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Sri Maangalya Sthavam : Part VIII /SlOkams 40 to 43

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Dear BhakthAs Of Sri Hari NaarAyaNan :


In the next two parts , we will study the final Eleven slOkams of

MaangaLya Sthavam .


The first part (SlOkams 40 to 43) focuses on the svaroopam of the Lord

as Hari NaarAyaNan and on the different slOkams to worship Him

at different SandhyAs , the times of the day ( slOkams 40 to 43 ) .


The second part covers the Phala Sruthi slOkams ( 44 to 50)

which instructs us about the MangaLams arising from the recitation of

this Sthavam . We will cover them in the next and final posting of this series

on Nara Hari BhagavAn .


SlOkam 40:(Morning Prayer)


prAtha: sahasrAmsu-mareechi-nirmalam

karENa Bibhrath BhagavAn Sudarsanam

KoumOdhakeem chApi gadhamananthO

mamAsthu mAngaLya vivrutthaE Hari :


(meaning) : May Hari NaarAyaNan holding the lustrous Sudarsana chakram

with the tEjas similar to the thousand rays of the Sun and the mace named

KoumOdhaki in His hands grant me the boon of ever-increasing MangaLams !


(Comments) : The first quarter of this slOkam is Vedic connotations. It has

the distant echo of the Gaayathri Manthram : " Let us adore the Supreme Being ,

the Godhead , who illuminates all , who recreates all , from whom all

proceed , to whom all must return , whom we invoke to direct our

misunderstandings that arise in our progress towards His holy seat ".

There is no MangaLam left out in this prayer in the form of Gaayathri

Manthram , which can be considered as the powerful Maangalya

Sthvam that we meditate upon at all the three sandhyAs .


" SahasrAmsu Mareechi nirmalam " here refers to Sri Hari NaarAyaNan ,

the blemishless tEjo Maya Moorthy , radiating thousands of rays;

these rays support and uphold firmly this earth and heaven . " You

created the sacrifices (Yaj~nams) and brought into being the Sun ,

the Dawn (Ushas) and Agni ( Rg Vedam VII.99.3 and 99.4) " . The Ushas

Sooktham of Rg Vedam are again relevant to celebrate the SahasrAmsu

Mareechi nirmala tatthvam . The study of Ushas Sooktham

is a study by itself and hence adiyEn will resist the temptation to

elaborate on them here .


The PrAtha UpasThAna Mantram from Yajur Vedam is also pertinent to reflect

upon here ( Mitrasya----na dhoorAth ) .


The meaning of this Manthram as given by Vaikunta Vaasi

ThillaisTAnam Swamy is:


" adiyEn desires redemption from SamsAram by the Lord (Hari) ,

the sole sustainer of the worlds and the universal saviour :

The all knowing God guides the individual souls along

the predetermined course. The Supreme Lord sustains

the earth and svargam(heavens) . The Lord keeps watching all

the subjects and unto Him - the eternal truth - let us offer our soul in

the sacrificial fire fed by the ghee of God-Love.Oh Soorya

NaarAyaNa ! Let that man who feels inspired and reassured

by Your response to his call , enjoy in ample measure .Your devotee

can not be tormented by any one nor conquerable by any one .

Sins dare not approach him from near or far ".


The showering of all MangaLams for one, who performs Prapatthi

at the Lord's feet is referred to here .


SlOkam 41 (Mid day Prayer )



mukhAnilApuritham IsvarEswara :

madhyAhna-kaalEapi Sa Sankhamudhvahan

MamAsthu MaangaLya vivrutthayE Hari:


(Meaning): May Hari NaarAyaNan adorning the white conch ,

Paanchajanyam filled with the breath from His mouth and

resembling in its white hue , the water from freshly melted

snow , the disc of the Moon . Kundha pushpam and the rock crystal

gem (sphatika MaNi) grow adiyEn's MangaLams during the midday !


(Comments) : another nirmala tatthvam is taken up here . This is of aural

instead of visual form . The sacredness of the sound of Paanchajanyam

with close sambhandham with the Lord's mouth has been celebrated by

ANDAL in Her NaacchiyAr Thirumozhi paasurams .


Our Lord moving to the height of the horizon during noon is celebrated by

the Yajur Veda Manthram as MaadhyAhnika UpasthAnam : " AasatyEna rajasA----

ManasA PunAthu" . The meaning of this Manthram is given in another posting

in the Oppiliappan archives:




Here , the Lord's conferral of the Supreme MangaLam of Moksham

to those who surrender to Him is referred to ; His splendour in heaven ,

His extension of benovolent protection to the DevAs and PrapannAs

are saluted . Prayer is extended to behold Him and enjoy Him for hundred

years filled with MangaLams marked by kaimkaryam to Him and His

BhagavathAs .


SlOkam 42 ( Evening Prayer )


taTAaparAhNE pravikAsi pankajam

VakshasTalEna Sriyamudhvahan Hari:


MamAsthu MaanLya vivrutthayE Hari :


(Meaning): May the Hari NaarAyaNan adorning a fully blossomed lotus

in one of His hands , adoring MahA Lakshmi seated on His chest and

having the eyes beautiful as the blossomed lotus enhance adiyEn's

MangaLams during the evening !


(Comments ) The slOkam to serve as the evening prayer is a beautiful

visualization of Soorya NaarAyaNan . Lord NaarAyaNan has the disc and

conch on His upper hands , MahA Lakshmi on His chest , a blossomed lotus

and Gadhai on the lower hands . You can see htis celebrated NaarAyaNa Moorthy

at Guruvaayur with the above insignias :





SlOkam 43 ( Prayer for all times and at all Places )


sarvEshu KaalEshu samastha-dESEshu

aSesha-kAryEshu taTEswarEswara:

sarvai: svaroopai: BhagavAn anAdhimAn

MamAsthu Maangalya VivrutthayE Hari :


(Meaning): May BhagavAn Hari appearing in all forms enhance

adiyEn's MangaLams at all times , places and occupations .

Hari is without beginning or end (anAdhimAn) .


adiyEn will conclude this posting onnthe ViswAntharyAmi ,

Sri Lakshmi Nrusimhan with a portion from His dhyAna sLOkam :


" upAsmahE NrusimhAkhyam Brahma VedAntha kOcharam

bhuyO lAlitha samsArac-chEdha hEthum Jagath Gurum ".


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil V.Sadagopan





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