Guest guest Posted February 15, 2006 Report Share Posted February 15, 2006 Dear member, The "pramANam" from the Mahabharatham (MB) quoting Sri BhishmAchAriar on "sandhyA" posted by Sri M.G.Vasudevan is indeed a very wonderful one. Sri Pattangi's observations (about "Sandhya" being a "nityakarma" to be performed without any thought of "returns" or personal profit like "long life" etc.) are also equally valid. How to reconcile the two? Are we to reject the "pramaNam" of the MB? Or are we to go by the inviolability of the Vedic tenet which says "sandhyA" ritual as "nitya-karma" is to be performed without expecting any "phalan" whatsoever? After reading the wonderful MB account of Sri BhishmAchAriar's expatiating on the "sandhyA" this is what I am able to gather: The powers of the 'sandhya-karma' and the 'gaayatri mantra' are well documented in the Vedas and "smriti-texts". Sincere and devoted practice of these two daily sacraments amounts to "upAsana". Every Vedic "upAsana", when devotedly practiced, day in and day out, is bound to have a certain predictable outcome or result, whether the "upAsaka" consciously wishes for it or not. Any Vedic "karma" will yield its results ("phalan") no matter what. So when Bhishma says that "sandhyA" and "gayatri" rites when performed unfailingly bestow upon the practitioner "long life" ("deergAyush"), the venerable "pitAmahar's" words must be taken as absolute truth. The SriVaishnava faith too in all its wisdom fully recognizes that SandhyA 'nityakarma' does inevitably yield "phalan". But in SriVaishnavite religious practice such "phalan" is also turned over to "bhagath-preethi" i.e. such "phalan" is also offered up as sacrificed at the altar of God's purpose. The "upAsaka" thus specifically performs "phala-tyAga" at the end of the "sandhyA" rite by invoking a special "mantra" called "sAttvika-tyAgam". Through such sacrificial offering of the fruits of the "sandhyA" rite unto the Almighty, the "upAsaka" in effect says: "I am regularly performing the "sandhya" ritual mandated upon me by my Vedic faith. I know it will fetch me all auspicious "phalan" like good health, intelligence, long life, well-being etc. in life. While thanking "gaayatri-devata" for her compassion to me in granting me all such good things in life, I seek her blessings again in enabling me to offer all of such "fruits" as sacrifice once again to the Almighty! May He accept my offerings and use them for His own Purpose, Will and Pleasure". All Vedic mantras pray every man should live out a "long life" --- 100 years to be precise. In the "sandhya" rite itself this is evident through those significant phrases "jeevEma sharadha satam, nandAma sharada satam, mOdhAma sharada satam, bhavAma sharadha satam....etc". There are other "mantras" too like "shatamAnam bhavathi satAyUsh purushas....". We must ask why the Vedas wish for man to live out his full biological life-span of 100 years. It is not for mere "eating, drinking and making merry". Human life has great, great potential for doing good upon earth. It is within the power of Man to ensure that the writ of the Kingdom of God runs in this mortal world too. Man can ensure that "dharma" prevails on earth and every being on this planet is able to enjoy happiness, well-being, peace and love. More than any other species on earth it is Man alone ("manushya-jAthi") who is well-equipped to carry out God's purpose on earth. Imagine for a moment how much goodness and happiness can be created in the world if all men lived for 100 years doing God's work? Sankara lived for a mere 32 years. How much good was accomplished by him indeed. Jesus lived for a mere 33 years. How much good he did accomplish in that short span, indeed. Swami Vivekananda lived for no more than 30 odd years. Yet we know how much good he brought into the world. Sri Parashara Bhattar lived for 32 years. Yet how much goodness he spread around him in SriRangam! We should pause for a moment to imagine how much more good all these great souls might have accomplished in this world if only they had lived a full 100 years? Similarly, we should also always be mindful of how much goodness great souls like Sri RamanujAchArya and Swami Venkantanathan, who lived to be centenarians in their own time, left behind them. We should be grateful that such tall men walked this earth and lived for 100 years to accomplish all that they did. Gandhi lived for more than 80 years. Imagine how a great "mahAtma" like him might have changed the course of history for the better if only he had lived another 20 years! So, the long and short of it all, is this: Yes, the "sanhdhyA" does have its own special kind of "profit" i.e. "phalan", and "deerghAyUsh" (long life) is certainly one of them. One is enjoined to perform "sandhyA" without selfish motive for personal "profit" and one may not hence ask for a "100 years" of a lifetime of gross self-gratification. But one may most certainly ask, without being amiss, for a 100 long years on earth of self-sacrifice ("sAtvika-tyAga"), a 100 years to serve and accomplish the Almighty's purpose. No one can call that selfishness or "kaamyArtham". Both SrimAn Vasudevan and Pattangi are therefore right. Both need to be thanked for bringing up this interesting subject for discussion. They have shown us what a treasure-house of truth and wisdom our ancient "itihAsAs" and "purANas" are. Regards, dAsan, Sudarshan --- Pattangi <danp wrote: > Sri: > Dear Sri Vasudevan: Please accept adiyen's humble > pranam. > Very Nice article, well written: > Adiyen would like to bring out a few factual points > for discussion: > > 1: Almost all dwija Sri Vaishanvas who perform the > SandhyaVandhanam> perform it as a Service to him (Kainkariyam) or for> his pleasure > (Preethyartham), > none of these devotees perform the Sandhya expecting > any punyam/ benefit. > > 2: With respect to any Service to the LORD and his > devotees (as > Preethyartham or Kainkariyam), > if anyone starts performing ABC expecting back XYZ > benefits, we are getting into a > very slippery slope of business transactions, which > is exactly opposite to what SriVaishanvam preaches/ stands for. > > 3: For the dwija SriVaishnavas, performing regular > sandhya qualifies us to do> other Agni Karyams, Veda Adhyayanam and other rituals. > > 4: Sandhya, other rituals, Love of GOD and devotees > etc, No matter how much convincing any "Person" can do> and will do, its only HIS will that will change hearts and people. > > Given all these, there is no benefit that we seek > from Sandya Vandanam and if one does that is it not against SriVaishava principles. > > => At another location in the mail there is a QUOTE > "One should wake up from sleep at the hour known as > the Brahma Muhurtham and then think of both religion and profit." > ---- End Quote > > Thinking of profits seems contrary to what we might > want to do during Brahma Muhurtham. > > Please do not mistake these points > > Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE sharanam > > adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan > Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi ________ India Matrimony: Find your partner now. 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Guest guest Posted February 15, 2006 Report Share Posted February 15, 2006 Dear member, The "pramANam" from the Mahabharatham (MB) quoting Sri BhishmAchAriar on "sandhyA" posted by Sri M.G.Vasudevan is indeed a very wonderful one. Sri Pattangi's observations (about "Sandhya" being a "nityakarma" to be performed without any thought of "returns" or personal profit like "long life" etc.) are also equally valid. How to reconcile the two? Are we to reject the "pramaNam" of the MB? Or are we to go by the inviolability of the Vedic tenet which says "sandhyA" ritual as "nitya-karma" is to be performed without expecting any "phalan" whatsoever? After reading the wonderful MB account of Sri BhishmAchAriar's expatiating on the "sandhyA" this is what I am able to gather: The powers of the 'sandhya-karma' and the 'gaayatri mantra' are well documented in the Vedas and "smriti-texts". Sincere and devoted practice of these two daily sacraments amounts to "upAsana". Every Vedic "upAsana", when devotedly practiced, day in and day out, is bound to have a certain predictable outcome or result, whether the "upAsaka" consciously wishes for it or not. Any Vedic "karma" will yield its results ("phalan") no matter what. So when Bhishma says that "sandhyA" and "gayatri" rites when performed unfailingly bestow upon the practitioner "long life" ("deergAyush"), the venerable "pitAmahar's" words must be taken as absolute truth. The SriVaishnava faith too in all its wisdom fully recognizes that SandhyA 'nityakarma' does inevitably yield "phalan". But in SriVaishnavite religious practice such "phalan" is also turned over to "bhagath-preethi" i.e. such "phalan" is also offered up as sacrificed at the altar of God's purpose. The "upAsaka" thus specifically performs "phala-tyAga" at the end of the "sandhyA" rite by invoking a special "mantra" called "sAttvika-tyAgam". Through such sacrificial offering of the fruits of the "sandhyA" rite unto the Almighty, the "upAsaka" in effect says: "I am regularly performing the "sandhya" ritual mandated upon me by my Vedic faith. I know it will fetch me all auspicious "phalan" like good health, intelligence, long life, well-being etc. in life. While thanking "gaayatri-devata" for her compassion to me in granting me all such good things in life, I seek her blessings again in enabling me to offer all of such "fruits" as sacrifice once again to the Almighty! May He accept my offerings and use them for His own Purpose, Will and Pleasure". All Vedic mantras pray every man should live out a "long life" --- 100 years to be precise. In the "sandhya" rite itself this is evident through those significant phrases "jeevEma sharadha satam, nandAma sharada satam, mOdhAma sharada satam, bhavAma sharadha satam....etc". There are other "mantras" too like "shatamAnam bhavathi satAyUsh purushas....". We must ask why the Vedas wish for man to live out his full biological life-span of 100 years. It is not for mere "eating, drinking and making merry". Human life has great, great potential for doing good upon earth. It is within the power of Man to ensure that the writ of the Kingdom of God runs in this mortal world too. Man can ensure that "dharma" prevails on earth and every being on this planet is able to enjoy happiness, well-being, peace and love. More than any other species on earth it is Man alone ("manushya-jAthi") who is well-equipped to carry out God's purpose on earth. Imagine for a moment how much goodness and happiness can be created in the world if all men lived for 100 years doing God's work? Sankara lived for a mere 32 years. How much good was accomplished by him indeed. Jesus lived for a mere 33 years. How much good he did accomplish in that short span, indeed. Swami Vivekananda lived for no more than 30 odd years. Yet we know how much good he brought into the world. Sri Parashara Bhattar lived for 32 years. Yet how much goodness he spread around him in SriRangam! We should pause for a moment to imagine how much more good all these great souls might have accomplished in this world if only they had lived a full 100 years? Similarly, we should also always be mindful of how much goodness great souls like Sri RamanujAchArya and Swami Venkantanathan, who lived to be centenarians in their own time, left behind them. We should be grateful that such tall men walked this earth and lived for 100 years to accomplish all that they did. Gandhi lived for more than 80 years. Imagine how a great "mahAtma" like him might have changed the course of history for the better if only he had lived another 20 years! So, the long and short of it all, is this: Yes, the "sanhdhyA" does have its own special kind of "profit" i.e. "phalan", and "deerghAyUsh" (long life) is certainly one of them. One is enjoined to perform "sandhyA" without selfish motive for personal "profit" and one may not hence ask for a "100 years" of a lifetime of gross self-gratification. But one may most certainly ask, without being amiss, for a 100 long years on earth of self-sacrifice ("sAtvika-tyAga"), a 100 years to serve and accomplish the Almighty's purpose. No one can call that selfishness or "kaamyArtham". Both SrimAn Vasudevan and Pattangi are therefore right. Both need to be thanked for bringing up this interesting subject for discussion. They have shown us what a treasure-house of truth and wisdom our ancient "itihAsAs" and "purANas" are. Regards, dAsan, Sudarshan --- Pattangi <danp wrote: > Sri: > Dear Sri Vasudevan: Please accept adiyen's humble > pranam. > Very Nice article, well written: > Adiyen would like to bring out a few factual points > for discussion: > > 1: Almost all dwija Sri Vaishanvas who perform the > SandhyaVandhanam> perform it as a Service to him (Kainkariyam) or for> his pleasure > (Preethyartham), > none of these devotees perform the Sandhya expecting > any punyam/ benefit. > > 2: With respect to any Service to the LORD and his > devotees (as > Preethyartham or Kainkariyam), > if anyone starts performing ABC expecting back XYZ > benefits, we are getting into a > very slippery slope of business transactions, which > is exactly opposite to what SriVaishanvam preaches/ stands for. > > 3: For the dwija SriVaishnavas, performing regular > sandhya qualifies us to do> other Agni Karyams, Veda Adhyayanam and other rituals. > > 4: Sandhya, other rituals, Love of GOD and devotees > etc, No matter how much convincing any "Person" can do> and will do, its only HIS will that will change hearts and people. > > Given all these, there is no benefit that we seek > from Sandya Vandanam and if one does that is it not against SriVaishava principles. > > => At another location in the mail there is a QUOTE > "One should wake up from sleep at the hour known as > the Brahma Muhurtham and then think of both religion and profit." > ---- End Quote > > Thinking of profits seems contrary to what we might > want to do during Brahma Muhurtham. > > Please do not mistake these points > > Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE sharanam > > adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan > Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi ________ India Matrimony: Find your partner now. 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Guest guest Posted February 15, 2006 Report Share Posted February 15, 2006 Dear Sriman Sudarshan, Please don't dilute your great message. >> How much good was accomplished by him indeed. Jesus lived for a mere 33 years<< You ar eright. If he had lived for 100 years, probably we would have been told much earlier that we are devil worshippers condemned to eternal hell! The ultra platinum truth is that we need to treat others as they deserve to be treated! dAsan K.S. tAtAchAr sudarshan madabushi <mksudarshan2002 tiruvenkatam; oppiliappan; Wed, 15 Feb 2006 09:46:01 +0000 (GMT) Re: [t'venkatam] Re: [ramanuja] sandhyaa vandhanam - Bhishma's Answer Dear member, The "pramANam" from the Mahabharatham (MB) quoting Sri BhishmAchAriar on "sandhyA" posted by Sri M.G.Vasudevan is indeed a very wonderful one. Sri Pattangi's observations (about "Sandhya" being a "nityakarma" to be performed without any thought of "returns" or personal profit like "long life" etc.) are also equally valid. How to reconcile the two? Are we to reject the "pramaNam" of the MB? Or are we to go by the inviolability of the Vedic tenet which says "sandhyA" ritual as "nitya-karma" is to be performed without expecting any "phalan" whatsoever? After reading the wonderful MB account of Sri BhishmAchAriar's expatiating on the "sandhyA" this is what I am able to gather: The powers of the 'sandhya-karma' and the 'gaayatri mantra' are well documented in the Vedas and "smriti-texts". Sincere and devoted practice of these two daily sacraments amounts to "upAsana". Every Vedic "upAsana", when devotedly practiced, day in and day out, is bound to have a certain predictable outcome or result, whether the "upAsaka" consciously wishes for it or not. Any Vedic "karma" will yield its results ("phalan") no matter what. So when Bhishma says that "sandhyA" and "gayatri" rites when performed unfailingly bestow upon the practitioner "long life" ("deergAyush"), the venerable "pitAmahar's" words must be taken as absolute truth. The SriVaishnava faith too in all its wisdom fully recognizes that SandhyA 'nityakarma' does inevitably yield "phalan". But in SriVaishnavite religious practice such "phalan" is also turned over to "bhagath-preethi" i.e. such "phalan" is also offered up as sacrificed at the altar of God's purpose. The "upAsaka" thus specifically performs "phala-tyAga" at the end of the "sandhyA" rite by invoking a special "mantra" called "sAttvika-tyAgam". Through such sacrificial offering of the fruits of the "sandhyA" rite unto the Almighty, the "upAsaka" in effect says: "I am regularly performing the "sandhya" ritual mandated upon me by my Vedic faith. I know it will fetch me all auspicious "phalan" like good health, intelligence, long life, well-being etc. in life. While thanking "gaayatri-devata" for her compassion to me in granting me all such good things in life, I seek her blessings again in enabling me to offer all of such "fruits" as sacrifice once again to the Almighty! May He accept my offerings and use them for His own Purpose, Will and Pleasure". All Vedic mantras pray every man should live out a "long life" --- 100 years to be precise. In the "sandhya" rite itself this is evident through those significant phrases "jeevEma sharadha satam, nandAma sharada satam, mOdhAma sharada satam, bhavAma sharadha satam....etc". There are other "mantras" too like "shatamAnam bhavathi satAyUsh purushas....". We must ask why the Vedas wish for man to live out his full biological life-span of 100 years. It is not for mere "eating, drinking and making merry". Human life has great, great potential for doing good upon earth. It is within the power of Man to ensure that the writ of the Kingdom of God runs in this mortal world too. Man can ensure that "dharma" prevails on earth and every being on this planet is able to enjoy happiness, well-being, peace and love. More than any other species on earth it is Man alone ("manushya-jAthi") who is well-equipped to carry out God's purpose on earth. Imagine for a moment how much goodness and happiness can be created in the world if all men lived for 100 years doing God's work? Sankara lived for a mere 32 years. How much good was accomplished by him indeed. Jesus lived for a mere 33 years. How much good he did accomplish in that short span, indeed. Swami Vivekananda lived for no more than 30 odd years. Yet we know how much good he brought into the world. Sri Parashara Bhattar lived for 32 years. Yet how much goodness he spread around him in SriRangam! We should pause for a moment to imagine how much more good all these great souls might have accomplished in this world if only they had lived a full 100 years? Similarly, we should also always be mindful of how much goodness great souls like Sri RamanujAchArya and Swami Venkantanathan, who lived to be centenarians in their own time, left behind them. We should be grateful that such tall men walked this earth and lived for 100 years to accomplish all that they did. Gandhi lived for more than 80 years. Imagine how a great "mahAtma" like him might have changed the course of history for the better if only he had lived another 20 years! So, the long and short of it all, is this: Yes, the "sanhdhyA" does have its own special kind of "profit" i.e. "phalan", and "deerghAyUsh" (long life) is certainly one of them. One is enjoined to perform "sandhyA" without selfish motive for personal "profit" and one may not hence ask for a "100 years" of a lifetime of gross self-gratification. But one may most certainly ask, without being amiss, for a 100 long years on earth of self-sacrifice ("sAtvika-tyAga"), a 100 years to serve and accomplish the Almighty's purpose. No one can call that selfishness or "kaamyArtham". Both SrimAn Vasudevan and Pattangi are therefore right. Both need to be thanked for bringing up this interesting subject for discussion. They have shown us what a treasure-house of truth and wisdom our ancient "itihAsAs" and "purANas" are. Regards, dAsan, Sudarshan --- Pattangi <danp wrote: > Sri: > Dear Sri Vasudevan: Please accept adiyen's humble > pranam. > Very Nice article, well written: > Adiyen would like to bring out a few factual points > for discussion: > > 1: Almost all dwija Sri Vaishanvas who perform the > SandhyaVandhanam> perform it as a Service to him (Kainkariyam) or for> his pleasure > (Preethyartham), > none of these devotees perform the Sandhya expecting > any punyam/ benefit. > > 2: With respect to any Service to the LORD and his > devotees (as > Preethyartham or Kainkariyam), > if anyone starts performing ABC expecting back XYZ > benefits, we are getting into a > very slippery slope of business transactions, which > is exactly opposite to what SriVaishanvam preaches/ stands for. > > 3: For the dwija SriVaishnavas, performing regular > sandhya qualifies us to do> other Agni Karyams, Veda Adhyayanam and other rituals. > > 4: Sandhya, other rituals, Love of GOD and devotees > etc, No matter how much convincing any "Person" can do> and will do, its only HIS will that will change hearts and people. > > Given all these, there is no benefit that we seek > from Sandya Vandanam and if one does that is it not against SriVaishava principles. > > => At another location in the mail there is a QUOTE > "One should wake up from sleep at the hour known as > the Brahma Muhurtham and then think of both religion and profit." > ---- End Quote > > Thinking of profits seems contrary to what we might > want to do during Brahma Muhurtham. > > Please do not mistake these points > > Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE sharanam > > adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan > Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi ________ India Matrimony: Find your partner now. 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Guest guest Posted February 18, 2006 Report Share Posted February 18, 2006 Dear member, Thank you for revealing the "ultra-platinum truth". I have no desire for 'platinum' coating. Simple, unadulterated truths will do just fine. I believe there are plenty indeed to be found in all the great religious scriptures of the world.... including the Bible. If you don't mind, I shall stand by what I wrote. Best regards, dAsan, Sudarshan --- tatachar wrote: > Dear Sriman Sudarshan, > > Please don't dilute your great message. > >> How much good was accomplished by him indeed. > Jesus lived for a mere 33 years<< > You ar eright. If he had lived for 100 years, > probably we would have been told > much earlier that we are devil worshippers condemned > to eternal hell! > The ultra platinum truth is that we need to treat > others as they > deserve to be treated! > > dAsan > > K.S. tAtAchAr ________ India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2006 Report Share Posted February 19, 2006 Dear Sriman Sudarshan, If you don't mind the Bible calling you a heathen, eternally condemned to hell if you don't accept Jesus and only Jesus as the truth and the way, fine. I certainly mind, that is my call; just as your call to ignore that! Just ask the authentic followers of the Bible (not Gandhi or RK mission or confused desis) they will tell you the great truth it teaches you (You don't need the first two lines or the fourth line, upadexanti te gnAnam!). I certainly have nothing to do with a Book which tells me that my ancestors including Nathamuni, Yamunamuni- all before them and after them (such as Ramanujacharya, Swami Deshikar et al., who did not convert) are eternally in hell. >>I believe there are plenty indeed to be found in all the great religious scriptures of the world.... including the Bible. << Certainly there are. I have read every word of the Bible and the Koran (the two staring to steer us!). So why believe? I know you can read; so it can be a matter of fact for you that they have good things in them. That is not the point. Do you believe that you may find something great in them which you have not found in your own? Do you know that they are (lot more) serious about their religion. You take it all or leave it all. I will not mix them in the religious context (I am not a Gandhian or running for office in India or anywhere, or waiting to be called what a good guy I am- atta boy!). Remember, when you look at scriptures which people swear by, you watch out more so for what is bad in them. After all we will not be hurt by what is good in them! If you still want to hold on to your conviction, who am I to say it is incorrect. But the good news for you is that majority of Hindus (Indians) are with you- that is also the sad part! dAsan K.S. tAtAchAr sudarshan madabushi <mksudarshan2002 tatachar; tiruvenkatam; oppiliappan; Sat, 18 Feb 2006 07:39:21 +0000 (GMT) Re: Re: [t'venkatam] Re: [ramanuja] sandhyaa vandhanam - Bhishma's Answer Dear member, Thank you for revealing the "ultra-platinum truth". I have no desire for 'platinum' coating. Simple, unadulterated truths will do just fine. I believe there are plenty indeed to be found in all the great religious scriptures of the world.... including the Bible. If you don't mind, I shall stand by what I wrote. Best regards, dAsan, Sudarshan --- tatachar wrote: > Dear Sriman Sudarshan, > > Please don't dilute your great message. > >> How much good was accomplished by him indeed. > Jesus lived for a mere 33 years<< > You ar eright. If he had lived for 100 years, > probably we would have been told > much earlier that we are devil worshippers condemned > to eternal hell! > The ultra platinum truth is that we need to treat > others as they > deserve to be treated! > > dAsan > > K.S. tAtAchAr ________ India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to Links Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2006 Report Share Posted February 19, 2006 Dear Sri Tattachar, Thank you for your vehement mail. Since I see no useful purpose in engaging in further discussions on the subject, let's leave the matter where it stands now and move on. Thanks and regards, dAsan, Sudarshan --- tatachar wrote: > Dear Sriman Sudarshan, > > If you don't mind the Bible calling you a heathen, > eternally condemned > to hell > if you don't accept Jesus and only Jesus as the > truth and the way, > fine. > I certainly mind, that is my call; just as your call > to ignore that! > Just ask the authentic followers of the Bible (not > Gandhi or RK mission > or confused desis) they will tell you the great > truth it teaches you > (You don't need the first two lines or the fourth > line, upadexanti te > gnAnam!). > > I certainly have nothing to do with a Book which > tells me that my > ancestors > including Nathamuni, Yamunamuni- all before them > and after them (such as Ramanujacharya, Swami > Deshikar et al., > who did not convert) are eternally in hell. > > >>I believe there are plenty indeed to be found in > all the great > religious scriptures of the world.... including the > Bible. << > > Certainly there are. I have read every word of the > Bible > and the Koran (the two staring to steer us!). > So why believe? I know you can read; > so it can be a matter of fact for you that they have > good things in them. That is not the point. > Do you believe that you may find something great > in them which you have not found in your own? > Do you know that they are (lot more) serious about > their religion. > You take it all or leave it all. I will not mix them > in the religious > context (I am not a Gandhian or running for > office in India or anywhere, or waiting to be called > what a good guy I am- atta boy!). > Remember, when you look at scriptures which people > swear by, > you watch out more so for what is bad in them. After > all we will not be > hurt by what is good in them! > > If you still want to hold on to your conviction, who > am I to say > it is incorrect. But the good news for you is that > majority of > Hindus (Indians) are with you- that is also the sad > part! > > dAsan > > K.S. tAtAchAr > > > sudarshan madabushi > <mksudarshan2002 > tatachar; tiruvenkatam; > oppiliappan; > > Sat, 18 Feb 2006 07:39:21 +0000 (GMT) > Re: Re: [t'venkatam] Re: > [ramanuja] sandhyaa > vandhanam - Bhishma's Answer > > Dear member, > > Thank you for revealing the "ultra-platinum truth". > > I have no desire for 'platinum' coating. Simple, > unadulterated truths will do just fine. I believe > there are plenty indeed to be found in all the great > religious scriptures of the world.... including the > Bible. If you don't mind, I shall stand by what I > wrote. > > Best regards, > dAsan, > Sudarshan > > > --- tatachar wrote: > > > Dear Sriman Sudarshan, > > > > Please don't dilute your great message. > > >> How much good was accomplished by him indeed. > > Jesus lived for a mere 33 years<< > > You ar eright. If he had lived for 100 years, > > probably we would have been told > > much earlier that we are devil worshippers > condemned > > to eternal hell! > > The ultra platinum truth is that we need to treat > > others as they > > deserve to be treated! > > > > dAsan > > > > K.S. tAtAchAr > > > > > ________ > India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to > > > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor > --------------------~--> > <FONT COLOR="#000099">Join modern day disciples > reach the disfigured > and poor > with hope and healing > </FONT><A > HREF=""><B>Click > > > Here!</B></A> > --~-> > > > Links > > > > > > > > > > > ________ India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2006 Report Share Posted February 19, 2006 Dear Bhagavatas: There can be no comparison (or discussion in the same breath)between our time-tested, million year old (if not, billion year old) Sanatana Dharma and the new-found beliefs that have mushroomed in the past few hundred(may be, thousand) odd years. There is, perhaps, nothing that we have to learn from these that we do not find in our own Sanatana Dharma. That is probably why, our great Achaaryas, who were very much aware (during their lifetime) of these so-called religions did not consider them as worthy of even a discussion let alone, criticizing on the lines of "Sata-dooshaNi" or "Para-mata-bhangam" dealing with other "Darsanas" Again, another topic on which enough has been discussed! May we close this discussion and move on? Moderator ==================================================================== Dear Sudarshan Swamy I would say majority of Hindus consider treating another religion as equivalent to treating another person as an individual. If that is the case, Swami Desikan would not have ventured for Sadadushani. And we would not have got the tradition of Vidwat Sadas to argue religion in the olden days. Swami Desikan went on to condemn the so called other religions, but to me both Christinity and Islam do not qualify even to be called a religion they are rather a political force. There are so much of written and spoken records of how the early Christianity preachers were rebuffed at all the weakness of their concepts in Varanasi and elsewhere in India peacefully. Both are imperialistic and exclusionist concept and for sure the concepts do not stand a chance even in the present Western Society of freedom and liberty (even though it is understood at physical level). We don't hate any one for what religion /idiology they practise, but for sure we argue in search of weakness not only in their's but also to understand our own practices better. And that is not the culture that these two so called religions practise. I completely agree with Sri. Tatachar Swamy's point in this regard. Only Desi's are confused and what was alarming was one great Bhagawata who is highly versatile on Srivaishnavam, Veda, Upanishad, Prabandam etc from "Natathur Ammal" family echoed the same words that Sri. Sudarshan Swami was saying. I had to talk the same language what Sri Tatachar Swamy spelled here. I don't consider this as intolerance (if indeed that is what is implied), rather understanding of what is worth and rejection what is not worthy as food for the soul. And I do belive that is the intention of Swamy Desikan too. Adiyen Suresh --- tatachar wrote: > Dear Sriman Sudarshan, > > If you don't mind the Bible calling you a heathen, > eternally condemned > to hell > if you don't accept Jesus and only Jesus as the > truth and the way, > fine. > I certainly mind, that is my call; just as your call > to ignore that! > Just ask the authentic followers of the Bible (not > Gandhi or RK mission > or confused desis) they will tell you the great > truth it teaches you > (You don't need the first two lines or the fourth > line, upadexanti te > gnAnam!). > > I certainly have nothing to do with a Book which > tells me that my > ancestors > including Nathamuni, Yamunamuni- all before them > and after them (such as Ramanujacharya, Swami > Deshikar et al., > who did not convert) are eternally in hell. > > >>I believe there are plenty indeed to be found in > all the great > religious scriptures of the world.... including the > Bible. << > > Certainly there are. I have read every word of the > Bible > and the Koran (the two staring to steer us!). > So why believe? I know you can read; > so it can be a matter of fact for you that they have > good things in them. That is not the point. > Do you believe that you may find something great > in them which you have not found in your own? > Do you know that they are (lot more) serious about > their religion. > You take it all or leave it all. I will not mix them > in the religious > context (I am not a Gandhian or running for > office in India or anywhere, or waiting to be called > what a good guy I am- atta boy!). > Remember, when you look at scriptures which people > swear by, > you watch out more so for what is bad in them. After > all we will not be > hurt by what is good in them! > > If you still want to hold on to your conviction, who > am I to say > it is incorrect. But the good news for you is that > majority of > Hindus (Indians) are with you- that is also the sad > part! > > dAsan > > K.S. tAtAchAr > > > sudarshan madabushi > <mksudarshan2002 > tatachar; tiruvenkatam; > oppiliappan; > > Sat, 18 Feb 2006 07:39:21 +0000 (GMT) > Re: Re: [t'venkatam] Re: > [ramanuja] sandhyaa > vandhanam - Bhishma's Answer > > Dear member, > > Thank you for revealing the "ultra-platinum truth". > > I have no desire for 'platinum' coating. Simple, > unadulterated truths will do just fine. I believe > there are plenty indeed to be found in all the great > religious scriptures of the world.... including the > Bible. If you don't mind, I shall stand by what I > wrote. > > Best regards, > dAsan, > Sudarshan > > > --- tatachar wrote: > > > Dear Sriman Sudarshan, > > > > Please don't dilute your great message. > > >> How much good was accomplished by him indeed. > > Jesus lived for a mere 33 years<< > > You ar eright. If he had lived for 100 years, > > probably we would have been told > > much earlier that we are devil worshippers > condemned > > to eternal hell! > > The ultra platinum truth is that we need to treat > > others as they > > deserve to be treated! > > > > dAsan > > > > K.S. tAtAchAr > > > > > ________ > India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to > > Links > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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