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Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- Thirumangai AzhwAr anubhavam Periya Thirumozhi 5.6.7 [Today is Thirumangai AzhwAr Thirunakshathram]

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest all,

[Today is Thirumangai azhwAr Thirunakshathram.

Beginning of anadhyayanam. Hence, we will resume this

series after Thai hastham- Kooresar Thirunakshathram].



Let us continue to enjoy Thirumangai AzhwArs wonderful

verses on Thiruvenkatamudiayaan.


kalayaami kalidhvamsam kavim lOkadhivaakaram

yaSya kObi: prakaaSaabir aavidhyam niHatham thama:


I meditate on the Poet, who is like the Sun for the

whole world, to destroy the darkness of ignorance

(a~jnAnam) with his word and who destroys the Kali



sinthanaiyaith thavanNeRiyaith

thirumaalai, piriyaathu

vanthenathu manaththiruntha

vadamalaiyai, varivaNdaar

konthaNaintha pozhilkOva

lulakaLappaa NnadinNimirththa

anthaNanai, yaan_kaNda

thaNinNeerththen NnarangaththE (5.6.7)


7. He -the One who is the Vishayam (Object) of my

thoughts always; who directs me to have such an

intense desire for Him; who is the Consort of

PiraaTTi, who blesses me with the fruit of thinking of

Him; who is standing permanently at ThiruvEmkatam and

then now in my heart; who lengthened His Feet to

measure the whole world- Trivkraman of

ThirukkOvailoor;- My Swami- I have seen Him at



Trivikrama is very beautifully described by Swamy

Desikan in his dehaleesa sthuthi. [dehaleesa perumAL

is the Lord of ThirukkOviloor] Swami Desikan was

inspired by the special symbolism indicated by

Trivikraman ( UlagaLandhAn ) at this divya desam and

celebrated it by giving us his blessed work known as

Sri Saccharithra RakshA. More about this work later.


Sri DehaLeesa Sthuthi is a beautiful eulogy of


and salutes the special experience of the three "Mudal


at this divya desam. It has 28 slokAs set in the

Vasantha tilakA and Maalini metres . The first 26

slOkams of this sthOthram are in Vasantha TilakA metre

and the last two are set in the Maalini metre.


DehaLi means a threshhold . DehaLeesa means the Lord

of DehaLi or the Lord of Threshhold. DeahaLi in Tamil

means the the narrow portion of the house that

connects the front door to the inner chambers of the

house. The names of DehaLi in Tamil are " rEzhi,

idaikkazhi and Nadai" . The leelAs of the Lord

of ThirukkOvalUr in the DehaLi of Mrugandu Maharishi's


resulted in us being blessed with with the "advent "

of the three thiruvanthAdhis associated withtb he

three mudal azhwArs.


Thirumangai AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







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Dear All AaasthikAs :


Sriman MadhavakkaNNan is feasting us with his dedicated

Kiamkaryam of coverage of the 200 plus Paasurams of

our dear AzhwArs on ThiruvengadamudayAn .


In today's posting , Sri MadhavakkaNNan referred to the Vaibhavam of

ThirukkOvilUr Emperuman , Sri Thrivikrama DehaLeesan .


For those , who are interested , there is a detailed coverage of

Sri DehaLeesa Sthuthi of Swamy Desikan and his anubhavam of

the EmperumAn there at:




Thanks Sri MadhavakkaNNan for your dedicated Kaimkaryam ,


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,




"Madhavakkannan V" <srivaishnavan


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:46 AM

Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- Thirumangai AzhwAr anubhavam Periya

Thirumozhi 5.6.7 [Today is Thirumangai AzhwAr Thirunakshathram]



> SrI:

> SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:


> Dearest all,


> [Today is Thirumangai azhwAr Thirunakshathram.

> Beginning of anadhyayanam. Hence, we will resume this

> series after Thai hastham- Kooresar Thirunakshathram].

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