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RE: Jnana yogis

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yes there is one called saikumar_durga!



>"saikumar_durga" <saikumar_durga



>[RamanaMaharshi] Jnana yogis

>Fri, 20 Feb 2004 20:17:08 -0000




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"saikumar_durga" saikumar_durga

Mailing-List: list RamanaMaharshi; contact RamanaMaharshi-owner

Fri, 20 Feb 2004 20:17:08 -0000

[RamanaMaharshi] Jnana yogis

Pranam everyone,

I know only two jnana yogis living in physical body. One is Sri

Ramesh Balsekar of Mumbai and another is Dr. Vijai Shankar. Does any

one know if there is a realized jana yogi in USA or any other jnana

yogis in India.

Thanks a lot,



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Sri Bhagavan emphasised that the counting of realized

jnanas is a somewhat abstract notion. That there is

such a thing as realization, but no such thing as

realized people. Only our imagination believes that

their grace can be contacted solely through particular

bodies/personalities, which they themselves have no

connection to. Realization cannot be qualified in this

way. It always remains a unity, so talking of

'realized men' is akin to speaking of the king of the

USA. If a single flash of lightning passes through

many objects, searing them, these objects could I

suppose become objects of reverence; but the lightning

itself does not reside in them. Nor is it multiplied

by them; they merely mark the route it took. Just a

small point, which no doubt we all know, but sometimes

forget. The realized One sees no difference between

'himself'and anything else; who are we to say 'he' is








--- saikumar_durga <saikumar_durga



Pranam everyone,


I know only two jnana yogis living in physical body.

One is Sri

Ramesh Balsekar of Mumbai and another is Dr. Vijai

Shankar. Does any

one know if there is a realized jana yogi in USA or

any other jnana

yogis in India.

Thanks a lot,






Post message: RamanaMaharshi





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Dear Sai,


There are a lot of people here in the United States.

How will I know if one of them is realized?


Warmest regards,





--- saikumar_durga <saikumar_durga wrote:

> Pranam everyone,


> I know only two jnana yogis living in physical body.

> One is Sri

> Ramesh Balsekar of Mumbai and another is Dr. Vijai

> Shankar. Does any

> one know if there is a realized jana yogi in USA or

> any other jnana

> yogis in India.

> Thanks a lot,

> Sai.



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Hi All,


I knew these answers and that is not waht I was looking for. There is

nothing achieving new, I am already realized, there is only one - 'I

am' not more than that - merely saying for myself will not help.

This is the problem I think with Adviata. Atleast for now, I see

myself different from other people, I see there is a difference

between a good guy and a bad guy, so certainly I see difference

between a jnani and ajnani. If there is no differnce, why would have

so many people visited Tiruvanamalai and stayed with Bagavan. Why had

not they stayed at home and made themselves clear of the fact that

there is no separate 'Ramana Maharshi' apart from them. Why had so

many people gone to meet Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramesh Balsekar even

after reading books on Advaita and why they went to meet only them

specifically. Why is this group formed? There is only one thing which

is Self and we are all that very Self, then what is the necessity of

this activity of forming a group with the name Bhagvan Ramana

Maharshi, posting messages and replying. Well someone might say that

all these things are happening in mind. Fine, then these things

should happen in mind atleast until when we realize that we are

already there. So alteast until then there is difference between

saikumar and Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. So I want to meet someone of

Ramana Maharshi's cadre.




RamanaMaharshi, Nasrudin <nasrudin3>


> Sri Bhagavan emphasised that the counting of realized

> jnanas is a somewhat abstract notion. That there is

> such a thing as realization, but no such thing as

> realized people. Only our imagination believes that

> their grace can be contacted solely through particular

> bodies/personalities, which they themselves have no

> connection to. Realization cannot be qualified in this

> way. It always remains a unity, so talking of

> 'realized men' is akin to speaking of the king of the

> USA. If a single flash of lightning passes through

> many objects, searing them, these objects could I

> suppose become objects of reverence; but the lightning

> itself does not reside in them. Nor is it multiplied

> by them; they merely mark the route it took. Just a

> small point, which no doubt we all know, but sometimes

> forget. The realized One sees no difference between

> 'himself'and anything else; who are we to say 'he' is

> wrong?

> Nasrudin




RamanaMaharshi, "michael dillon"

<michael_dillon_108@m...> wrote:


> yes there is one called saikumar_durga!



RamanaMaharshi, Michael Bowes

<rmichaelbowes> wrote:

> Dear Sai,


> There are a lot of people here in the United States.

> How will I know if one of them is realized?


> Warmest regards,


> michael



> --- saikumar_durga <saikumar_durga> wrote:

> > Pranam everyone,

> >

> > I know only two jnana yogis living in physical body.

> > One is Sri

> > Ramesh Balsekar of Mumbai and another is Dr. Vijai

> > Shankar. Does any

> > one know if there is a realized jana yogi in USA or

> > any other jnana

> > yogis in India.

> > Thanks a lot,

> > Sai.

> >

> >

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dear sai

I don't want to sound facetious or to trivialize your quest

for an embodied jnani -au contraire,au contraire it does in fact strike at

the heart of this important matter.

There is no possibility whatsoever of a jnani being embodied

anywhere at anytime,In fact there is no possibility of anything being

embodied anywhere at anytime.I would say that this lies at the heart of

Bhagavan's teaching.

For me Ramana Maharshi is a one in a thousand year

revelation,and yet that great teacher consistently deflected the notion that

He was an elevated person in anyway,and that for me is what sets Him apart

from other imitators.A genuine teacher will terminate the false delusion of

the guru/disciple relationship at the earliest possible moment.

Personally, i feel that each person has to do what karma has

laid down for them ,but at the same time they might wish to reflect on that

primal force that has brought them to an interest in advaita/Ramana in the

first place. That primal force is for me a palpable sense of Bhagavan's

presence within the Heart.

Deep Regards,

mick dillon



>"saikumar_durga" <saikumar_durga



>[RamanaMaharshi] Re: Jnana yogis

>Sat, 21 Feb 2004 03:50:40 -0000




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User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82

"saikumar_durga" saikumar_durga

Mailing-List: list RamanaMaharshi; contact RamanaMaharshi-owner

Sat, 21 Feb 2004 03:50:40 -0000

[RamanaMaharshi] Re: Jnana yogis

Hi All,

I knew these answers and that is not waht I was looking for. There is

nothing achieving new, I am already realized, there is only one - 'I

am' not more than that - merely saying for myself will not help.

This is the problem I think with Adviata. Atleast for now, I see

myself different from other people, I see there is a difference

between a good guy and a bad guy, so certainly I see difference

between a jnani and ajnani. If there is no differnce, why would have

so many people visited Tiruvanamalai and stayed with Bagavan. Why had

not they stayed at home and made themselves clear of the fact that

there is no separate 'Ramana Maharshi' apart from them. Why had so

many people gone to meet Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramesh Balsekar even

after reading books on Advaita and why they went to meet only them

specifically. Why is this group formed? There is only one thing which

is Self and we are all that very Self, then what is the necessity of

this activity of forming a group with the name Bhagvan Ramana

Maharshi, posting messages and replying. Well someone might say that

all these things are happening in mind. Fine, then these things

should happen in mind atleast until when we realize that we are

already there. So alteast until then there is difference between

saikumar and Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. So I want to meet someone of

Ramana Maharshi's cadre.



RamanaMaharshi, Nasrudin <nasrudin3>


> Sri Bhagavan emphasised that the counting of realized

> jnanas is a somewhat abstract notion. That there is

> such a thing as realization, but no such thing as

> realized people. Only our imagination believes that

> their grace can be contacted solely through particular

> bodies/personalities, which they themselves have no

> connection to. Realization cannot be qualified in this

> way. It always remains a unity, so talking of

> 'realized men' is akin to speaking of the king of the

> USA. If a single flash of lightning passes through

> many objects, searing them, these objects could I

> suppose become objects of reverence; but the lightning

> itself does not reside in them. Nor is it multiplied

> by them; they merely mark the route it took. Just a

> small point, which no doubt we all know, but sometimes

> forget. The realized One sees no difference between

> 'himself'and anything else; who are we to say 'he' is

> wrong?

> Nasrudin



RamanaMaharshi, "michael dillon"

<michael_dillon_108@m...> wrote:


> yes there is one called saikumar_durga!


RamanaMaharshi, Michael Bowes

<rmichaelbowes> wrote:

> Dear Sai,


> There are a lot of people here in the United States.

> How will I know if one of them is realized?


> Warmest regards,


> michael



> --- saikumar_durga <saikumar_durga> wrote:

> > Pranam everyone,

> >

> > I know only two jnana yogis living in physical body.

> > One is Sri

> > Ramesh Balsekar of Mumbai and another is Dr. Vijai

> > Shankar. Does any

> > one know if there is a realized jana yogi in USA or

> > any other jnana

> > yogis in India.

> > Thanks a lot,

> > Sai.

> >

> >


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RamanaMaharshi, Nasrudin

<nasrudin3> wrote:

> Sri Bhagavan emphasised that the counting of realized

> jnanas is a somewhat abstract notion. That there is

> such a thing as realization, but no such thing as

> realized people. Only our imagination believes that

> their grace can be contacted solely through particular

> bodies/personalities, which they themselves have no

> connection to. Realization cannot be qualified in this

> way. It always remains a unity, so talking of

> 'realized men' is akin to speaking of the king of the

> USA. If a single flash of lightning passes through

> many objects, searing them, these objects could I

> suppose become objects of reverence; but the lightning

> itself does not reside in them. Nor is it multiplied

> by them; they merely mark the route it took. Just a

> small point, which no doubt we all know, but sometimes

> forget. The realized One sees no difference between

> 'himself'and anything else; who are we to say 'he' is

> wrong?

> Nasrudin




OOOO Boy.....there are some things here I might want to speak



>Only our imagination believes that

> their grace can be contacted solely through particular

> bodies/personalities


Although i don't assume that their grace can be contacted with

*solely*, i do think it is sometimes beneficial to have darshan or

even satsang. This is why:


As for this lightning analogy....I *do* think that the jnanis are

*juiced up*......that is that realisation is not merely a mental thing,

it affects the body mind of such a one. The shakti moves

unhindered through them, people notice something in their

company, some are said to be "initiated" through special

experiences given to them through the phenominon of shaktipat,

(a touch, word or glance). Some use this as they might a drug,

loosing the benefit generally as soon as they move away again,

but some are changed profoundly and their progress is

*quickened.* It is widely known that devotion to the Guru is

quicker than jnana, but is less stable a unpredictable and is

entirely dependent on various factors that the aspirant brings to

the table. Whereas jnana is said to be slower but generally more



The lightning does in fact charge them, the reason it is not

mentioned much is that it is no indication that one is a jnani, he

may in fact be still on the path but have yogic abilities. And of

course some just want the miracles or are otherwise after

"powers." The lightning in Truth abides in us all but is usually

obstructed due to limiting force of the Self misidentified as ego.


Sri Ramana always stressed that grace is everywhere available

in every moment. He also said that the best indicator of a jnani is

the peace you might feel in their company.



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RamanaMaharshi, "saikumar_durga"

<saikumar_durga> wrote:

<snip.So I want to meet someone of

> Ramana Maharshi's cadre.

> Thanks,

> Sai.



This may be a tall order, but here is a place to start:





Shawn's picks)))))))


Adyashanti _ he resonates

Gangaji- she is form Papaji-Ramana


Eckhart Tolle---good ........but/and popular--tours the US





Nome hangs Ramanas picture and seems to stick very close to

the basic teaching of Ramana

Cee also from Nome lineage


This should get you started....lol



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--- michael dillon <michael_dillon_108 wrote:



> dear sai

> I don't want to sound facetious or to

> trivialize your quest

> for an embodied jnani -au contraire,au contraire it

> does in fact strike at

> the heart of this important matter.

> There is no possibility whatsoever of

> a jnani being embodied

> anywhere at anytime,In fact there is no possibility

> of anything being

> embodied anywhere at anytime.I would say that this

> lies at the heart of

> Bhagavan's teaching.

> For me Ramana Maharshi is a one in a

> thousand year

> revelation,and yet that great teacher consistently

> deflected the notion that

> He was an elevated person in anyway,and that for me

> is what sets Him apart

> from other imitators.A genuine teacher will

> terminate the false delusion of

> the guru/disciple relationship at the earliest

> possible moment.

> Personally, i feel that each person

> has to do what karma has

> laid down for them ,but at the same time they might

> wish to reflect on that

> primal force that has brought them to an interest in

> advaita/Ramana in the

> first place. That primal force is for me a palpable

> sense of Bhagavan's

> presence within the Heart.

> Deep Regards,


> mick dillon



> >"saikumar_durga" <saikumar_durga

> >RamanaMaharshi

> >RamanaMaharshi

> >[RamanaMaharshi] Re: Jnana yogis

> >Sat, 21 Feb 2004 03:50:40 -0000

> >




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> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822

> RamanaMaharshi

> "saikumar_durga" <saikumar_durga

> Sat, 21 Feb 2004 03:50:40 -0000

> [RamanaMaharshi] Re: Jnana yogis




Hi All,


I knew these answers and that is not waht I was

looking for. There is

nothing achieving new, I am already realized, there is

only one - 'I

am' not more than that - merely saying for myself will

not help.

This is the problem I think with Adviata. Atleast for

now, I see

myself different from other people, I see there is a


between a good guy and a bad guy, so certainly I see


between a jnani and ajnani. If there is no differnce,

why would have

so many people visited Tiruvanamalai and stayed with

Bagavan. Why had

not they stayed at home and made themselves clear of

the fact that

there is no separate 'Ramana Maharshi' apart from

them. Why had so

many people gone to meet Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramesh

Balsekar even

after reading books on Advaita and why they went to

meet only them

specifically. Why is this group formed? There is only

one thing which

is Self and we are all that very Self, then what is

the necessity of

this activity of forming a group with the name Bhagvan


Maharshi, posting messages and replying. Well someone

might say that

all these things are happening in mind. Fine, then

these things

should happen in mind atleast until when we realize

that we are

already there. So alteast until then there is

difference between

saikumar and Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. So I want to

meet someone of

Ramana Maharshi's cadre.




RamanaMaharshi, Nasrudin



> Sri Bhagavan emphasised that the counting of


> jnanas is a somewhat abstract notion. That there is

> such a thing as realization, but no such thing as

> realized people. Only our imagination believes that

> their grace can be contacted solely through


> bodies/personalities, which they themselves have no

> connection to. Realization cannot be qualified in


> way. It always remains a unity, so talking of

> 'realized men' is akin to speaking of the king of


> USA. If a single flash of lightning passes through

> many objects, searing them, these objects could I

> suppose become objects of reverence; but the


> itself does not reside in them. Nor is it multiplied

> by them; they merely mark the route it took. Just a

> small point, which no doubt we all know, but


> forget. The realized One sees no difference between

> 'himself'and anything else; who are we to say 'he'


> wrong?

> Nasrudin




RamanaMaharshi, "michael


<michael_dillon_108@m...> wrote:


> yes there is one called saikumar_durga!



RamanaMaharshi, Michael Bowes

<rmichaelbowes> wrote:

> Dear Sai,


> There are a lot of people here in the United States.


> How will I know if one of them is realized?


> Warmest regards,


> michael



> --- saikumar_durga <saikumar_durga> wrote:

> > Pranam everyone,

> >

> > I know only two jnana yogis living in physical


> > One is Sri

> > Ramesh Balsekar of Mumbai and another is Dr. Vijai

> > Shankar. Does any

> > one know if there is a realized jana yogi in USA


> > any other jnana

> > yogis in India.

> > Thanks a lot,

> > Sai.

> >

> >





Post message: RamanaMaharshi





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Sai wrote that he was interested in knowing whether

there were any living gnanis.I think there are loads

of individuals who claim to be gnanis.Even I'd like to

be a gnani or a sage, so then I could help others

become gnanis too.Any way I do not think there is

living religious teacher in the same league as

Ramana.Krishanmurthy was there.It is a pity I never

got the opportunity to see him in person. I think many

on this forum like me have great reverence for JK. He

was different from Ramana in some ways but I think in

in his own way he was just as great,though not as

popular because of his uncompromising attitude. Unlike

Ramana he never liked to encourage the worship of

deities and he said we should put aside all our

comforting beliefs.Ramana for some reason never liked

to be sidetracked from the main issue which was

realising the self. However people who came to him

were always asking him to explain some verse from the

vedas or the Gita.They did not realise that Ramana was

himself an avatar, it would have been better to learn

from him directly than to talk endlessly about the

vedas and so on. Ramana like JK categorically said

that reading the scriptures had no value when it came

to god realisation.So I think being steeped in

tradition and performing rituals can be a hindrance

to experiencing the self. Any way I've chosen Ramana

as my Guru even though like JK he said quite clearly

that he had no disciples. Actually JK was like a Guru

too. I have great reverence for both of them.

Any way from what I've said you'll realise that I do

not have any set ideas about anything.By the way there

could be a few gnanis in this group and other Ramana

groups. I am dead serious.Who knows?I consider it a

great priviledge to be interacting with so many living

living gnanis.







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