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" Spiritual Sharing "

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Dear Friends,


I enclose a 'spiritual sharing' received from Sri. V.Ganesan to-day,which he

says I can pass on

to members.Regards to all ,Alan







> The following are important 'sharings' (according to me) ; and, I felt you

too will fall in

> line with me. While going through them, it is better to keep in our mind

(attention), the

> Glorious " Four Reliances" , as enunciated by Gautama Buddha :


> 1. RELY on the message of the teacher, NOT on his



> 2. RELY on the meaning, NOT just on the words;


> 3. RELY on the real meaning, NOT on the provisional



> 4. RELY on your Wisdom mind, NOT on your ordinary,

judgemental mind.







> One should have complete and total confidence in oneself. We are all always

being protected by

> a Higher Power. Have 'faith' in the following assurances given to us by

Great Masters :


> Bhagavan Ramana assured : " I am always with

you ".

> Yogi Ramsuratkumar repeatedly guaranteed : "

This beggar will

> always be with you ".


> Now, look at Shirdi Sai Baba's declaration : "

If you sincerely

> pray to me with your stretched hands,


> I will be with you, day and night. Though I am at Shirdi


> in this form, I know what is happening even beyond the


> seven seas. Wherever you go in this vast world, I will


> still be with you ! I dwell in the hearts of my devotees.


> I am in the hearts of all beings. Whoever realises


> this will be blessed ! "



> " Those who are fortunate and those whose sins have


> been atoned will worship me. I will help them who think


> always of my name even to cross the seven seas.


> I am not interested in their ways of worship and other


> practices. I will dwell in the hearts of those who have


> sincere devotion towards me. "



> " I am spread all over the world. I do not require a tonga


> or cart or any other mode of transport to come to you.


> If my devotee prays to me, then, I shall be by his side. "



> " If you look to me, I will look to you. If you come one step


> towards me, I will come ten steps towards you. I shall give


> you help or advice, the moment you ask for it. "



> [ To a devotee, Shama, Shirdi Sai Baba once gave

the book : Vishnu

> Sahasranama

> (1008 Names of Lord Vishnu) and said : " Shama

! This Vishnu

> Sahasranama book

> is very valuable, which gives good results. I

am presenting

> this to you. You read

> this sincerely with devotion. Once, when my

heart was beating

> rapidly, I suffered

> a lot and thought my life was in danger.

Under such difficult

> condition, I put this

> book on my heart. It did a lot of good and

the suffering was

> reduced. I thought

> Allah had come personally and cured my

ailment. I am giving

> such a powerful book

> to you. If you read it daily or atleast one

nama per day, a lot

> of good will accrue to you." ]


> * * * *

* * * *

> * * * * * *


> " The JOY (Bliss) that surges from within, is an outer expression of the Inner

Source, the Inner

> Silence -- though it is still contained in the body itself, yet, it sustains

it and matures it

> to be a receptacle to maintain the equillibrium of SELF-WISDOM !


> The 'pleasures' that are caused by external sources, do decay the body,

thus weakening it

> to the extent of not being capable of even having a glimpse of the

Illumination that ever shines

> from within oneself !


> A serious, sincere seeker, ignorant of this valid clarification, is

caught up in the

> dichotomy of searching (with the mind) the cause of the 'Joy', so vastly

exclaimed in the

> Scriptures and also experientially extolled by the Sages and Saints and lands

up in the octopus

> clutches of different shades of 'pleasures' (including intellectual), which

are nothing but

> self-centred hullucinations. These

> pleasures engulf one in the form of activities, too !


> Sri Ramana is JOY ! Sri Ramana is BLISS ! Sri Ramana is HEART ! Sri

Ramana is I AM !

> Sri Ramana is NOW ! "



[by V. Ganesan]







> In one of his conversations [with VG] , Sri Sri Krishna Premi Maharaj of

Paranur (village),

> uttered these Words of Wisdon:


> (1) " Consciously reduce your action of 'talking' ! Haven't you noticed

that while one

> endlessly goes on 'talking', one commits

> one of or all of the three doshas (defects) : (i)

self-admiration; (ii)

> criticism of 'others' ; and (iii) indulging in non-truth

> (lying, etc.). These take place very,very subtly in an

'intelligent' person,

> whereas in a 'worldly' man they happen

> very grossly, crudely. Therefore, everyone has to consciously

abstain from

> 'talking' too much. How to do it ?

> As an alternative or a paliatory recourse, he gave the

following vitally

> important, spiritual advice : " Be an 'observant'

> and not a 'participant' to whatever that takes place in and

around you. Don't

> ever, under any circumstances, try to

> change any event or any one. Everything takes place as they

should and you are

> only a witness to them all. So,

> be an 'onlooker' . Such refraining aspect in you will , in

its natural course,

> not allow you to 'talk' ! That's the secret ! "


> (2) " The non-moving, all-powerful Brahman (the Ultimate) expresses

itself as

> 'Sat-Chit-Ananda' . Since the Whole (Brahman)

> permeates in all (parts), nothing is left out without

containing these three

> aspects of the Ultimate. How ? A simple

> practical example we will take. When one is attracted to an

'object' (matter),

> how exactly the act of attraction to

> the object takes place ? Take the example of 'Ice Cream' --

Ice Cream is

> there ( it exists ), you recognise it as

> Ice Cream (become conscious of its being there) and you like

it immensely (the

> 'delight' aspect) ! That is, even in an

> inert object, like Ice Cream, Sat-Chit-Ananda is explicitly

experienced -- it

> is there (Sat), you recognise it (Chit) and

> you enjoy it, thoroughly (Ananda). Thus, in every aspect of

every day

> activities too, the expression of Sat-Chit-Ananda

> is ever revealed, constantly ! With this understanding, go

deeper within and

> rejoice, ever, in Sat-Chit-Ananda. You are

> thus always soaked in Sat-Chit-Ananda only ! Truly, fully

recognising this

> simple truth is 'experiencing' it, the

> first step in being established in it as the TRUTH ! "


> " In the inner core of your heart, it is observed that there is

'Life' , "Awareness'

> . Then, you are 'conscious' of this Awareness;

> and, further then, you repose and 'rejoice' in its Silent

Presence ---

> Sat-Chit-Ananda. Your serenity, peace and silence

> in your meditation, is an aspect of revelation of this

Sat-Chit-Ananda , only !

> Inwardly, it is experienced as Pure

> Sat-Chit-Ananda ; and, outwardly, it is experienced, simply,

as [the object] :

> 'it is there' , 'I am conscious of it' and

> 'I like it' ! That's all ! "


> (3) " Even for serious seekers there exists a doubt: ' How did the

all-pervading Whole

> (Paramatma) , get caught up as Jiva Atma

> (individual soul) within a human body ? ' The explanation is

simple. There is

> a large plain wall. You draw a small circle

> on it, with a colour chalk. Having done this [unnecessary

act] , you wonder : '

> How did the wall come inside this circle ? '

> Why did you defile the wall by drawing a circle on it ? (Why

did you hold your

> 'body' to be your Self ?) What truly exists

> is only the big, white wall . The wall did not 'come' into

the circle. The

> demarcation of holding yourself as the 'body'

> causes all the confusion, where actually no room for any form

of confusion, as

> the SELF alone exists and always,

> too ! Whenever we are not conscious of the body, we do exist

as SELF ! Give up

> identification with the body,

> all problems are instantly solved, for, you will be then

established as SELF !

> Bhagavan Ramana, therefore, firmly

> pin points : ' Awareness is I AM ; experience IT, by remaining

as the SELF,

> always. Give up dehatma buddhi

> (I-am-the-body-idea). ' "



> * * * * *

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> * * * * * * *












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Guest guest

Dear Alan,


Thank you for sharing.


Yours in the Friend,



Dear Friends,I enclose a 'spiritual sharing' received from Sri. V.Ganesan

to-day,which he says I can pass onto members.Regards to all ,Alan > > >



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  • 9 months later...

Dear Friends,


I have received the following from Sri V.Ganesan which i am passing onto the

Groups .


in Sri Bhagavan's Grace,




> " I came to feed on Thee, but Thou hast

fed on me !


> Now, there is Peace, Oh Arunachala !



> _____ Marital Garland of Letters, v.28______


> Please read the following, which I specially chose, to 'share' with you :


> " Mr.Nanavati of Bombay asked Bhagavan: ' In the fifth stanza of Arunachala


> reference is made to seeing 'Your Form in everything' .

> What is the form referred to ? ' Bhagavan said: ' The stanza says that one

should completely

> surrender one's mind, turn it inwards and see 'you' the Self

> within and then see the Self 'you' in everything. It is only after seeing

the Self within

> that one will be able to see the Self in everything. One must first

> realise there is nothing but the Self and that he is that Self, and then only

he can see

> everything as the 'Form' of the Self. That is the meaning of saying :

> 'See the Self in everything and everything in the Self ' , as is stated in

stanza 4 of the

> Reality in Forty Verses++ . If you have the idea that you are something with

form, that you

> are limited by this body, and that being within this body you have to see

through these eyes,

> God and the world also will appear to you

> as form. If you realise you are without form, that you are unlimited, that

you alone exist,

> that you are the eye, the Infinite Eye, what is there to be seen

> apart from the Infinite Eye ? Apart from that Eye, there is nothing to be

seen. There must be

> a seer for an object to be seen, and there must be space, time,etc. But,

if the Self alone

> exists, it is both the seer and the seen, and above seeing or being seen !






> ___________


> **

> " He who dedicates his mind to Thee and, seeing Thee, always beholds the

universe as Thy

> figure, he who at all times glorifies Thee and loves Thee

> as none other than the Self, he is the master without rival, being one

with Thee, Oh

> Arunachala, and lost in Thy Bliss ! "



> -- " Five Stanzas to Arunachala " , v.5


> ++


> " If the Self has form, the world and God likewise have form. If the Self is

without form, by

> whom and how can form ( of the world and God ) be seen ?

> Without the eye, can there be sight or spectacle ? The Self, the Real

Eye, is infinite.

> "


> -- " Forty Verses on Reality " , v.4







> I hold you all in my Heart, with fondest affection !


> Love,

> Ganesan.


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