Guest guest Posted November 28, 2005 Report Share Posted November 28, 2005 SrI: Dear BhakthAs: Today we will study four more slOkmas of MaangaLya Sthavam . SlOkam 7 ************ yasmAth ParasmAth PurushAth AnanthAth anAdhimadhyAth adhikam na kimchith Sa hEthuhEthu: ParamEswarEswarO mamaasthu MaangaLyavivrutthayE Hari : (Meaning) : May Lord Hari , who has no one greater than Himself , who is the protector of all created beings , who is the Lord of DevAs , who is beyond measurement through time , place or GuNams , who has neither beginning nor end , May that Hari grow continously adiyEn's MangaLams (auspiciousness) ! (Comments ) : Hari has no equal or superior (SamAdhika dharidhran, oppAr mikkAr illAtha Maayan) = " TasmAthadhikam na kinchith " . He is the KaaraNa bhUthan behind all kaaraNams = hEthu hEthu/ KaaraNatthiRkku KaaraNa, ) such as creation , protection and dissolution of the world and its beings . It is because of Him the wind blows , the fire burns ; the entire world of sentients and insentients (charAcharam) functions . He is limitless ( Ananthan) in size (Thrivikraman , Ongi ulahaLantha Utthaman) , anugraha sakthi and power . He has limitless auspicous attributes ( anantha kalyANa guNams) as well . No one knows His time of origin/birth ; He is eternal (anAdhi) in existence . He is the Lord of ParamEswaran as well ( ParamEswarEswaran/ Ahirbudhnyan ). Hre is PumpradhAnEswaran like His Devi , who is PumpradhAnEswari . SlOkam 8 ************* HiraNya garbhAchyutha Rudraroopi srujathyasEsham paripAthu hanthi guNAgraNee: yO: BhagavAn Sa sarvadhA mamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: (Meaning): Hari is the indweller of Brahma dEvan and is the power behind him to create the world and its beings . He manifests directly as Achyuthan and protects the created beings of the world . He stays as the antharAthmA of Rudran and empowers him to dissolve the world . BhagavAn Hari is the first among those with auspicious guNams (GuNAgraNee: yO sarvadhA Sa: Bhagavaan) . He is the agrEsarar ( Leader/sitting in the front line) in the ghOshti of GuNasaalees . In His Jn~Anam , power to rule over the created beings , ability to support all , tirelessness in carrying out His dhArmic duties , empowering others to carry out His sankalpam , prowess , supreme lustre , there is no one to excell Hari . May that Hari of all these auspicious attributes of Hari grow adiyEn's MangaLams always ! SlOkam 9 ************** Para: SurANAm paramOasurANAm parO yatheenAm paramO munenAm para: samasthasya cha Sa ya: sa sarvadhA mamAsthu maangaLya vivrutthayE Hari : (Meaning): Lord Hari is the loftiest One for DEvAs , AsurAs , SanyAsis and Sages (SurANam AsurANAm YatheenAm MuneenAm Hari : Para . He is recognized and revered by them all as the Para Tatthvam (Supreme Being without equal) .May this Hari of the loftiest guNams amongst all confer on me the boon of increasing MangaLams ! ( Commnets) : This slOkam deals with the ParadEvathA PaaramArthyam ( establishment of who is the Supreme among DevathAs , AsurAs , SanyAsis and Sages) and concludes that Hari NaarAYaNan is that Supreme Being . All the others like Brahma , Rudran are karma vasyALs ( influenced by their KarmAs) and acquire their power and position due to the anugraham of Hari .They can not grant Moksham . Brahma , Rudran and DEvAs are His servants . They are His Sareeram and He is their indwelling soul (Saareeri) , who controls them and energizes them to perform their assigned duties . Any one who is not clear about the Supermacy of Hari NaarAyaNan as the Most Supreme Being and seeks other devAs for protection will fail in his efforts to to recieve MokshAnugraham . Hari NaarAyaNan is the power behind all dEvAs as indicated by the MahA BHAratha SlOkam (Saanthi Parvam) : "Sa BrahmakA: Sarudhrasccha SEndhrA dEvA Maharhshaya: archayanthi Sura-srEshtam dEvam NaarAyaNam Harim " This slOkam explains that BrahmA , Rudran , Indhran and all dEvAs perform AarAdhanam and seek the anugraham of Deva SrEshtan , Hari NaarAyaNan . Rudran performed the SarvamEdha Yaj~nam , offered all bhUthams and Himself in that Yaj~nam to Hari and was blessed to become MahEswaran . He is yet under the influence of VishNu Maaya ( Karma Vasyan) . Hari NaarAyaNan has limitless svatanthram and is not affected by KarmAs . He is beyond the influence of the three guNams ( Prakruthi/Maaya) . All the dEvAs are Hari NaarAyaNan's vibhUthis (Sotthu/property ) and VisEshaNams . Because they are Karma VasyALs , they are amangaLams (with blemishes) , where as Hari is the Supreme MangaLam and is free of any hEya guNams (Blemishless) . The overriding prayer of MaangaLYa Sthavam is to chase away the amangaLams and grow the MangaLams. SlOkam 10 ************** dhyAthO muneenAm akalmashair- yO dhadhAthi mukthim ParamEswarEswara: manObhirAma: Purusha: sa sarvadhA mamAsthu mAngaLya vivrutthayE Hari: (Meaning) : Hari is the One , who is the sole object of dhyAnam of chEthanams with blemishless minds ( object of akalmasha Muni dhyAnam) . For such noble souls ( ParamaikAnthis) , Hari grants Moksham . The matchless beauty of Hari is captivating in its sweep ( PumsAm ChitthApahAri ). Besides Moksham , Hari can grant all the other boons desired as well . May that Hari bless adiyEn with the anugraham of the growth of MangaLams for me ! (Comments) : There is no MangaLam above VaasudEvan (Hari) . There is no one more powerful to chase away the sins of human bengs and purify them than Hari VaasudEvan . There is no dEvathai who is loftier in status than Hari VaasudEvan . No one is disappointed after seeking Hari VaasudEvan's protection . He never lets them down . He is Achyutha Hari VaasudEvan in this regard . The slOkam outlining the above thoughts is : na VaasudEvAth Paramasthi MangaLam na VaasudEvAth paramasthi Paavanam na VaasudEvAth paramasthi Dhaivatham na VaasudEvam praNipathya seedhathi Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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