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Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- Thirumangai AzhwAr anubhavam Periya Thirumozhi 2.1.5 to 10

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest all,


Let us continue to enjoy Thirumangai AzhwArs wonderful

verses on Thiruvenkatamudiayaan.


kalayaami kalidhvamsam kavim lOkadhivaakaram

yaSya kObi: prakaaSaabir aavidhyam niHatham thama:


I meditate on the Poet, who is like the Sun for the

whole world, to destroy the darkness of ignorance

(a~jnAnam) with his word and who destroys the Kali



pongku bOdhiyum piNdi yumudaib

butthar nOnbiyar paLLi yuLLuRai,

thangkaL dhEvarum thaangkaLu mEyaaga ennNeNYchamenbaay

engkum vaanavar dhaana varniRainN

dhEtthum vEngkadam mEvi nNinRaruL,

angka NaayagaR kinRadi maitthozhil pooNdaayE.



5. Oh mind! You did not get distracted by those Jains

and Buddhists, who are there in their respective

temples with their demi gods. Good that you are able

to seek for performing eternal kaimkaryam to the Lord

of ThiruvEmkatam (where dEvAs come and praise Him) -

the Most Beautiful

eyed Lord- the One who does to the satisfaction of His

devotees by fulfilling their desires.


thuvari yaadaiyar mattai yarsamaN

thoNdar gaLmaNdi yuNdu pinnarum,

thamarum thaangkaLu mEdha dikka_en nNeNYchamenbaay,

kavari maakkaNam sErum vEngkadam

kOyil koNdakaN Naarvi sumbidai,

amara naayagaR kinRadi maitthozhil pooNdaayE.



6. Oh mind! You have sought to perform kaimkaryam to

the Lord of

ThirumalA that is full of lovely deer. Good that you

did NOT care a damn about the fat pot bellied, saffron

clad Jains who have shaved off their heads, and wander

along with one another, eat eat and keep on getting

fat. You are a great vivEki! You have done a right



tharukki NnaalsamaN seydhu sORuthaN

thayiri naalthira Lai,mi daRRidai

nerukku vaar_alak kaNadhu kaNden nNeNYchamenbaay,

marutkaL vaNdugaL paadum vEngkadam

kOyil koNdadha NnOdum, vaanidai

arukkan mEvinNiR paaRkadi maitthozhil pooNdaayE.



7. Having only the arguments and tharkaam as their

forte, these samaNars have attempted to (are trying

to) establish their religion with just arguments and

logic [tharkkam]. They eat a lump of rice mixed with

solid cured and get their throats choked up. Oh mind!

That's all they do. Argue- and eat. Nothing else. You

are great! You have sought to perform Nithya

kaimkaryam to the Lord, who has got ThiruvEmkatam as

His permanent place of stay - who is the antharyaami

[indweller] of the Sun.


sEya NnaNiyan siRiyan periya Nnenbadhu

silarpEsak kEttirunN

dhE,en NneNYchamen baay!enak konRu sollaadhE,

vEygaL nNinRuveN muttha mEsori

vEngka damalai kOyil mEviya,

aayar naayagaR kinRadi maitthozhil pooNdaayE.



When various people talk about and describe

SarvEshwaran- some say, "He is there at the farthest

place and is inaccessible to us" and do not attempt to

go near Him or reach Him; some say" He is very close

and so near" but not seek Him; some think of Him as a

small person, by citing His Sowlabhyam and go away (by

ignoring Him); Some say "You just can NOT dare reach

Him; for He is so Big!" Oh my dear mind! Though they

all blabbered such statements, you never listened to

them. You have sought to perform kaimkaryam to the

Lord of ThiruvEmkatam where pearls drop from the

bamboo tree stems; - the Lord of Cowherds- Why did you

never utter a word to me about Him and His greatness,

about your desire to seek Him?


koodi yaadi yuraitthadhE yuraitthaay_en

neNYchamen baay! thuNinNdhukEL,

paadi yaadip palarum paNinNdhEtthik kaaNgilaar,

aadu thaamarai yOnu meesanum

amarar kOnumnNin REtthum,vEngkadatthu

aadu kootthanuk kinRadi maitthozhil pooNdaayE.



9. My mind! Listen to me attentively; You mingled with

people - got long with them- ate with them and

listened to them; Those who are devotees of the Lord

dance, sing His glories and pay their obeisance to

Him; But they never get to know His actual Greatness

and Glories fully and completely. The Lotus born

BrahmA, the One who is praised by everyone- Indran-

Sivan- they too (ARE NOT aware of His Greatness) come

to ThiruvEmkatam and pay their obeisance to

SarvEshwaran (the Chief of

Cowherd men) there. You are great! You have sought to

perform eternal servitude to Him!


minnu maamugil mEvu thaNthiru

vEngka damalai kOil mEviya,

annamaay nigazhnNdha amarar perumaanai,

kanni maamadhiL mangkai yarkali

kanRi yinthami zhaalu raittha,im

mannu paadalval laarkkida maagum vaanulagE. 2.1.10


The Lord - the One who stays permanently at

ThiruvEmkatam, where the dark clouds move long with

the lightning as if the darkness walks holding a lamp

along with it- the One who appeared as a Hamsam to

save Vedas and handed over to BrahmA- the Chief of

Nithya sooris- about whom this poet of Thirumangai has

sung in sweet Tamil pAsurams. Those who read them will

have Paramapadham as their permanent abode.


Thirumangai AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana






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