Sriman V.PadmanAbhan

> > to consider such a possibility in his postings . It is easier to read .

> > I wish I could use the Tamil Font. I tried but do not seem to use

> > it with comfort .

> >

> > Best Wishes ,

> > V.Sadagopan

> >

> >

> > -

> > "Sumithra Varadarajan" <sumivaradan

> > "vanamamalai" <vanamamalai>; "Ramanuja"

> > <ramanuja>

> > Cc: "oppiliappan" <oppiliappan>

> > Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:19 PM

> > nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-67

> >

> >

> >> Sri Parthasarathi thunai

> >>

> >> Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha

> >>

> >> Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha

> >>

> >> Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Paasuram-58

> >>

> >>

> >> "ennenja mEyAn erul neekki empiran

> >>

> >> mannanja munnoru nAl maNNalandhAn-ennenja

> >>

> >> mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerth

> >>

> >> thAnukku AkkinEn anbu"

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Having defeating all those who argued with thirumazhisai piran on the

> >> topics of anya devata paratvam, Iykyam (equality) etc now azhvar was

> >> confident to have converted them all to bhagavat pravanas (those

> >> interested in bhagavat vishayam). In this paasuram, thirumazhisai

> piran

> >> expresses his ecstasy to have made them all love that divine lord who

> has

> >> done so much to azhvar. With the last paasuram, the parOpadEsam

> (advise

> >> to others) in this prabhandam comes to an end. The following paasurams

> >> are mostly svAnubhavam (Azhvar's experiences), kAlashepa prakAram

> (azhvar

> >> showing the way to spend time for those who have just entered into

> >> bhagavat vishayam) and expression of depression towards those who miss

> >> these divine experiences.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (ennenja mEyAn)One who has got fixed in my heart; Emperuman doesn't

> even

> >> cherish the stay at paramapadam after entering azhvar's heart.

> >>

> >> "nirpadhuvum Or verpagaththu" [thiruchandaviruththam-65]

> >>

> >> "nindradendhai Ooragaththu" [thiruch-64]

> >>

> >> "kallum kaikadalum vaikundavAnAdum pullendrozhindhana kol yEpAvam vella

> >> nediyAn niram kariyAn vulpugundhu neengAn adiyen vuLLaththu Agam"

> [Periya

> >> thiruvandhAdhi-68]

> >>

> >> "nenjamE neelnagarAga erundha en tanjamE" [thiruvai 3-8-2]

> >>

> >> "paNikkadalil palli kOlai pazhaga vittu enmanakkadalil vAzhavalla mAya

> >> manAla nambee" [periyazhvar thiru]

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Why did emperuman come and reside in azhvar's heart permanently?

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (erul neekki) Emperuman wanting to bring the common folks to his track

> >> and

> >> hence he first removed the darkness of ignorance from the heart of

> azhvar

> >> and through him wanted to change the world.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (ennenja mEyAn erul neekki) If emperuman desires to remove the

> darkness

> >> he cannot do it sitting in paramapadam, since it is a land of ever

> >> brightness. So he entered the heart of azhvar and has now received the

> >> honorary name "erul neekki"

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (erul neekki empiran) Emperuman who has now removed azhvar's ignorance

> >> and

> >> through him the darkness in others is a great benefactor (vupakArakan)

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Who is he?

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (man anja munnorunAl maN alandhAn) creating a fear in all the evil

> minded

> >> people and kshatriyas who visualised the sad state of mahabali, on one

> >> fine day emperuman put all the 3 worlds under his divine feet (he

> >> measured

> >> the worlds with his divine feet)

> >>

> >> (erul neekki empiran ..maNNaLandhAn) Azhvar now has found the purpose

> of

> >> vamana moorthi measuring the worlds. It was not only for correcting

> >> mahabali's attitude but also to clear azhvar's mind now.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (maNNalandhAn en nenjam mEyAnai) Not satisfied with measuring the three

> >> worlds now empiran has entered my heart with great love.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (en nenjam mEyAnai yillA vidaiyERRan) Siva considered himself to be a

> >> servant of the divine lord when his sAtvika guna raised but at other

> >> times

> >> when the rajO/tamO gunas were at their peak he considered himself to be

> >> supreme and didn't even fear to fight against emperuman. That siva,

> who

> >> has Ox as his vehicle (rishabhavahanan) who doesn't have the lord in my

> >> heart in his heart;

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (vidaiyERRAn vevvinai teerththu)Inspite siva's dual attitude emperuman

> >> still saved him from the brahmahatti dhosham and helped him danger.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Is that all?

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (vevvinai teerththa AyAnukku) Siva with the brahma kapalam (skull of

> >> brahma) in his hand underwent a lot of misery and came around the world


> >> to

> >> find someone to remove his misery. But it was possible only by the

> >> divine

> >> lord who considered siva's problem as his own and got relieved only

> after

> >> solving it. What a divine grace!

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (AyAnukku AkkinEn anbu) Now mesmerized by the divine act of the lord

> who

> >> loves even those who stand against him I shower all my love towards him

> >> and have made even others do the same. All this is due to his

> >> mahOpakAram

> >> (great help).

> >>

> >> Nammazhvar wished/vowed to do it, "ninkaN vEtkai ezhuvippanE"

> >>

> >> Thirumazhisai piran has completed the mission "AkkinEn anbu"

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (To Be Continued)

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Adiyen ramanuja dAsee

> >>

> >> Sumithra Varadarajan

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Links

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >







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Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal








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