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nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-80

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha







"sEyan aNiyan siRiyan migapperiyan


Ayan tuvaraik kOnAi nindRa mAyan andru


Odhiya vAkkadhanai kallAr vulagaththil


EdhilarAm meijnAna mil"




Leave alone realizing his great act of protecting all of us during the lowkika

pralaya have any of us realized his genuine act of saving all of us from the

samsAra sAgara (ocean of misery in this world) by giving the divine charama





(SEyan) Emperuman is unapproachable even by the brahma, rudras. He is in such a

high position.


"yathO vAchO nivarthanthE" [tai-Anandavalli]


"yan na devA na munayO na chAham na cha sankara: I


jAnanthi paramEsasya tat vishnO: paramam padham II" [vish.pu.1-9-55]




(migapperiyan) One with exceptional svaroopa roopa guna vibhoothis;




(aNiyan) One who is very close to all those who really want to reach him.




(sEyan aNiyan) For all those who want to attain him by self-effort and for those

like duriyodhana he is very far (dhoorasthan). But the same emperuman is very

easily accessible to yesodha and other gopis (bhakthas filled with love and



"yArumOr nilaimaiyan ena arivariya emperuman


yArumOr nilaimaiyan ena aRiveLiya emperumAn" (thiru 1-3-4)




(siRiyan) Due to his grace emperuman takes incarnations as simple beings and

hence adorned as "eliyan"




(sEyan aNiyan migapperiyan siRiyan) swamy alavandaar reiterates the same

meanings in four lines of his stotra


"namO namO vangmanasAdhibhoomayE


namO namO vangmanasaikabhoomayE I


namO namO nandha mahAvibhoothayE


namO namO nandha dayaikasindhavE II"




[i prostrate thee, who is not visible in the words and heart of those who try to

reach you by their own efforts;


I prostrate thee, who is visible in the words and heart of those who you show

your self due to your grace;


I prostrate thee who is filled with innumerable wealth;


I prostrate thee, who is a ocean of uncountable mercy;]




"aniyan siriyan" indicates emperuman's sowlabhya guna;


(Ayan) He took avatara as a cowboy who cannot even differentiate between his

left and right hand;




(tuvaraikOnAi nindra) Ignoring the leadership of the 2 worlds (ubhayavibhoothi)

He became the king of dwaraka




(Mayan) His amazing act is he didn't just stop with making himself being easily

accessible by ordinary humans (his bhakthas) but he has gone to the extent of

even spoiling his fame for the purpose of giving good name to his bhaktha.

Emperuman acted to be panic-struck in front of a lowly jarasandha and ran for

his life and hid himself inside dwaraka just to give bheema the chance to show

his valour in front of jarasandha and get good reputation.




Thereby "Ayan tuvaraikOnAi nindra mAyan' is like a expansion to the words

'aNiyan SiRiyan' states Sri PVP in his commentary.


Otherwise, "Ayan" elaborates "aNiyan siRiyan" and


"tuvarikOnAi nindra mAyan" elaborates "sEyan Periyan" States

Appillai in his commentary. Being born as a cowboy shows his simplicity; He

becoming the king of dwaraka shows his vigour; Marrying 16000 ladies and

maintaining all the families at a time in a stable manner exhibits his

incredibility, explains appillai.




(mAyan andru Odhiya vAkkadhanai kallAr) Those who do not learn the

divine meanings of the charama sloka delivered with ultimate grace by Sri

Krishna in his bhagavat geetha;


"sarva dharmAn parithyajya mAm Ekam charaNam vraja I


aham tvA sarva pApEbhyO mOksha ishyAmi mAsucha: II"


[Leave all your dharmas completely and fall only to my divine feet. (The all

capable) I will remove all your obstacles and grant you moksha. Don't worry]




(aNiyan siRiyan Odhiya vAkku) 'mAm' shows his sowlabhyam


(sEyan periyan Odhiya vAKku) 'aham' shows his capability omniscient and



(tuvaraikOn) swamithvan - leadership


(mAyan) Amazing personality filled with simplicity, knowledge and power




(kallAr vulagaththil) Not one or two but majority of the people in this world

are ignorant of these divine verses/meanings. Why?




(meijnAna mil) The main reason being the absence of knowledge about the tattva,

hita and purushartha. Why is this knowledge lacking?




(EdhilarAm) This is due to the hatred they have cultivated towards bhagavan in

their minds; "tAnaham dveshitha: kroorAn" says bhagavan in geetha 16-19.


Both they consider emperuman to be their enemy and make the lord also to think





(To Be Continued)




Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


Sumithra Varadarajan






































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