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It is proposed to start a Study Group for the Sri Ramana Gita.All members are

invited to join by

posting alternative translations they may know of , making observations and

comments, or asking

questions for clarification .We hope to post every day .





In 1903 there came to Tiruvannamalai the great Samskrit scholar ,poet and Yogi ,

Ganapati Sastri

known also as Ganapati Muni because of the austerities he had been observing. He

had the title

Kavya-kantha (one who had poetry at his throat), and his disciples addressed him

as Nayana

(father). He visited Ramana in the Virupaksa cave quite a few times. Once in

1907 he was assailed

by doubts regarding his own spiritual practices. He went up the hill, saw Ramana

sitting alone in

the cave, and expressed himself thus : "All that has to be read I have read;

even Vedanta sastra I

have fully understood; I have done japa to my heart's content; yet I have not up

to this time

understood what tapas is. Therefore I have sought refuge at your feet. Pray

enlighten me as to the

nature of tapas." Ramana replied, now speaking, "If one watches whence the

notion 'I' arises, the

mind gets absorbed there; that is tapas. When a mantra is repeated, if one

watches whence that

mantra sound arises, the mind gets absorbed there; that is tapas." To the

scholar this came as a

revelation; he felt the grace of the sage enveloping him. He it was that

proclaimed Ramana to be

Maharshi and Bhagavan. He composed hymns in Samskrit in praise of the Sage, and

later composed the

Ramana-Gita explaining his teachings.


Ganapati had a large band of disciples and they all gathered at Skandasram to

ask the Maharshi to

clarify knotty questions.The Muni agreed to cast the answers in verse form - as

a Gita -in

Sanskrit-in the traditional 18 Chapters.The work was fully completed by 1917 and

the Maharshi

approved the work .


{Please add any anecdotal information anyone knows or has read about this Event

and the Gita's







1.The entire Universe is but a tiny ripple in that infinite Ocean of



Sri Ramana;in my heart I dwell upon him,who inheres therein,


the unfathomable Ramana,


who has transcended all realms of thought .


[Krishna Bhikshu Trans]


[2. To follow:]














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atma_vichara, "anupadayachi"

<anupadayachi@h...> wrote:

atma_vichara, Alan Jacobs

<alanadamsjacobs> wrote:

> It is proposed to start a Study Group for the Sri Ramana Gita.All

members are invited to join by

> posting alternative translations they may know of , making

observations and comments, or asking

> questions for clarification .We hope to post every day .


an alternative translation:


Ramana Gita … English translation & commentary by A R Natarajan.

(5th edition 1999)



It is said that in the days of yore, Siva, as Dakshinamurti, the

Great God, chose to teach a handful of disciples, just four of them,

the way to Self-knowledge.The Chandogya Upanishad talks of the Sanat

Kumara regarded as the foremost of the knowers of the Self, teaching

just one hungry seeker, the sage Narada. For, what matters is

earnestness, a total involvement, an exclusive concern to find out

the truth. In this century such a blessing fell on a small band of

persons to whom it was given to learn the science of the Heart, from

Ramana Maharshi. The setting was the Virupaksha cave and

Skandasramam on the Holy Arunachala Hill in the years 1913 to 1917.

The questioners were Ganapathi Muni, Daivarata, Karshni, Yoganatha,

Kapali, Visalakshi, Vaidarbha and Amritanatha. Just eight of them

but they have placed generations of spiritual seekers in their debt

by covering the whole gamut of what matters for those concerned

with Self-knowledge.



Ganapati Muni, the divinely inspired composer, was the son of

Narasimha Sastry. He was born on 17th Nov 1878 in Kaluvarayi in

Andhra Pradesh. At a young age he had mastered the scriptures,

meditated on the meaning of many sacred mantras and observed

hundreds of austerities. Yet, peace was denied to him till he

surrendered to Ramana, and learnt directly from him the truth about

tapas, about penance.

Ramana himself has made it clear that the composition is authentic

and that it records accurately the conversations. Once he

remarked, `Remembering such talks was child's play for him.

He could

listen to a long and intricate lecture and produce the gist of it

accurately in the form of sutras not omitting anything of importance

which had been stated; so remarkable was his power of memory. He

must have reproduced Ramana Gita in that way.'



There have been six English translations of the Ramana Gita from

1935 to 1977 but the only commentary was by Kapali Sastri in

Sanskrit, in 1941. This book is the first English commentary on the

Ramana Gita. A rare blessing indeed to be give this opportunity. How

can one repay the debt to the Maharshi?



(a picture of Ganapathi Muni from this book by A R Natarajan can be

seen in the photos file)








> In 1903 there came to Tiruvannamalai the great Samskrit

scholar ,poet and Yogi , Ganapati Sastri

> known also as Ganapati Muni because of the austerities he had been

observing. He had the title

> Kavya-kantha (one who had poetry at his throat), and his disciples

addressed him as Nayana

> (father). He visited Ramana in the Virupaksa cave quite a few

times. Once in 1907 he was assailed

> by doubts regarding his own spiritual practices. He went up the

hill, saw Ramana sitting alone in

> the cave, and expressed himself thus : "All that has to be read I

have read; even Vedanta sastra I

> have fully understood; I have done japa to my heart's content; yet

I have not up to this time

> understood what tapas is. Therefore I have sought refuge at your

feet. Pray enlighten me as to the

> nature of tapas." Ramana replied, now speaking, "If one watches

whence the notion 'I' arises, the

> mind gets absorbed there; that is tapas. When a mantra is

repeated, if one watches whence that

> mantra sound arises, the mind gets absorbed there; that is tapas."

To the scholar this came as a

> revelation; he felt the grace of the sage enveloping him. He it

was that proclaimed Ramana to be

> Maharshi and Bhagavan. He composed hymns in Samskrit in praise of

the Sage, and later composed the

> Ramana-Gita explaining his teachings.


> Ganapati had a large band of disciples and they all gathered at

Skandasram to ask the Maharshi to

> clarify knotty questions.The Muni agreed to cast the answers in

verse form - as a Gita -in

> Sanskrit-in the traditional 18 Chapters.The work was fully

completed by 1917 and the Maharshi

> approved the work .


> {Please add any anecdotal information anyone knows or has read

about this Event and the Gita's

> genesis}






> 1.The entire Universe is but a tiny ripple in that infinite Ocean

of Sat-Chit-Ananda.


> Sri Ramana;in my heart I dwell upon him,who inheres therein,


> the unfathomable Ramana,


> who has transcended all realms of thought .


> [Krishna Bhikshu Trans]


> [2. To follow:]






> =====

> alan






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atma_vichara, "anupadayachi"

<anupadayachi@h...> wrote:

atma_vichara, Alan Jacobs

<alanadamsjacobs> wrote:

> It is proposed to start a Study Group for the Sri Ramana Gita.All

members are invited to join by

> posting alternative translations they may know of , making

observations and comments, or asking

> questions for clarification .We hope to post every day .


an alternative translation:


Ramana Gita … English translation & commentary by A R Natarajan.

(5th edition 1999)



It is said that in the days of yore, Siva, as Dakshinamurti, the

Great God, chose to teach a handful of disciples, just four of them,

the way to Self-knowledge.The Chandogya Upanishad talks of the Sanat

Kumara regarded as the foremost of the knowers of the Self, teaching

just one hungry seeker, the sage Narada. For, what matters is

earnestness, a total involvement, an exclusive concern to find out

the truth. In this century such a blessing fell on a small band of

persons to whom it was given to learn the science of the Heart, from

Ramana Maharshi. The setting was the Virupaksha cave and

Skandasramam on the Holy Arunachala Hill in the years 1913 to 1917.

The questioners were Ganapathi Muni, Daivarata, Karshni, Yoganatha,

Kapali, Visalakshi, Vaidarbha and Amritanatha. Just eight of them

but they have placed generations of spiritual seekers in their debt

by covering the whole gamut of what matters for those concerned

with Self-knowledge.



Ganapati Muni, the divinely inspired composer, was the son of

Narasimha Sastry. He was born on 17th Nov 1878 in Kaluvarayi in

Andhra Pradesh. At a young age he had mastered the scriptures,

meditated on the meaning of many sacred mantras and observed

hundreds of austerities. Yet, peace was denied to him till he

surrendered to Ramana, and learnt directly from him the truth about

tapas, about penance.

Ramana himself has made it clear that the composition is authentic

and that it records accurately the conversations. Once he

remarked, `Remembering such talks was child's play for him.

He could

listen to a long and intricate lecture and produce the gist of it

accurately in the form of sutras not omitting anything of importance

which had been stated; so remarkable was his power of memory. He

must have reproduced Ramana Gita in that way.'



There have been six English translations of the Ramana Gita from

1935 to 1977 but the only commentary was by Kapali Sastri in

Sanskrit, in 1941. This book is the first English commentary on the

Ramana Gita. A rare blessing indeed to be give this opportunity. How

can one repay the debt to the Maharshi?



(a picture of Ganapathi Muni from this book by A R Natarajan can be

seen in the photos file)








> In 1903 there came to Tiruvannamalai the great Samskrit

scholar ,poet and Yogi , Ganapati Sastri

> known also as Ganapati Muni because of the austerities he had been

observing. He had the title

> Kavya-kantha (one who had poetry at his throat), and his disciples

addressed him as Nayana

> (father). He visited Ramana in the Virupaksa cave quite a few

times. Once in 1907 he was assailed

> by doubts regarding his own spiritual practices. He went up the

hill, saw Ramana sitting alone in

> the cave, and expressed himself thus : "All that has to be read I

have read; even Vedanta sastra I

> have fully understood; I have done japa to my heart's content; yet

I have not up to this time

> understood what tapas is. Therefore I have sought refuge at your

feet. Pray enlighten me as to the

> nature of tapas." Ramana replied, now speaking, "If one watches

whence the notion 'I' arises, the

> mind gets absorbed there; that is tapas. When a mantra is

repeated, if one watches whence that

> mantra sound arises, the mind gets absorbed there; that is tapas."

To the scholar this came as a

> revelation; he felt the grace of the sage enveloping him. He it

was that proclaimed Ramana to be

> Maharshi and Bhagavan. He composed hymns in Samskrit in praise of

the Sage, and later composed the

> Ramana-Gita explaining his teachings.


> Ganapati had a large band of disciples and they all gathered at

Skandasram to ask the Maharshi to

> clarify knotty questions.The Muni agreed to cast the answers in

verse form - as a Gita -in

> Sanskrit-in the traditional 18 Chapters.The work was fully

completed by 1917 and the Maharshi

> approved the work .


> {Please add any anecdotal information anyone knows or has read

about this Event and the Gita's

> genesis}






> 1.The entire Universe is but a tiny ripple in that infinite Ocean

of Sat-Chit-Ananda.


> Sri Ramana;in my heart I dwell upon him,who inheres therein,


> the unfathomable Ramana,


> who has transcended all realms of thought .


> [Krishna Bhikshu Trans]


> [2. To follow:]






> =====

> alan






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