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Diwali at Utah Governor's Mansion

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Dear Members,

I want to share with you all, this news item which I found posted in


about Deepavali Celebration by the Indian community in the Governor's

Mansion, Utah.


krishnaswamy m k Source:

http://www.chakra.org/announcements/AOtherNov10_05_02.html Diwali At

Governor's Mansion


by Caru Das


November 10, 2005


Last night Utah history was made with the first Diwali celebration in the

Governor's mansion.


Expertly organized by Bhaskar and Sanchaita and their company (Fat Pipe

software) employees (Tannen and Ali) and with the indispensable support of

Dr. Dinesh Patel, some of the luminaries who attended were: The ambassador

of India Ronen Sen and his wife Kalpana, Governor Jon Huntsman and Mary Kay,

Gary Herbert (Lieutenant Governor) John Price (former US Ambassador to

Mauritius), Peter Corron (mayor of Salt Lake County), City Prosecutor Surjit

Gil and his parents, Lalit and Bobby Kumar, Ranjan, Deepa and Isa Gupta, Dr.

Subbarao and Satyavati, Arjun and Harrinder Bacchus, Ashok and Surekha

Joshi, Joe and Panna Gott, and Kalpana Patel (Dinesh was sorely missed,

being out of town). Sanchaita had lamented to me earlier on the phone the

guest list could not have been bigger because of lack of space and security



The first Lady, Mary Kay, looked very elegant in a pink sari. She confided

to Vaibhavi that she is thinking of wearing a sari at the Governor's Ball in

the White House.


After some initial socializing in the lobby, Caru Das called everyone's

attention to the improvised altar with Ganeshji and Lakshmi. (Governor

Huntsman had to be fetched from the kitchen, where he was helping to cook

the gulabjamans!) Caru explained the Ashta Lakshmi, the eight aspects of

Lakshmi, goddess of fortune. There is Adi Lakshmi, who is primeval and

resides eternally in Vaikuntha with Narayana. Dhanya Lakshmi gives health

from nutritional food grains. Dhairya Lakshmi bestows courage and bravery.

Gaja Lakshmi appeared from the ocean of milk, is associated with Ganesh and

removes obstacles. Santan Lakshmi benedicts with the treasure of healthy

children. Vijaya Lakshmi brings victory to all undertakings, including the

victory over the lower self by the higher self. Dhana Laksmi gives money.

Vidya Lakshmi blesses her devotees with knowledge and fine discrimination.


Caru mentioned that this last quality, of refined discretion, is inherited

by most Indians from thousands of years of spiritual culture, and its

acknowledgment on the part of Governor Huntsman accents his own highly

evolved spirituality and augurs auspicity for the future of Utah.


Bhaskar welcomed everybody, wished all the bounties of fortune, and ceded to

the Governor. Jon Huntsman said that perhaps not since Teddy Roosevelt has

such a distinguished guest as Indian ambassador Sen visited the Mansion. He

said that in all three of his own foreign postings (including Ambassador to

Singapore) he has increasingly come to love Indian culture and cuisine. He

even named some of his favorite Indian entrees. He mentioned how much he had

enjoyed his visit to the temple in Spanish Fork. He concluded by asserting,

to great applause, that though this is the first officially celebrated

Diwali it will not by any means be the last.


Ambassador Sen explained that Diwali means "row of lights." As light

dissipates darkness, it represents the triumph of good over evil. We must

resist darkness and ignorance by allowing the light from within to brightly



Since a costly fire in the mansion during the previous administration, open

flames of any sort have been strictly prohibited. Caru asked Lalit Kumar,

whom he considers wise and practical, how to go about doing a puja without

being able to light a stick of incense or a deepa, lamp. Lalit said, "Ask

forgiveness." Normally the prayascitta, or mantra of atonement, is spoken




mantra hinam kriya hinam bhakti hinam janardhana

yat pujitam maya deva paripurnam tad astu me


It asks that the Lord forgive omissions, or "hinams" in the puja. To this

was added another line *dupa hinam, deepa hinam* to ask forgiveness for the

omissions of incense and lamps (also).


An electric deepa purchased in Tirupati was plugged in by one of the female

staff members to start the puja. While Caru Das rang the bell, and chanted

Sri Sukta, one by one the principals, Governor Huntsman, Mary Kay,

Ambassador Sen, his wife, Bhaskar, and Kalpana came forward to be anointed

with tika on the forehead and to offer Laksmi a flower (pushpa) and akshata

(red rice). Each was asked to make a wish for our betterment as individuals

and as a nation.


To end the puja, fifty participants chanted responsively Shanti mantras for



Afterwards, on the third floor, an elabroate vegetarian buffet was enjoyed

by all amidst beautiful table decorations.


It was a memorable and historic evening. Thanks again to the organizers,

Sanchaita and Bhaskar, Ali and Tannen, Dinesh and Kalpana Patel, to the

Governor and first lady and Lieutenant Governor for hosting, and to all the

distinguished guests.




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Dear Members,

This is in continuation of my previous mail on Diwali celebration at Utah

Governor's Mansion. Members may open the link at

http://www.utahkrishnas.com/main/page.asp?id=358 to view the pictures taken

on the occasion.




---------- Forwarded message ----------

Mandayam Kumar Krishnaswamy <mkrishnaswamy

Dec 4, 2005 3:33 PM

Diwali at Utah Governor's Mansion


Dear Members,

I want to share with you all, this news item which I found posted in


about Deepavali Celebration by the Indian community in the Governor's

Mansion, Utah.


krishnaswamy m k

Source: http://www.chakra.org/announcements/AOtherNov10_05_02.html Diwali

At Governor's Mansion


by Caru Das

November 10, 2005




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