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" Be Still " from Sri Ganesan

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Dear Friends ,


I enclose copies of some of Sri V.Ganesan's correspondence with he has given me

permission to

share with you all .Regards,Alan




Dear Sri Jim Watkins !


> Pranams.


> Thank you for writing about you. 'Sharing' with like-minded seekers is a

"forte" to strenghten

> one's deeper understanding

> (feeling-wise) of Reality !


> "Constant", 'all the time', 'always', 'ever' -- these words (with reference to

sadhana) are

> 'virus' words, a seeker has immediately to "clear off" (like, in a computer)

from one's system,

> once it is noticed ! Very dangerous, indeed ! They are, actually, projected

by the 'mind',

> whose essence is "Time". The Self, in each one of us, is the NOW. The I AM

is the NOW. The

> Silence is the NOW !

> Turning to the NOW is called "turning within". Do it ! And, then see whether

the 'virus' word

> 'Constant' can put out its hood, at all !

> Have faith in yourself. You are GOD ! "Who else can say 'I AM', except

God?" asserts our

> Beloved Master !


> For your reading pleasure and clarification, I send my response to another

serious seeker's

> query :

> __



> Dear Sri Ganesan,

> Thank you for the positive response concerning my

> meeting you. I cannot help but feel that we are very

> much kindred spirits and Sri Ramana is our focal

> point.

> Today i have had a rare day off and have been

> mentally/spiritually there at Arunachala all day long.

> I am looking so forward to being there bodily soon!

> In the west we have to run, run, run constantly to

> stay ahead of things. I know that Bhagavan said that

> one can stay in active life and yet constantly do

> Self-Inquiry. This is what is so hard for me.

> As you stated in your letter that some are trying to

> say He approved of the lesser paths. Only ones who

> are drawn to those paths would see it that way. It

> doesn't take much investigation to know what He placed

> highest emphasis on. I have heard that He always

> started with the highest teaching and worked down to

> the one the soul could accept.

> So my biggest stumbling block is that i am unable to

> keep CONSTANT inquiry going over here. I hope some

> day to be able to spend some length of time there in

> unbroken practice. With Sri Bhagavan's blessings i

> will. Today i have felt His presence with me in a

> large measure. The peace and stillness has been

> wonderful. He truly walks with me as i am sure He

> does with you! How fortunate we are to be so close to

> Infinite Bliss as Sri Bhagavan!!!

> I got a letter from Sri Sridhar saying he does have

> the booklet. I will get it from him soon. Thank you.

> It sounds like exactly what i need now.

> It will be very good to meet you soon and i am sure

> the satsang will be high quality.

> I can go within and walk the area you are in and

> visit all the holy sites associated with Sri Ramana at

> will. It is very nice to sit in Georgia and meditate

> in Bhagavan's room at Skandashram.

> Will write later. I am going to another state to

> work for 3 wks. and don't know how computer access

> will be.

> All the best from here.






> Dear Friend Zoya !


> Pranams.


> Have you -- a sincere, serious seeker -- also fallen into the 'trap' of the

mind, which

> relentlessly projects this 'issue' of "so difficult to practise Self-Enquiry"

? "Be a dheera

> (the courageous)", commands Bhagavan Ramana. One is deemed 'courageous' when


> "dives within". Instead of 'doing' it -- look, even the non-existent 'mind'


> projects the non-truth, should you not be taking shelter under the Self

[within you] and also

> hold on, "relentlessly", to the Reality -- why cry wolf, wolf ? Please go

within, having

> faith in the holy words of the Great Master. Please, make an effort to drop

from your 'computer

> [brain] vocabulary' the 'ugly' word

> "difficult". Nothing is impossible, when one turns within to the Self, which

is the Source,

> from which all that is seen outside as creations, have emanated, including

one's mind which

> projects the "feeling" of 'difficulty' !


> Do read the following sacred words of our Beloved Master :



> * *

* * * *

> * * * * * *


> Dear Sri. Ganesan:


> Thank you for the wonderful emails. I am very glad your health is improving.

Please do go for

> walks and keep active to get your heart working slowly. I have a degree in

exercise therapy and

> thus I know a little thing here and there.


> The question that often arises to my mind is why is it so difficult to

practice self inquiry?


> Apart from that, I have been diagnosed with manic depression and the doctor

tells me I have to

> go on medication for the rest of my life. Because of this I have developed

depression. How to

> deal with this is a big issue in my life right now...


> These two issues are enough for now. I should avoid giving you additonal



> With love and admiration,

> Zoya.








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> Miss Merston asked : I have read Who Am I ? While inquiring who

the 'I' is, I

> cannot hold it for

> any length of time. Secondly, I have no interest in the

environment, but yet I

> have hopes that I shall

> find some interest in life.


> M.: If there are no interests, it is good. [The interpreter points

out that the

> questioner hopes to find some

> interest in life.]


> M.: That means there are those vasanas [latent tendencies]. A

dreamer dreams a

> dream. He sees the

> dream world with pleasures, pains, etc. But, he wakes up and

then loses all

> interest in the dream world.

> So it is with the waking world also. Just as the dream world,

being only part

> of yourself and not

> different from you, ceases to interest you, so also the

present world would

> cease to interest you if you

> awake from this waking world [samsara] and realise that it is

a part of

> yourself, and not an

> objective reality. Because you think that you are apart from

the objects around

> you, you desire

> a thing. But if you understand that the thing was only a

thought-form, you

> would no longer desire it.


> All things are like bubbles on water. You are the water and

the objects are the

> bubbles. They cannot

> exist apart from the water; but, they are not quite the same

as the water.


> D.: I feel I am like froth.


> M.: Cease that identification with the unreal and know your real

identity. Then,

> you will be firm and

> no doubts can arise.


> D.: But I am the froth.


> M.: Because you think that way there is worry. It is a wrong

imagination. Accept

> your true identity with

> the Real. Be the water and not the froth. That is done by

diving in.


> D.: If I dive in, I shall find...........


> M.: But even without diving in, you are That only. The ideas of

exterior and

> interior exist only so long as

> you do not accept your real identity.


> D.: But I took the idea from you that you want me to dive in.


> M.: Yes, quite right. It was said because you are identifying

yourself with the

> froth and not the water.

> Because of this confusion the answer was meant to draw your

attention to this

> confusion and bring it

> home to you. All that is meant is that the Self is infinite

inclusive of all

> that you see. There is nothing

> beyond It, nor apart from It. Knowing this, you will not

desire anything; not

> desiring, you will be content.


> The Self is always realised. There is no seeking to realise

what is already --

> always -- realised. For,

> you cannot deny your own existence. That existence is

Consciousness -- the

> Self.


> Unless you exist, you cannot ask questions. So, you must

admit your own

> existence. That existence

> is the Self. It is already realised. Therefore, the effort

to realise results

> only in your realising your

> present mistake -- that you have not realised your Self.

There is no fresh

> Realisation.

> The Self becomes revealed; that's all !


> D.: That will take some years.


> M.: Why years ? The idea of time is only in your mind. It is not

in the Self.

> There is no time for the Self.

> Time arises as an idea after the ego arises. But you are the

Self beyond time

> and space; you exist

> even in the absence of time and space [as in deep sleep].


> ------------- Talks With Sri Ramana Maharshi, pp.588-89.


> *

* * * *

> * * * * *


> With regard to your second query: Lack of faith in oneself, perhaps, is the

cause for

> 'depression'.

=== message truncated ===










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