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Quote from another group

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I thought people here might like this quote I came across in another group.

Stop searching for God outside yourself. Look for him within. Examine who says,

"My God, my consciousness, my understanding, my psyche, my body." Investigate

the source of your experiences of sorrow and joy, love and hate, waking up

though you don't will it, and sleeping though you don't will it, and falling in

love though you don't will it. If you closely investigate these things you will

find him in yourself. The unity and variety. Like a central point. Thus you

will find in yourself a way out of yourself.


All I know about the author is that he was a very early Christian.


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That reminds of some very beautiful writings in the Filokalia. The writings to

be found in there go back to the early Christian desert fathers in Syria and


There is a translation in English from the Greek by Palmer, Sherrard and

Kallistos Ware. It is published in four parts by Faber and Faber.

I like the writings of St. Symeon the New Theologian about the conscious

experience of the Holy Spirit and about the vision of the divine and uncreated


Also the writings of St. Gregory of Sinai concerning the life of the Hesychast

and the use of the Jesus prayer or prayer of the Heart are amazing.

I am really glad I have these books in my bookshelf and love to read it. I think

many western people are unaware of the richness and depth of the Christian

mystical traditions. The Hesychast writings always had a special place in my



Thank you for posting the quote,





Steve M. Joseph


Wednesday, October 01, 2003 3:58 PM

[RamanaMaharshi] Quote from another group

I thought people here might like this quote I came across in another group.

Stop searching for God outside yourself. Look for him within. Examine who says,

"My God, my consciousness, my understanding, my psyche, my body." Investigate

the source of your experiences of sorrow and joy, love and hate, waking up

though you don't will it, and sleeping though you don't will it, and falling in

love though you don't will it. If you closely investigate these things you will

find him in yourself. The unity and variety. Like a central point. Thus you

will find in yourself a way out of yourself.Monoimos

All I know about the author is that he was a very early Christian.


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