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Sri Abheethi Sthavam : SlOkam 10

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Dear Sri RanganAtha BhakthAs :


In this slOkam , Swamy Desikan salutes the Vaathsalyam

and Dayaa of Lord of Srirangam , which save the chEtanan

from being lost in the temptations of SamsAric pleasures

and propells him to the higher goal of Moksham .


SlOkam 10


BhibhEth bhavabhruth PrabhO thvadhupadEsa theevroushadhAth

kadadhva rasa dhurvishE BaLisa bakshavath preeyathE

apaTya parihAra- dhee vimukham ittham Aakasmikee

tamapyavasarE kramaa dhavathi Vathsalaa Thvadh-dhayaa


Swamy Desikan says here : " Tamapi Vathsalaa aakasmikee Thvaddh

Dayaa , avasarE kramAth avathy ". Even him ( the samsaari lost

in the enjoyement of the transient pleasures of life ) , Oh RanganAthA ,

Your avyAja karuNA saves him in due time from repeated births

and deaths .


Oh Lord of Srirangam ! The SamsAri (Bhavabhruth) fears (BhibEth)

to take the tough medicine (theevra Oushadham ) of Your upadEsams

in Bhagavath Saasthrams like PaancharAthram and Bhagavath Gitaa.

They are the powerful medicines to cure the disease of SamsAram for

the ChEtanams.


The SamsAri engages in the lowly (kadhadhva) pleasures of material life ,

which are like the poisonous bait (Rasa dhurvisham) that tempt the fish

to feed on it ( BaLisa bhakshavath) and the SamsAri is very happy (preeyathE)

with that kind of enjoyment . Being used to the tasting of such pernicious

pleasures , the SamsAri is habituated (addicted) and delves deeper and

deeper in such harmful activities .These acts of the SamsAri are like

the fish arriving to eat the poisonous food attached to the bait of

a fisherman . The fish does not realize that the biting of the bait will end

its life . The SamsAri does not pay any attention to the dangers inherent

in pursuit of such harmful acts of chasing after dangerous pleasures .


The SamsAri has no intention to get away from such harmful (ittham apaTyam)

enjoyment and keeps on engaging in such activities without casting it aside .

He becomes " ParihAra dhee vimukhan " ( One who is uninterested in

giving up those self-destructive acts) . What is to become of this samsAri ?

Who will intervene and save him from his own destructive activities ?


The Lord of Srirangam does intervene . Even in the case of such a samsAri

persisiting in being mired in such harmful activities (tamm api) , He intervenes


the appropriate time (avasarE) and gradually (kramAth ) saves him (avathy) out


His infinite avyAja dayaa (aakasmikee) and affection ( vathsalaa Thvath Dayaa)


Sri RanganAthan's KaruNaa is without any reason and is kindled by his affection

for the SamsAri . Lord's compassion admixed with His affection saves the


samsAri . How is that done ? The Lord's affection makes Him overlook the


of the SamsAri . The Lord's Dayaa proceeds to wipe away the sufferings of

the SamsAri .When the SamsAri gains a little PuNyam thru some act of his ,

Lord's Dayaa flows towards him (SamsAri) in a manner that is not readily

comprehended by others ( aakasmikee Thvath Dayaa) . Over time (KramAth) ,

it turns the chEtanan towards the performance of auspicious deeds and

lands him ultimately at the sacred feet of His ( Lord's) AchAryAs to perform

Prapatthi and earn Moksha Sukham as a result . His Vaathsalyam and Dayaa

thus protects the erring chEtanam in a grand manner .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan






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