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Ramana Gita Study Group Ch 5. V.7,8,9 cont'd THE SCIENCE OF THE HEART

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This is a long disertation by Ramana on the Science of the Heart, often using

the language of

Patanjali , 20 verses in all .I propose to post just a few verses at a



Translation by Krishna Bhikshu


7,From there, it flows to the entire body, when all experiences of the world



Viewing them as different from the Light of the Self,you get entangled in

Samsara[the whirl of the

phenomenal world].


8.For one who abides in the Self,the Sahasrara becomes pure and full of Light .


Even if thoughts of objects due to proximity fall therein, they do not survive.


9.Even when objects are sense by the mind,due to proximity,yoga is not

hindered,as the mind does

not perceive the difference between them and the Self.


Comment;The Divine Force descends into the body at a point called the Heart,goes

to the Sahasrara,

the crown of the head,and from there descends into the body ,when the action

which is described

in verse 7 takes place.Chapter Nine, on the Cutting of the Knot, contains a

similar explanation

..The terminology used by Bhagavan here is often from the language of the Yoga

Sutras of















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