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[t'venkatam] Srimath Azhagiya Singar SathaabhishEkam Special series : 80.7 / SRI ACHYUTHA SATHAKAM : PART 7 / SLOKAMS 9-11

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ThiruppANAzhwAr AvathAra Dinam




SrI NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra MahA DesikAya Nama:


Dear BhakthAs :


Today , adiyEn will cover slOkams 9 to 11 .


SlOkam 9


karOshi na kriyasE kEnApi sTApayasi na samsTApyasE ananya sTitha:

harasi nikhilam na hriyasE Aheendhra-nagrEndhra anaga-jyOthi: sphuran


(Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ): Oh Lord of Ahindranagaram !

Thou shinest as a faultless effulgence (Knowledge) by Thyself

without any outside help . Thou dost create every thing but Thou art

not created by any one . Thou dost protect but are not protected by

any one else . Thou dost destroy , but art indestructible .


(Comments): Oh Lord of Thiruvaheendhrapuram ! Oh Lord with unchanging

sankalpa-maya jyOthi (effulgence ) ! No one is powerful enough to alter Your

sankalpam (will) . All deeds of Yours are empowered by Your sankalpam .


You bear everything in this universe but nothing supports You as Your

AadhAram .You create the entire universe with Your sankalpam but no one

can be identified as Your creator . With the power of Your sankalpam ,

You protect all the entities of this universe but no one protects You .

Your sankalpa Balam destroys the world during PraLayam but You can

not be destroyed by anyone. Thus You carry out Your duties of Creation,

Protection , destruction and bearing of the Universe and its beings

with the majestic power of Your sankalpam without assistance from any one .

It is for these reasons , You are saluted as the Para Devathai (Supreme One).


(Additional Observations) : In the previous slOkam , the svaroopam ( essential

nature ) and the svabhAvam ( inherent property )of the Supreme Being ( the


God-head) was " postulated " in the Upanishadic language . In this slOkam ,

the svaroopam and svabhAvam of the Achyutha Para Brahman is recast

in terms of the Brahma Soothram ( Jagath VyApArathvam ) .


Sri D.R. Swamy points out that the MangaLa slOkam of Brahma Soothram

(akhila bhuvana janma sTEma-bhangAdhi leelE ) and the soothram 1.1.2

( JanmAdhyasya yatha: ) repostulate what Upanishads (Taittiriyam III.1

and ChAndhOgyam VI.ii.1 and 3) state . Here , the Upanishads and the Brahma

Soothram ( 1.1.2) deal with the svabhAvam and svaroopam of Brahman as

Omniscient , Omnipotent , Dayaa-Nidhi from whom proceeds the origin ,

sustenance and dissolution of the multitudinous and multi-faceted

entities of the world .


It has been pointed out that Swamy Desikan goes one step beyond as

NigamAntha MahA Desikan . He accepts the Lord as the Creator , protector

and the destroyer of all the entities of the world ( Tava anaga JyOthi:

sphuran nikhilam karOthi , sTApayathi , harathi) ; Swamy Desikan adds

that He does it all without any external help ( ananya sTitha: karOthi ,

sTApayathi , harathy ) . He does it all by Himself and that is the uniqueness

of this "anaga jyOthi " ( unchanging sanklapa JyOthi of the Supreme Being,

Aheendhra Nagara NaaTan) .


SlOkam 10


aNU pramithasya api Achyuta Sakthis-tava sakala-dhAraNAdhi prabhUthA

tEna PrathivasthupoorNa: srUyasE aprathihatha nija-sTithi: sarvagatha:


(Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ) : Achyuta ! Even while Thou art contained

in an atom , Thy prowess in regard to supporting all objects is immense . Hence


Thou art proclaimed by the VedAs as One having untrammeled existence

(everywhere) and spreading Thyself everywhere , fully manifest Thyself in

each and every object .


( Comments): Oh Lord Dhaiva Naayaka , who does not abandon any one ,

who sought Your protection ! You enter into atomic sized vasthus and pervade

them . You are the indweller in all objects of every size . There is no place ,


You are absent . While You are inside the atomic-sized or gigantic-sized vasthus


You display Your power to bear them and direct them . You thus display Your

fullness (PoorNathvam) in all objects . Vedam salutes You therefore as


PoorNan . There are no obstacles for Your pervasion of all objects. You are

the indweller of them all and pervade them outside as well . You surround them

(vyApthi) inside and outside .


( Additional Observations ) : The " Prathi-Vasthu PoorNathvam " of the Supreme

Being is emphasized in this slOkam . He is even inside the tiniest atom and

still retains His capacity to protect and direct every thing . Thus He retains


PoorNathvam in the tiniest or largest objects and is saluted by the Sruthis

as Prathi-Vasthu PoorNan . He stays in every vasthu and everywhere as

ParipoorNan ( OmkArAthmaka Iswara tatthvam ) . Sruthis therefore eulogize

Him as " Pathim VisvasyAthmEswaram " and " yEsha SarvabhUtha antharAthmA

apahathapApmA dhivyO Deva yEkO NaarAyaNa: " . The Saanthi mantram of

IsAvAsya Upanishad invokes this ParipoorNa Tatthvam of the Lord by

invoking it (PoorNam) SEVEN times :


"Om PoorNamadha: PoorNamidham PoorNAth PoorNamudhachyathE

PoorNasya PoorNamAdhAya PoorNamEvAvaSishyathE "


SlOkam 11


sakalAnAm dharaNa niyamana SwAmithva niyama samsTitha: sarvatanu:

SrUyasE Achyuta sarva: svayam darSitha kArya-kAraNathva karBhura:


(Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ) : Achyutha ! Thou doth always support

and sustain every time , doth command them (into action) and doth stand out

as their overlord . By having everything and everyone as Thy body , Thou dost

demonstrate that Thou art both cause and effect mixed together . Therefore,

the VedAs refer to You as all (Sarva: ).


(Comments): Oh Achyuta ! You bear all the objects of the universe (i-e) with


svaroopam , You make the vasthus retain their svaroopams .You direct and

command all the vasthus while staying as their indweller . You stay as their

Lord (SwAmi) (i-e) You accept through Your Lordship all the phalans from

their actions as Your own . These three aspects -- supporting , commanding

and staying as the Master -- stay with You always. As a result , all the vasthus

become Your body (Sareeram) and You stay as their AathmA . You accept

the gross objects (SthUla vasthus) as Your Sareeram and become the cause

( the Kaarya PoruLkaL) . You use sookshma vathus (subtle objects) as sareeram

and become kaaraNa PoruL .Therefore all the sabdhams describing

the entire SthUla and Sookshma vasthus only denote You . Therefore Vedas

recite that " YOU ARE EVERY THING " .


(Additional Observations) : The PradhAna Paritantram ( the central doctrine)

of VisishtAdhvaitham (Viz) ., the body-soul relationship between the world

and the Lord is referred to here . This cardinal doctrine and the implications

of this relationship has been referred through the salutation of Lord DevanAthan

as "Sarva Tanu" ( One who has got the individual souls and the inert matter as

His body ) .The sentients and the insentients are His body(Tanu/Sareeram) and

He is their antharAthmaa/indweller . He is their AadhAram ( Support) , NiyAmyan

( Commander ) and Seshi ( Master) . The Chetanams and achEtanams forming

the Lord's body are the AadhEyam ( Supported) , NiyAmya ( one that is commanded)

and Seshan ( servant , one who exists for the benefit/enjoyment of the Seshi) .


The first half of the slOkam focuses on this cardinal doctrine :


sakalAnAm dharaNa-niyamana-swAmithva niyama samsTitha: sarva tanu:


Our Lord is responsible for dharaNam ( supporting) , Niymanam ( directing )

and Swamithvam ( Lordship) . He never slips from this sTaanam as Achyuthan

( niyama samsTithan) and has all of the sentients and insentients as His body

( Sarvatanu: ) .


The second half of the slOkam focuses on another cardinal doctrine of



SrUyasE Achyuta sarva: svayam darsitha Kaarya-KaaraNathva karBhura:


Here reference is made to the VedAs saluting the Lord as the Cause and

the Effect ( KaaraNam and Kaaryam ) . Thus He covers all and is "Sarvan " .

He has gross objects as His body and becomes Kaarya Vasthu ; He has

subtle vasthus as His body as well and becomes KaaraNa Vasthu.

All the sabdhams describing the entire range of vasthus thus refer

to Achyuthan . Therefore , the VedAs salute Him : " Tath Sarvam

Thvamasi " ( Thou art every thing ) .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan





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