Guest guest Posted November 28, 2005 Report Share Posted November 28, 2005 SrI: Dear BhakthAs Of Sri Hari NaarAyaNan: Today we will study TWO more slOkams of MaangaLya Sthavam . SlOkam 11 ************** surEndra vaivasavtha vitthapAmBupa svarooparoopi paripaathi yO Jagath Sa Suddhasudha: ParamEswarEsvara: mamaasthu maangaLya vrutthayE Hari: ( Meaning): May the Suddha-suddha ( One who confers sacredness to all sacred objects and Tatthvams ) , ParamEswarEwara ( Iswaran of ParamEswaran ) and who protects the world , while having Indhran , KubhEran , VaruNan and other dEvAs as His sareeram grow always MangaLams for adiyEn . (Commentary): Hari does Jagath rakshaNam as antharyAmi Brahman inside Indhran , Dharma RaajA , KubhEran , VaruNan et al .He is the Supreme authority (Svatha PramANam ) behind the DEvAs, who have been empowered by Him to perform their assigned duties . Agni is assigned the duty as the divine ministrant ( PurOhitha) of the Yaj~nams and the Havis offered there . Agni takes part in Hari's Jagath RakshaNam this way following His order . VaruNA is associated with all that is vast and pure in the Lord and MithrA is linked to all that is shining and He embodys harmony . At the Lord's scheme of Jagath protection , Mithra-VaruNa dyad (among the dEvAs) create in human beings a supernal force full of divine knowledge and protects the humans . Indra sends down the rains and nourishes the world and " breaks down the things least established to make way for new movements and new formations ". The Asvins , Maruths and VisvadEvAs have their assigned roles by Hari in this Jagath RakshaNa VyApAram , which Rg Veda manthrams describe in detail . SlOkam 12 ************** yannAma-sankeerthanathO vimuchyathE hi anEka-janmArjitha pApasanjayAth pApEnnAgni: Sa sadhaiva nirmalO MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE (Meaning) : May Hari , whose naama sankeerthanam destroys the gigantic bundles of Sins from multitudes of births and who is like the fire that consumes the firewood , (May that blemishless Hari) grant me the boon of ever increasing , abundant MangaLams ! (Commnets) : In Kali Yugam , BhagavannAma sankeerthanam has been cited as the most efficacious route to destroy the accumulated sins from many births. Like a blazing wild fire that consumes the wood in the forests , Hari destroys the sins , when He hears the sankeerthanam of His Sahasra Naamams .He is nirmalan(blemishless) and the KarmAs ( Paapa-PuNyams) do not touch Him . BhagavAn's naamAs are " Paamara-PaNDitha Paavanakara NaamadhEyams ".They saanctify the ordinary folks as well as the learned Scholars . NaamAs of the Lord are a portrait of His KalyANa GuNAs ( Yaani NaamAni GouNAni as per VishNu Sahasra Naamam) . KalisantharaNa Upanishad reveals the power of BhagavAn's dhivya NaamAs : " Bhagavatha: Aadhipurushasya NaarAyaNasya nAmOcchaaraNa-mAthrENa nirdhUtha Kalir-bhavathi " . Therefore , Kali Yuga dharmam is identified by VishNu PurANam as "Kalou Sankeerthya Kesavam " . Meditation is for Krutha Yugam , Yaj~nams for TrEthA yugam , worship in DhvAparam and what all these give , that one attains in Kali yugam by mere singing of the Lord's names. That develops Bhakthi and guides one to an AchAryan to perform SaraNAgathy and thereby gain MOksham . Rama RahasyOpanishd reveals that one escapes from all sins by repeating the sacred Raama Naamam ninety six crores of times . BhagavAn's Naama is hence saluted as "the foremost MangaLam in the world ( Jagath Prathama MangaLam) . Saint ThyagarAjA revealed the srEyas of the human being , who worships the Lord with the flowers of His gorious names : " Naama KusumamulachE poojinchE nara janmamE janmamu " Such is the glory of the Naama Sankeerthanam of Hari to gain the boon of sarva MangaLams . (To Be continued ) Hari CharaNAravindhE idham SamarpayAmi , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan SlOkam 13 *************** yEnOddhruthEyam dharaNee rasAtalAth asEsha-srushti-sTithi-kaaraNAdhikam Bhibharthy viswam Jagatha: Sa Moolam MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: SlOkam 14 : **************** PaadhEshu VedA jaDarE charAcharam rOmASvasEshA munayO mukhE makhA: YasyEswarEsasya Sa SarvadhA Prabhu: MamAsthu MaangaLYa vivrutthayE Hari: slOkam 15 ************* Samastha-yaJ~nAngamayam vapu: PrabhO: yasyAngam IsEswara-samsthuthasya VarAharoopi Bhagavaan Sa sarvadhA MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: SlOkam 16 **************** vikshObhya sarvOdhadhithOya-sambhavam dhadhAra dhAthreem Jagathasccha yO bhuvam Yaj~nEswarO Yaj~napumAn Sa SarvadhA MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: SlOkam 17 ************** PaathaLa-moolEswara-bhOgi-samhathO vinyasya padhou PruTiveem cha Bhibratha: yasyOpamAnam na BhabhUva sOachyuthO MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: SlOkam 18 *************** sagargaram Yasya cha bhrumhitham muhu: SananadhanAdhyai: janalOka-samsrithai: Srutham jayEthyukthiparai: Sa sarvadhA MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: SlOkam 19 **************** yEkArNavAth Yasya maheeyasO maheem AadhAya vEgEna khamuthpathishyatha: natham vapur-yOgivarai: Sa SarvadhA MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: SlOkam 20 ************** hathO HiraNyAksha-mahAsurA: P purANa-pumsA ParamENa yEna VarAharoopa: Sa Pathi: PrajApathi: MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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