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Fw: Saranagathi MaangaLya Sthavam : Part V/SlOkams 11 to 20 (BhU VarAha avathAram ): SlOkams 13-20

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Dear BhakthAs Of Sri Hari NaarAyaNan :


Today we will study Eight more slOkams of MaangaLya Sthavam .


SlOkam 13


yEnOddhruthEyam dharaNee rasAtalAth


Bhibharthy viswam Jagatha: Sa Moolam

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


(Meaning) : May the aadhi kaaraNam for this world , who lifted

and brought up the moss-covered BhUmi Devi from the depths of

the Ocean ( RasAthALam ) with His powerful arms , May this Lord

who creates , protects and dissolves all the world and its entities ,

May that Hari NaarAyaNan grow all auspiciousness for adiyEn !


(Comments) : Vedam says that the Lord took VarAhAvathAram ,

dived into the ocean and found BhUmi DEvi and lifted Her up with

His 100 hands (Satha BaahunA) and placed Her on His tusk and

brought Her to the surface of the PraLaya waters . She held on

to His damshtram ( Cannine tooth) firmly as She made the ascent with

Her Lord with the gigantic roopam of a wild Boar . After reaching

the surface , She begged Her Lord to reveal an easy way for Her

children to escape the cycles of births and deaths . The ever merciful

Jn~ana PirAn responded with the VarAha Charama slOkam for

our benefit . One can enjoy the darsanam of Jn~AnappirAn at

the dhivya dEsam of Thiruvidaventhai holding BhUmi Devi affectionate;y

on His tusk and performing the UpadEsam on the VarAha Charam slOkam .

BhU DEvi's sthOthram of the Lord is at BhAgavatham : 5.18.39 .

BhU VarAha Moorrthy's manthram is at Bhaagavatham : 5.18.35 .


VarAha Moorthy is present in three forms : Aathi , Bhu and Yaj~na Varaaha

forms .

Adhi Varahan is at Thirumala (Adhi VarAha KshEthram) on the banks of

Swamy PushkaraNi . BhU VarAhan is at SrimushNam as Moolavar in SaaLagrAma

silaa form . Yaj~na Varahar is at SrimushNam as Uthsavar . VishNu Shasra


( 971-982) describe the Yaj~na svaroopam of Sriman NaarAyaNa .


SlOkam 14 :


PaadhEshu VedA jaDarE charAcharam

rOmASvasEshA munayO mukhE makhA:

YasyEswarEsasya Sa SarvadhA Prabhu:

MamAsthu MaangaLYa vivrutthayE Hari:


(Meaning): May the powerful Hari with the four Veda MaathAs at His sacred

Thiruvadi , the entire charAcharam inside His stomach as VaDapathra-

Saayee , all the Sages on His hair ends and the entire Yaagams on

His face as Yaj~na VarAhan confer ever growing MangaLams on adiyEn !


(Comments) : Srimath BhAgavatham describes the Yaj~nams and the vessels

as well as Havis used in various Yaj~nams found in the different angams of

Yaj~na VarAha Moorthy .The seven Soma Yaj~nams ( AgnishtOmam , Ukthyam ,

ShOdasi , VaajabhEyam , AthirAthram and AbthOryAmam ) are recognized as

Skin , Flesh , Medas , Bones , Majjai , Blood and Suklam of the Lord

respectively .

In the form of Yaj~na VarAha Moorthy , He is seen as these seven Soma Yaj~nams

without the affiliation of the Soma lathA (Creeper and its sacred juice).


slOkam 15


Samastha- yaj~nAngamayam vapu: PrabhO:

yasyAngam IsEswara-samsthuthasya

VarAharoopi Bhagavaan Sa sarvadhA

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


( Meaning) : May VarAha BhagavAn with all the Yaj~nams and

their Utensils as well as the Havis used in the Yaj~nams present

in His various limbs and who is well eulogized by the dEvAs

grow all MangaLams for me in increasing measures !


(Comments) : The third canto of Srimath BhAgavatham (SlOkams 13-35)

describe the body of the Lord being made up of various utensils and Havis

as PurOdAsam ( the Havis in His stomach) , PrAcchithya (Brahma's havis) in

His mouth of this Yaj~napathi . Jaya Deva salutes Him as : " Kesava dhrutha

Sookara Roopan " holding BhU devi between His tusks .


SlOkam 16


vikshObhya sarvOdhadhithOya-sambhavam

dhadhAra dhAthreem Jagathasccha yO bhuvam

Yaj~nEswarO Yaj~napumAn Sa SarvadhA

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


(Meaning ) : May the PraLaya VarAha Moorthy , who shook up

the waters of RasAtaLam ocean in His search for His Devi and

who agitated the denizens of that Ocean during that process

and lifted His Devi form the depths , where HiraNyAkshan had

incarcerated Her and who is of the form of Yaj~nams (Yaj~na

VarAha Moorthy ) grow adiyEn's auspiciousness more and more !


(Comments) : The description of the Lord entering the PraLaya

waters as as Kapata VarAhan and His noisy search for His Devi

under the ocean waters of RasAtaLam is described beautifully by

Swamy Desikan in the fourth SlOkam of SrI DasAvathAra SthOthram .

Sri NaarayaNeeyam describes the fight between the Lord and

the asuran , who stole BhUmi Devi and the Lord's destruction of

that asuran .


SlOkam 17



vinyasya padhou PruTiveem cha Bhibratha:

yasyOpamAnam na BhabhUva sOachyuthO

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


(meaning): May the Lord (VarAhan, the Samastha JagadhAdharan) ) ,

who pushed His foot against the hoods of AdhisEshan for counterbalance

and lifted BhUmi Devi out of the depths of the ocean and the Lord , who is

matchless in His strength and Vaibhavam confer on adiyEn the boon of

ever-increasing MangaLams !


SlOkam 18


sagargaram Yasya cha bhrumhitham muhu:

SananadhanAdhyai: janalOka-samsrithai:

Srutham jayEthyukthiparai: Sa sarvadhA

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


(Meaning) : May Hari NaarAyaNan taking the form of the gigantic

VarAha Moorthy and generating loud snorting noises as Jaya GhOsham

at the end of His victory over HriraNyAkshan and which were heard by

Sages Sanantha, Sanath KumArAls at Jana lOkam and reciprocated by them

through their PallANDu for the PraLaya VarAhan , grow MangaLams for adiyEn

further and further !


(Comments ) : Swamy Desikan captures the divine Jaya ghOshams of

PraLaya Varadhan beautifully in His DasAvathAra SthOthram :


gOpAyEth anisam jaganthy KuhanA pOthree pavithreekrutha-

BrahmANDa : PraLayOrmi ghOsha gurubhir-ghONAravair-gurgurai:


(meaning): May the Kapata VarAha Murthy , who consecrated the entire

world with the His Loud "Gur Gur " sounds arising from His nostrils

and which were drowning the sound of the waves of the deluge waters ,

protect the worlds always !


SlOkam 19


yEkArNavAth Yasya maheeyasO maheem

AadhAya vEgEna khamuthpathishyatha:

natham vapur-yOgivarai: Sa SarvadhA

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


(Meaning) : May the Kola VarAha Moorthy ( Beautiful Lord

holding BhU Devi) arising swiftly out of the immense waters of

PraLayam after lifting BhU Devi from RasAtaLam oceans

and worshipped by the four sons of Brahma Devan (Sanaka et al)

at Jana Lokam , grow further and further adiyEn's MangaLams !


SlOkam 20


hathO HiraNyAksha-mahAsurA:

purANa-pumsA ParamENa yEna

VarAharoopa: Sa Pathi: PrajApathi:

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


(Meaning): May the ancient Lord ( PurANa Purushan) , Sri Jn~AnappirAn

who destroyed HiraNyAkshan in the battle at RasAtaLam grow adiyEn's

MangaLam more and more !


(Comments) : Our Lord , VarAha PerumAn is saluted here as Parama

Purushan and PurANa Purushan celebrated by the Purussha Sookthams

in all the Four VedAs . He is Purushan ( VishNu Sahasra Naamams of

14 and 407 ) . He is the PurushOtthaman of Bhagavath GitA 's 15th chapter.


He is PurANa or PurAtana Purushan . " PurAtana" is the 500th naamA of

Sri VishNu Sahasra Naamam . It fits with the recognition of Lord VarAhan

as Jn~AnappirAn . His Charama slOkam lights our way not only now

but in every kalpam ( aeon) . He is therefore PurAtanan .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil V.Sadagopan



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