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nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-82

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha







"arEarivAr anaiththulagum vuNdumizhindha


pErAzhi yAntan perumaiyai-kAr seRindha


kaNdaththAn enkannAn kAnAn avanvaiththa


pandaiththAna ththin pathi"




In this paasuram, thirumazhisai piran elaborates the prApya vaibhavam (greatness

of ultimate goal). The greatness and the immense happiness attained by

understanding the essence or the meaning conveyed by the charma sloka cannot be

understood even by the brahmarudras. Otherwise, this paasuram can also be

considered to give the charma sloka vaibhavam (greatness of the charama sloka)

The meaning conveyed by the charma sloka is not only not understood by the

ignorant souls, but is unreachable by even the so called maha jnanis brahma or



Sri parasara bhattar immersed in the divine arthas of these two paasurams

lucubrates them, quotes periyavachan pillai in his commentary.




(ArE arivAr anaithulagum vuNdumizhindha pErAzhiyAn tan perumaiyai) Who will

understand the greatness of that supreme lord who placed all the worlds inside

his stomach during the time of cosmic destruction, saved everything from any

damage and delivered them out during the time of creation?


"apramEyO mahOdhadhi:" -that supreme lord with remarkable divine qualities


(pEr AzhiyAn) compared to the big ocean.


Here according to appillai another commentator to this divine work, pEr azhiyan

refers to the lord Krishna who holds the divine sudarsana chakra in his hand as

a weapon to protect his devotees,


In tamil, Azhi means both ocean/sea and chakra/discus




Won't the four-faced brahma and three-eyed rudra understand the greatness of the

supreme lord and his divine abode?




(kAr seRindha kaNdaththAN) Rudra esteems himself to be the all-powerful one who

swallowed the deadly poison (AlakAla visham) and protected all the devas.


(eN kaNNAn) Brahma is filled with pride since he possesses 8 eyes and hence

being able to visualize things simultaneously in all 8 directions and act



Inspite of all their powers both brahma and rudra are incapable to visualize the

almighty. The divine abode of emperuman is unreachable.




(avan vaiththa pandaith thAnaththin pathi) Emperuman has made this ancient abode

due to his permanent wish forever that cannot be visualized by anyone.


Many pramanas from vishnupurana and bharata substantiate the above. Thus the

prapya vaibhava is elaborated in this paasura.








Who will know the greatness of that ocean of valour, the almighty who swallowed

the worlds during pralaya, saved them inside his stomach and then created the

exact replica during creation? He is the unconditional means. Did he swallow

the world due to anyone's request or with anyone's support? Did he bless the

jeevas with a body due to anyone's prayers or does he hold the divine chakra to

protect anyone in danger due to any reason other than his wish? Though filled

with knowledge even the brahma rudras or incapable to understood the divine

essence of the charama sloka preserved as a secret by emperuman. Charama sloka

declares emperuman to be the ONLY ABSOLUTE UPAYA (means to attain the ultimate

goal, the moksha, the divine abode of the almighty)




(To Be Continued)




Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


Sumithra Varadarajan










































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