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Your own actual experience for Gabriel

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RamanaMaharshi, "gabriele ebert"

<g.ebert@g...> wrote:

> Dear Jim, dear Alan,


> Jim, please don't blow into another horn now (is this the right

expression in English :)?


Please give this advice to Alan as well!


> I know Alan for long and it is not as you say.

> It would also be nice to hear from you about your experience.

> How is your practice? Would you like to share?


OK. I'm a newbie but this is how I would respond to those questions:

What, in your own personal or otherwise experience, happens after the

final question: Who am I?


Currently, I notice that a little me and a big me appear (hard to

explain) and I have a choice of which me to be, take serious, go to,

allow, etc. (also hard to explain). And, since I now know that the

little me/ego is not real, or what I wish to be/have, I "choose" (not

quite right but good enough) to have/be the big one and an instant

shift of consciousness/self-identity occurs for me.


Where do you or your attention go?


Currrently, my attention goes into the big Me (hard to describe) and

out of or away from my customary, little/ego me.


What exactly do you experience - assuming it's describeable?


Currently, I experience peace, joy, relief, freedom, wonder,

satisfaction, happiness, humor and some other subtle stuff which

isn't always there when I'm a little me.



What happens to 'you'?



The question should read: what happens to you? But, if by `you' it

means the little personal `you', it just seems not to exist while I'm

big. If `you' means me myself, nothing especially happens – I just

am for a while.


What do you become or go into, etc.?


Currently, I become or go into something large and happy which is

still a self or me but vastly better than my customary personal one.


Assuming you go into the Source as Ramana claims, how long do you

stay there?


Currently, I have no clear idea what "the Source" is unless it's just

me as something other than a little person/body. I stay there

anywhere from micro-seconds to a few hours.


If you come out again, how does it occur and (in your opinion) why?


When I come out, it seems automatic and unavoidable, for now.

ImcurrentO, it happens because of deep, unconscious impulses and

triggers to surrounding stimulations which send me back to my

customary mind/self and it's reaction/response/defense &

habits/programming, etc.


Have you gone to the Source never to return?




Is there a way to stay in/as the Source/Self and yet do your job,

attend your spouse and kids, pay the bills, use the restroom, fix

dinner, etc.?



When I'm the big me (Source/Self), everything happens as usual yet

I'm better able to do/be in whatever situation is there. I don't

(yet) enter a swoon or space-out like some of the sages do/did.


I'd really love to read about other's actual, real experiences with

the fruits of working with Ramana's formula for Self-realization.


So far, the only "fruits" that I've seen are the sense of freedom,

joy, humor, courage and limitlessness which for me comes with being

away from out of or without my little personal self that I've been

and/or lived with for as long as I can remember. What a joy it is to

cease believing in and living as a limited, frightened, greedy, sad,

angry, troublesome little person who isn't even real - except in my

imagination from early childhood.






> Alan, you have told very often wonderfully about diving in the


> always much enjoyed.

> Possibly you would like to explain your approach again here.


I'd like to read of Alan's approach too.



> Each time I discover something new when reading. It says much about

> "experience" also :)

> So I think there is no real controversity.


Yes, there is not and never should have been one.


Thanks Gabriel,



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