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Dec 10, 2005 Thirunakshathram celebrations at Sri RanganAtha Temple : You are all invited to attend .

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Oppiliappan List Archive Nov 2001Dear Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha BhakthAs:


The auspicious day of December 10 (Kaarthigai

UtthirattAdhi) is approaching in three days

time. On That day Lord RanganAthA's Nakshathram

of Revathis is acendant . Even more auspicious

is that the next day is Kaisika EkAdasi day. Asmath

AchAryan's Thirunakshathram will be celebrated

on this extraordinarily auspicious day of December 10

at Sri RanganAtha temple . Thirumanjanam for His

Archaa Moorthy along with Thirumanjanam for

Uthsavar and Moolavar Sri RanganAtha will also

be conducted .


Please plan on attending the Thirunakshathram

and Periya PerumAL Thirumanjanam on Dec 10

at Sri RanganAtha temple :




This type of special day is what the Veda manthram

(Rg Vedam VII.88.4)describes as " ahnAm Sudhinam ".

It is auspicious day of days. It is sudhinam as well

because it is a Sobhana dhinam . The whole manthram is:


Vasishtam ha VaruNO naavi aadhad

rishim chakaara svapaa mahObhi:


yan nu dhyAvas tatanan yAdh ushAsa:

--Rg Vedam: VII.88.4


(Extended Meaning): So the Venerable Supreme

Lord selects and places the pious-most one in

His boat and offers him(The AchAryan ) His

protection and raises him to the status of

a singer in His court.Soon after , the days

shine bright , whilst the nights broaden in and

the dawns are lengthened. Griffith translates

the section , " Yath nu dhyAvas tatanan yadh ushasa:"

as " while the heavens broadened and the dawns were

lengthened ".


The selection of the blessed one as an AchAryan

just as Lord Narasimhan selected a young man of

twenty and asked him to come to Ahobala KshEthram

is what comes to my mind , when I recite this

manthram of Sapthama MaNdalam. Thru anupravEsam ,

this Young man from ThirunArAyaNa Puram was

transformed by BhagavAn Narasimhan into

a Great Soul (Adhi VaNN SatakOpa Jeeyar)

and was protected by MalOlan and blessed

to sing His glory during NithyAradhanam ,

Veda-Dhivya prabhandha paarAyaNams .


All successors of Adhi VaNN SatakOpa Jeeyar

were also selected by BhagavAn Narasimhan and

protected .They were raised by Lord Narasimhan

as His amsam and commanded to to sanctify this earth

through their sanchArams carrying out the duties

assigned by (the Lord) Himself. Heavens broadened

for them and the dawns were lengthened for them .

The beauty of those dawns starting with their

nithyAnushtAnams ending in abhigamana aaradhanam

can be visualized every day at the Sri Matam.

Ushas Sooktham gives us a glimpse of the beauty

and sanctity of those dawns .


May we all be blessed to be part of the world

that such MahA PurushAs sanctify as they serve as

light on the top of the hill to guide us all

as we struggle finding our path thru the dark

nights of SamsAram and bring us to the bright and

beautiful dawn of hope and freedom from fear .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan

Vice Chairman , Sri RanganAtha Temple Board
























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