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Dear All :


A Posting by Sri Govindan that appeared in Raama Bhakthi

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Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:00 AM

Thyagaraja Kriti - Bhakti Biccamiyyave - Raga Sankarabharanam



Sir, When I was translating the Kriti, the Thirumaalaip paasuram of

Thondaradippodiyaazhwar. Please read on.




Transliteration as per Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention

(including Telugu letters - Short e, Short o) -


a A i I u U


e E ai o O au M (H or :)


(e - short | E - Long | o - short | O - Long)


k kh g gh G

c ch j jh J (jn - as in jnAna)

T Th D Dh N

t th d dh n

p ph b bh m

y r l L v

z S s h





Transliteration as per Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention

(including Tamil letters - Short e, Short o, R and zh and nh) -


a A i I u U

e E ai o O au M H H - Aydavezhuthu



h/k/g G c/s J T/D N t/d n p/b m

y r l v zh L R n2 n2 - vallinam


Devanagari (Sanskrit) letters

j z s sh ksh/tc


Category wise - vallinam - h/k/g c/s T/D t/d p/b R

iDaiyinam - G J N n m n2

mellinam - y r l v zh L

Sanskrit j z s sh ksh/tc



Grant Me Alms of True Devotion - bhakti biccamu


In the kRti - `bhakti biccamiyyavE' - rAga zaMkarAbharaNaM,

zrI tyAgarAja asks Lord to grant him alms of (desireless) true



P bhakti biccam(i)yyavE bhAvukamagu sAttvIka


A muktik(a)khila zaktiki tri-mUrtulak(a)ti mElmi rAma (bha)


C prANamu lEni vAniki baGgAru pAga cuTTi

ANi vajra bhUSaNam(u)ram(a)ndu beTTu rIti

jhANalaku purAN(A)gama zAstra vEda japa prasaGga

trANa galgi(y)Emi bhakta tyAgarAja nuta (bha)


P O Lord! Deign to grant me alms of pure or desireless devotion

which is like a fortune.


A O Lord! Deign to grant me alms of pure or desireless devotion

towards rAma which is like a fortune and is much better than

emancipation, all kinds of powers and even the Trinity.


C In the same manner of tying a golden turban to a corpse and

decorating it on the chest with exquisite diamond ornaments, what

is the use if clever persons are bestowed with the capability of

knowledge of epics, Agama, sciences, vEda, chanting of names and

discourse? O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja! Deign to grant me alms

of pure or desireless devotion towards rAma which is like a



Word-by-Word Meaning


P O Lord! Deign to grant (iyyavE) me alms (biccamu)

(biccamiyyavE) of pure or desireless (sAtvIka) devotion (bhakti)

which is like a fortune (bhAvukamagu).


A O Lord! Deign to grant me alms of pure or desireless devotion

towards rAma which is like a fortune and,

which is much (ati) better (mElmi) than emancipation

(muktiki), all kinds (akhila) (muktikakhila) of powers (zaktiki) and

even the Trinity (tri-mUrtulaku) (mUrtulakati).


C In the same manner (rIti) of tying (cuTTi) a golden (baGgAru)

turban (pAga) to a corpse - one (vAniki) who has no (lEni) life-

breath (prANamu) - and decorating (beTTu) (literally place) it on

(andu) the chest (uramu) with exquisite (ANi) diamond (vajra)

ornaments (bhUSaNamu) (bhUSanamuramandu),

what (Emi) is the use if clever persons (jhANalaku) are

bestowed (galgi) (galgiyEmi) with the capability (trANa) (literally

stregnth) of (knowledge) of epics (purANa), Agama (purANAgama),

sciences (zAstra), vEda, chanting of names (japa) and discourse


O Lord praised (nuta) by this tyAgarAja - Your devotee

(bhakta)! Deign to grant me alms of pure or desireless devotion

towards rAma which is like a fortune.


Notes -

A - mukti - In this regard, please refer to tirumAlai of

vaiSnava saint toNDaraDippoDi AzhvAr in praise of Lord of zrI raGgaM -

Please visit the sites -

http://www.srivaishnavam.com/texts/tmalai_roman.htm The PDF version

in Tamil may be downloaded from site -




paccai mAmalai pOl mEn2i* pavaLavAy kamalac ceGgaN*

accutA! amarar ERE!* Ayar tam kozhundE! en2n2um,*

iccuvai tavira yAn2pOy* indira lOgam ALum,*

accuvai peRin2um vENDEn2* araGgamA nagar uLAn2E! (2)


A - akhila zakti - zrI tyAgarAja seems to refer to aNimAdi

eight-fold siddhi.

C - pAga - In the book of Shri C Ramanujachariar and `Adi

Tyagaraja Kirtanams' this word is given. However, in the book of Shri

TK Govinda Rao, this is given as `bAga'. In view of the ensuing

word `cutti', it is clear that this refers to a `turban' (pAga).

However, as per dictionary, the correct word is `pAgA'. As elongation

at the end might involve in change in metre, this needs to be

checked. Any suggestions ???


This Kriti is available as a MS Word or (Acrobat) PDF file in

Devanagari, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada, Assamese, Bengali,

Gujarati, Oriya, Punjabi scripts. The meaning of the Kriti is also

available in Tamil. If anyone is interested to receive the same by e-

maill, please contact me at vgvindan specifying the format

required - MS Word or Acrobat PDF. Fonts for viewing the document in

MS Word may be downloaded free from www.cdac.in . Those who are

having CDAc's iLeap Indian Languages software may, if they so desire,

get that iLeap version of Kritis Indian Languages also from me.

Please indicate accordingly.


Please send in Your comments and suggestions.

May Saint Thyagaraja Bless us all

V Govindan

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