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nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-77

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha







"tiRambEnmin kandeer thiruvadi than nAmam


maRandhum puramthozhA mAndhar-eranjiyum


sAdhuvarAip pOdhumin kaLendrAn namanumthan


toodhuvarai koovi sevikku"




Both singing the praise of bhagavan and ignoring the other devatas has to be

definitely done under any circumstances staunchly put forth thirumazhisaipiran;


The importance of bhagavat sambhandam is given in Sri Vishnupurana as a dialogue

between yama and his servants as follows:


"svapurushamapiveekshya pAsahastham vadhathi yama: kila tasya karnamoolE I


parihara madhusoodhana prapannAn prabhur aham anya nruNAm na vaishnavA nAm"



[The lord of death, yama uttered the following words in the ears of his servants

standing with the death rope (pAsam) in their hands-"Oh! My fellows don't ever

go near those who have surrendered to madhusoodhanan (Lord Sriman Narayanan)

though I am the master of all others I am not the master of Vaishnavas]


The above paasuram of thirumazhisai piran is like a literal

translation/commentary to this sloka.




(tiRambEnmin kandeer) Don't ever go against this order. Such a strong

enforcement of one order implies that this has to be kept even at the expense of

any other earlier rules. If the servants of yama go to get hold of a jeeva and

finds him to be a vaishnava then they should forget everything else and just

leave him and return back.




(tiruvadithan nAmam maRandhum puRam thozhA mAndhar) The Vishnu purana sloka says

just "madhusoodhana prapannAn" meaning those who have surrendered to the lord.

But here azhvar elaborates a little on the qualities of those vaishnavas.

"maRandhum puRam thozhA mAndhar" Even in case if one forgets emperuman after

surrendering to his divine feet he still remains a vaishnava as long as he

doesn't go and fall to another feet. It is like a husband and wife

relationship. Due to some reasons the husband and wife may be apart but their

relationship remains as long as the wife doesn't choose another husband. That

is when she looses her chastity. Similarly even if a vaishnava forgets the lord

no problem as long as he doesn't prostrate another devatha.






(mAndhar) Human. He may be a very normal person without any quality of a

bhagavata but only this quality of "marandhum puram thozhAmai" really counts.




(eranjiyum sAdhuvarAi pOdhumingal endRAn) This explains the word "parihara".

Don't just stop with not troubling them with your evil looks and acts but with

discipline prostrate them with folded hands like sadhoos.




The above words were uttered by




(namanum) yama. The god of death adorned as


"aham maravarArchithEna thAtrA sama ethi lOka hitA hitE niyuktha:"


[i have been appointed by the paramapurusha, worshipped by the leader of the

devas to grant good and remove bad in this world since I am qualified to grant

justice impartially to one and all without any differentiation.]




Though yama is considered to be impartial there always remains exceptions. An

impartial king cannot show his toughness towards the queen (rajamahishi).

Similarly yama reacts towards the Srivaishnavas.


"avantamar evvinayarAgilum enkOn


avantamarE endrozhivadhallAl-nam tamarAl


ArAyappattu ariyAr kaNdeer aravanaimEl


PErAyarkkAtpattAr pEr [55] declares poigaiazhvar.




(than toodhuvarai) translation of "svapurusham" His close servants




(koovi) called them loudly thereby indicating the importance. Parallel to

"apiveekshya vadhathi"




(sevikku) "karnamoolE" into their ears




If one says that he loves the princess of the kingdom then the one near him will

slowly tell "don't ever tell this aloud we will be in danger" Similarly yama

with fear murmurs into the ears of his servants.


Srivishnuchittar in his Vishnupurana commentary gives 3 reasons for the word



1) Masters, will not say aloud anything that will reduce their fame;


2) If Vishnu nama is uttered loudly then by listening, meditating and

repeating even the narakavasees will attain mukthi;


3) As said earlier, it is to be kept as a secret like in a affair with the





(To Be Continued)




Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


Sumithra Varadarajan
































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