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lofty and unreachable Jnana yogis

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RamanaMaharshi, Alan Jacobs

<alanadamsjacobs> wrote:

> Here are some considered thoughts on Western Advaita

Teachers and the distinction that needs to be

> made between them and Jnanis .


> The Advaita [still proliferating]Teachers of the Western World,

who are often gifted

> communicators with attractive personalities, are by no means

Sages. I am personally friendly with

> many of them, and I am sure they are too honest ever to make

such a claim and would all agree

> with this thesis. Their vasanas [inborn accumalated habits and

tendencies] are still observably

> active, <snip>


> *I would exclude Ramesh S.Balsekar ,a longstanding devotee

of Sri Ramana, Maharshi , and direct

> pupil of Nisagadatta Maharaj from this overview as my

forthcoming book 'The Wisdom of Balsekar'an

> anthology of his written works , approved by him, with a

foreward by Wayne Liquorman will

> illustrate.It is not being released by Watkins Publishing until

the Summer.




> alan


jeez Alan...considering that you are nearly in a position to be in

some sort of competitive relationship with these guys, I hope you

don't mind that I take your criticism with a grain of salt.


Good luck with the book.


Of course, I can't help feeling that Sri Ramana himself would not

applaud your efforts at making the goal so unreachable and

placing him on so lofty a seat.




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