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"Have to"s of the Ramanamaharshi group

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om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


Dear Sri Sandeep,


You wrote:


Suffering is intrisically related to the "have to"


There are several "have to"s for membership of this group.


You wrote:


This was perfectly exampled by the dude Jesus on the cross.


"Hey Dad, why ye kick me ass", he screams on the cross


You will "have to" observe decency in the use language.


You will "have to" restrict your posts to the Group objectives.


You will "have to" avoid disruptive posts that interfere with the discussions in

the study groups.


You will "have to" avoid promotional postings whether be it your website, your

own brand of philosophy, or any other personal agenda.


I am afraid you will have to accept the

Suffering intrisically related to the "have to"s

of this group if you wish to continue to have posting privileges in this group.


Your are now moderated. Your posting privileges will be restored if you agree to

abide by these "Have to"s.


om gurave namah


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Dear Sri Suri,

I hope that Sandeep will stay on the list and continue to benefit from

the presence of devotees of the Sage of Arunachala.

Love to all


srinivasan suryanarayan wrote:

om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


Dear Sri Sandeep,


You wrote:


Suffering is intrisically related to the "have to"


There are several "have to"s for

membership of this group.


You wrote:


This was perfectly exampled by the dude Jesus on the cross.


"Hey Dad, why ye kick me ass", he screams on the cross


You will "have to" observe decency in the use



You will "have to" restrict your posts to the

Group objectives.


You will "have to" avoid disruptive posts

that interfere with the discussions in the study groups.


You will "have to" avoid promotional

postings whether be it your website, your own brand of philosophy, or

any other personal agenda.


I am afraid you will have to accept the

Suffering intrisically related to the "have to"s

of this group if you wish to continue to have posting privileges

in this group.


Your are now moderated. Your posting privileges will be restored

if you agree to abide by these "Have to"s.


om gurave namah


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Dear Srinivasan,

Personally I find nothing offensive in Sandeep's posting below, also

he has had much of value to say in previous postings and I sure that

Sandeep speaks from the heart, even if his expression is sometimes a

little over enthusiastic.


I do however find the suggestion of censorship slightly offensive...

and humbly request that Sandeep be allowed to stay without



regards, your friend


RamanaMaharshi, srinivasan suryanarayan

<srinivasan_suryanarayan> wrote:

> om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> Dear Sri Sandeep,


> You wrote:


> Suffering is intrisically related to the "have to"



> There are several "have to"s for membership of this group.


> You wrote:


> This was perfectly exampled by the dude Jesus on the cross.


> "Hey Dad, why ye kick me ass", he screams on the cross



> You will "have to" observe decency in the use language.


> You will "have to" restrict your posts to the Group objectives.


> You will "have to" avoid disruptive posts that interfere with the

discussions in the study groups.


> You will "have to" avoid promotional postings whether be it your

website, your own brand of philosophy, or any other personal agenda.


> I am afraid you will have to accept the

> Suffering intrisically related to the "have to"s

> of this group if you wish to continue to have posting privileges in

this group.


> Your are now moderated. Your posting privileges will be restored if

you agree to abide by these "Have to"s.


> om gurave namah

> suri



> India Matrimony: Find your partner online.Post your profile.

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Thank you..........RL




RamanaMaharshi, srinivasan suryanarayan

<srinivasan_suryanarayan> wrote:

> om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> Dear Sri Sandeep,


> You wrote:


> Suffering is intrisically related to the "have to"



> There are several "have to"s for membership of this group.


> You wrote:


> This was perfectly exampled by the dude Jesus on the cross.


> "Hey Dad, why ye kick me ass", he screams on the cross



> You will "have to" observe decency in the use language.


> You will "have to" restrict your posts to the Group objectives.


> You will "have to" avoid disruptive posts that interfere with the

discussions in the study groups.


> You will "have to" avoid promotional postings whether be it your

website, your own brand of philosophy, or any other personal agenda.


> I am afraid you will have to accept the

> Suffering intrisically related to the "have to"s

> of this group if you wish to continue to have posting privileges in

this group.


> Your are now moderated. Your posting privileges will be restored if

you agree to abide by these "Have to"s.


> om gurave namah

> suri



> India Matrimony: Find your partner online.Post your profile.

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Is it not true that Sri Bhagavan Himself followed the rules of the Ashram and

that when visitors did not act in a way that was considered appropriate at Sri

Ramanaashram that they were asked to leave?


If we wish to have Satsang with other devotees and speak of Sri Ramana and His

teachings, then we have to respect the decisions of the moderators of groups

devoted to Sri Ramana and take the decisions as Bhagavan's grace.


Once when I was 21, I was meditating at a center and waiting for my teacher to

talk. He had not arrived and the musicians were on the stage fine tuning their

instruments and were going to sing. They always sang Bhajans and songs before

the lecture started.


So I was sitting with my eyes closed and all of a sudden the singing started,

"Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva. Om

Shakti, Om Shakti, Om Shakti, Om, Om Shakti, Jnana Shakti, Para Shakti Om!"


All the hair on my body literally stood up and I did not know what was happening

to me. It was as if thunder and lightining bolts had exploded all around and I

was in the center completely stunned with the unexpected wonder of it.


So who can understand devotees of Sri Ramana other than Sri Ramana devotees. The

mere mention of the name of Ramana brings tears to the eyes of some. Reading

stories of Bhagavan floods my heart and leaves me speechless.


So people come and say many sophisticated things. Such talk means nothing to a

devotee of the Sage of Arunachala.


We are simple devotees and Sri Ramana has given the teaching, in words and in

silence. His Grace and beauty and power is so utterly overwhelming. If one has

looked in His Eyes for a fraction of a second, or thought of Him in the mind

with devotion, the Eternal Heart is Realized.


So people come and say many interesting things about truth and so forth. Would

it not be better to say interesting and sophisticated things on other lists

since this is a list of Sri Ramana's devotees.


Love to all




> "waveydata" <mike

> 2003/10/02 Thu PM 04:09:05 EDT

> RamanaMaharshi

> [RamanaMaharshi] Re: "Have to"s of the Ramanamaharshi group


Dear Srinivasan,

Personally I find nothing offensive in Sandeep's posting below, also he has had

much of value to say in previous postings and I sure that Sandeep speaks from

the heart, even if his expression is sometimes a little over enthusiastic.


I do however find the suggestion of censorship slightly offensive...and humbly

request that Sandeep be allowed to stay without confrontation.


regards, your friend





"Love itself is the actual form of God."


Ramana Maharshi

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2/10/03 3:50 PM +0100 srinivasan suryanarayan

srinivasan_suryanarayan (AT) (DOT) co.in wrote:

> There are several "have to"s for membership of this group.


> You wrote:



> This was perfectly exampled by the dude Jesus on the cross.


> "Hey Dad, why ye kick me ass", he screams on the cross


> You will "have to" observe decency in the use language.


I also wish to register this observation. 'Ass' IS NOT an offensive word itself.

It denotes bottom, behind, bum etc. I also see nothing offensive in having an

ass, even a baboon's.

Neither is there any offense, deliberately or otherwise in Sandeep's use of the

word. It seems you wished to warn Sandeep, and jumped on this sentence as an


We must all be able to take criticism. Sandeep and yourself too. But any

critique should be presented with guidance if you have it, and discussion.

So, people entering into discussion with Sandeep can learn or guide. Unless

you yourself enter discussion with Sandeep, you have failed this proviso, and

are merely like a failed author-cum 'newspaper critic', employing personal bias

instead of kindness in collaboration and, true learning. Entering into

discussion once is not enough. Moreover, Sandeep's views may not be wrong, and

you and I may have to learn from Sandeep. Is not Sandeep's position, though not

accepting any expedient, and therefore idealistic, a constant reminder to us of

something we may unfortunately easily forget? It is tantamount to saying

communicate with God, progress with blessings, not with false ego's

command...'spiritual materialism'. It is a plea for authenticity.

I am afraid you will have to accept the

Suffering intrisically related to the "have to"s

of this group if you wish to continue to have posting privileges in this group.

This group ruling is not infliction of suffering at all, but moderation or

censorship. It can only hurt the moderator. Sandeep presents a part of Ramuna's

teachings in his discourse of real human suffering and 'have to', or

imperatives. It makes us think and is spiritually challenging and rewarding.

I personally believe in the use of ANY expedient on the path which works;

Sandeep takes the position of either these are futile, or limited. I agree they

all limited, and this is to see them in a true light, and keep our mind on the

living goal. In fact, I see birth in this realm as expedient, even if not of

our own device or choosing. Here again, we must not lose sight of the goal, and

get lost in this the world. That living goal is beyond technique, and progress

may be practiced without technique and simply mindfulness and devotion, as is

taught in Baghavad Gita.

> He has a mind; but no heart

This kind of statement, written by someone else, about Sandeep, clearly shows

sandeeep has aroused some indignation, but indignation is surely not the

intelligence behind moderation of a group? It is a foolish rebuke, lacking

grace and possessing arrogance. Yet surely, even this was a slip, not something

to be 'moderated'. Something to discuss. Recall, what we venture to offer as our

opinion, what is on our lips, even Sandeep's, is what we most wish to change in

ourselves. Whilst Sandeep may deeply wish to possess a routine as sadhana,

others may need to break with misappropriated rituals. This is all part of

growth. Otherwise Sandeep would not be joining in this group, perhaps. At least

he wants his views tested, I should imagine, and so to interact.

Furthermore, Sandeep has been most conscientious and generous ( a gentleman) in

thought in his replies to questions . What may annoy someone or other, is that

he has a position, from which he clarifies spiritual urges. I do not suppose he

thinks he has the only useful advice for people, and his is one contribution, so

why seek to curtail it?


John Plum

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2/10/03 10:57 PM -0400 harsha (AT) cox (DOT) net harsha (AT) cox (DOT) net wrote:

> Is it not true that Sri Bhagavan Himself followed the rules of the Ashram

> and that when visitors did not act in a way that was considered

> appropriate at Sri Ramanaashram that they were asked to leave?

I do not see how Sandeep has contravened a rule. Could you demonstrate? For

rules must not be spoke of in passing without demonstrating a breach, or they

are a cause for personal bias.


John Plum

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Dear John,



> > He has a mind; but no heart

> This kind of statement, written by someone else,

> about Sandeep, clearly

> shows sandeeep has aroused some indignation, but

> indignation is surely not

> the intelligence behind moderation of a group? It is

> a foolish rebuke,

> lacking grace and possessing arrogance. Yet surely,

> even this was a slip,

> not something to be 'moderated'.


-------------------reply follows----------------------

I wrote the statement "He has a mind; but no heart".

Thank you for your offering an excuse of a "slip" for

me; but it wasn't a slip. I fully intended to write

that message.


What did I mean by that? I meant that this forum has

purposes and objectives that Sandeep chose to ignore.

If he cared about people. The people that have

started and nourished this group, if he cared about

the people who are devoted to a certain ideal or

method, if he really cared then he would never have

written some of the things that he has written. He

has made disparaging remarks about Ramana and Ramana's

methods. He has made them repeatedly.


In my opinon Sandeep is a highly intelligent

individual. But when I said that he doesn't "have a

heart", I meant that obviously he doesn't always care

about the feelings of others and I will stand by that

statement. This is not a forum for any type of remark

or discussion. This is a forum for the cultivation of

the understanding of the teachings and the life of

Ramana Maharshi.


A great sage Sri Ramakrishna has said (I paraphrase):

"When you plant a young tree you must hedge it about

so that the cows do not eat it and people do not

trample it and kill it. But after it is grown, you

may tether an elephant to it and it will not be

harmed." (paraphrased) There is nothing wrong with

persons having a protected forum for dissemniation of

the teachings of Ramana Maharshi. I find this

particular forum to be quite liberal and tolerant.


I am not indignant about Sandeep. In the right place

I'm sure that I would like to visit with him. I

actually have a lot of respect for his intellect. And

there are plenty of other forums in cyberspace that

Sandeep and others can utilize for other discussions.

In addition he has a forum of his own and you can find

him there and discuss forever whatever it is that he's

talking about.


To repeat, he has made disparaging remarks about

Ramana and he has made disparaging remarks about self

inquiry and there isn't any excuse for that here. If

a person doesn't like Ramana and they don't like Self

Inquiry and they don't like sadhana then they are in

the wrong place and further more they do not respect

the feelings of others and in my opinon therefore they

are heartless.


I didn't really want to write this because I would

like to see the group settle back into its focus; but

I hope that this will be the end of it. If it isn't

quite the end let's all of us try to move on. Perhaps

you can see how Sandeep has been a bit of a










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Michael, thanks for your message. I understand what you say here, and see good

sense in it. I cannot know the truth of this, because I am not a long term

member. I thought Sandeep may have been respectful of the 'Self-Enquiry' or


4/10/03 12:39 PM -0700 Michael Bowes rmichaelbowes wrote:

> he has made disparaging remarks about

> Ramana and he has made disparaging remarks about self

> inquiry and there isn't any excuse for that here. If

> a person doesn't like Ramana and they don't like Self

> Inquiry and they don't like sadhana then they are in

> the wrong place and further more they do not respect

> the feelings of others and in my opinon therefore they

> are heartless.


John Plum

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I do not read all the posting here, but I have never seen anything

disparaging from Sandeep. I understood he had been barred for the

one particular posting referred to line by line. Now you say that is

not the case and it was because of earlier postings. Out of fairness

to Sandeep and for clarities sake, would you please say what

disparaging remarks he has made.


Surely under objective 1 of the group Sandeep should be allowed to

put forward his (mis)understandings and have other members comment on

(correct) them? I have found some of his postings challenging, but

in a positive way that has promoted growth.


I had an email from Sandeep which he asked me to post which I did not

do as I did not wish to prolong this disruption, now you have made

further comments it seems that this will not go to sleep.

peace and goodwill to all,

regards your friend,


RamanaMaharshi, Michael Bowes

<rmichaelbowes> wrote:

> Dear John,



> > > He has a mind; but no heart

> > This kind of statement, written by someone else,

> > about Sandeep, clearly

> > shows sandeeep has aroused some indignation, but

> > indignation is surely not

> > the intelligence behind moderation of a group? It is

> > a foolish rebuke,

> > lacking grace and possessing arrogance. Yet surely,

> > even this was a slip,

> > not something to be 'moderated'.


> -------------------reply follows----------------------

> I wrote the statement "He has a mind; but no heart".

> Thank you for your offering an excuse of a "slip" for

> me; but it wasn't a slip. I fully intended to write

> that message.


> What did I mean by that? I meant that this forum has

> purposes and objectives that Sandeep chose to ignore.

> If he cared about people. The people that have

> started and nourished this group, if he cared about

> the people who are devoted to a certain ideal or

> method, if he really cared then he would never have

> written some of the things that he has written. He

> has made disparaging remarks about Ramana and Ramana's

> methods. He has made them repeatedly.


> In my opinon Sandeep is a highly intelligent

> individual. But when I said that he doesn't "have a

> heart", I meant that obviously he doesn't always care

> about the feelings of others and I will stand by that

> statement. This is not a forum for any type of remark

> or discussion. This is a forum for the cultivation of

> the understanding of the teachings and the life of

> Ramana Maharshi.


> A great sage Sri Ramakrishna has said (I paraphrase):

> "When you plant a young tree you must hedge it about

> so that the cows do not eat it and people do not

> trample it and kill it. But after it is grown, you

> may tether an elephant to it and it will not be

> harmed." (paraphrased) There is nothing wrong with

> persons having a protected forum for dissemniation of

> the teachings of Ramana Maharshi. I find this

> particular forum to be quite liberal and tolerant.


> I am not indignant about Sandeep. In the right place

> I'm sure that I would like to visit with him. I

> actually have a lot of respect for his intellect. And

> there are plenty of other forums in cyberspace that

> Sandeep and others can utilize for other discussions.

> In addition he has a forum of his own and you can find

> him there and discuss forever whatever it is that he's

> talking about.


> To repeat, he has made disparaging remarks about

> Ramana and he has made disparaging remarks about self

> inquiry and there isn't any excuse for that here. If

> a person doesn't like Ramana and they don't like Self

> Inquiry and they don't like sadhana then they are in

> the wrong place and further more they do not respect

> the feelings of others and in my opinon therefore they

> are heartless.


> I didn't really want to write this because I would

> like to see the group settle back into its focus; but

> I hope that this will be the end of it. If it isn't

> quite the end let's all of us try to move on. Perhaps

> you can see how Sandeep has been a bit of a

> distraction.


> Love,


> michael





> The New with improved product search


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Dear Friend,


--- waveydata <mike wrote:

> Michael,



, would you please

> say what

> disparaging remarks he has made.


I have said all that I am going to say about this. I

am not a moderator of this group. I feel no need to

repeat disparaging remarks. As a member of this group

I wish that we would all just forget about this.



> I had an email from Sandeep which he asked me to

> post which I did not

> do as I did not wish to prolong this disruption, now

> you have made

> further comments it seems that this will not go to

> sleep.

> peace and goodwill to all,

> regards your friend,


Sandeep was given the opportunity to rejoin the

discussion; but evidently he doesn't want to abide by

the rules. But as you just stated above, he asked you

to post an email for him. This is enough proof of

that fact that he doesn't have good intentions in

regard to this group.


Please don't address any more of this Sandeep

discussion to me, because I will not respond.


Thank you,





> RamanaMaharshi, Michael Bowes


> <rmichaelbowes> wrote:

> > Dear John,

> >

> > SNIP>

> > > > He has a mind; but no heart

> > > This kind of statement, written by someone else,


> > > about Sandeep, clearly

> > > shows sandeeep has aroused some indignation, but

> > > indignation is surely not

> > > the intelligence behind moderation of a group?

> It is

> > > a foolish rebuke,

> > > lacking grace and possessing arrogance. Yet

> surely,

> > > even this was a slip,

> > > not something to be 'moderated'.

> >

> > -------------------reply

> follows----------------------

> > I wrote the statement "He has a mind; but no

> heart".

> > Thank you for your offering an excuse of a "slip"

> for

> > me; but it wasn't a slip. I fully intended to

> write

> > that message.

> >

> > What did I mean by that? I meant that this forum

> has

> > purposes and objectives that Sandeep chose to

> ignore.

> > If he cared about people. The people that have

> > started and nourished this group, if he cared

> about

> > the people who are devoted to a certain ideal or

> > method, if he really cared then he would never

> have

> > written some of the things that he has written.

> He

> > has made disparaging remarks about Ramana and

> Ramana's

> > methods. He has made them repeatedly.

> >

> > In my opinon Sandeep is a highly intelligent

> > individual. But when I said that he doesn't "have

> a

> > heart", I meant that obviously he doesn't always

> care

> > about the feelings of others and I will stand by

> that

> > statement. This is not a forum for any type of

> remark

> > or discussion. This is a forum for the

> cultivation of

> > the understanding of the teachings and the life of


> > Ramana Maharshi.

> >

> > A great sage Sri Ramakrishna has said (I

> paraphrase):

> > "When you plant a young tree you must hedge it

> about

> > so that the cows do not eat it and people do not

> > trample it and kill it. But after it is grown,

> you

> > may tether an elephant to it and it will not be

> > harmed." (paraphrased) There is nothing wrong

> with

> > persons having a protected forum for dissemniation

> of

> > the teachings of Ramana Maharshi. I find this

> > particular forum to be quite liberal and tolerant.

> >

> > I am not indignant about Sandeep. In the right

> place

> > I'm sure that I would like to visit with him. I

> > actually have a lot of respect for his intellect.

> And

> > there are plenty of other forums in cyberspace

> that

> > Sandeep and others can utilize for other

> discussions.

> > In addition he has a forum of his own and you can

> find

> > him there and discuss forever whatever it is that

> he's

> > talking about.

> >

> > To repeat, he has made disparaging remarks about

> > Ramana and he has made disparaging remarks about

> self

> > inquiry and there isn't any excuse for that here.

> If

> > a person doesn't like Ramana and they don't like

> Self

> > Inquiry and they don't like sadhana then they are

> in

> > the wrong place and further more they do not

> respect

> > the feelings of others and in my opinon therefore

> they

> > are heartless.

> >

> > I didn't really want to write this because I would

> > like to see the group settle back into its focus;

> but

> > I hope that this will be the end of it. If it

> isn't

> > quite the end let's all of us try to move on.

> Perhaps

> > you can see how Sandeep has been a bit of a

> > distraction.

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > michael

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The New with improved product

> search

> >







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