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Ramana Gita Study .Some Sonnets on Ch 5.

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"THAT FROM which all thoughts of embodied being

sally forth, point inward to the Heart.

To describe, may merely image mental part,

so realise the mind’s Source is 'I'. Seeing

that, from which thought springs, Thou Art!"


"If in the stem my Heart is the single shoot,

how to connect by yoga to the root?"

"The Heart of all, the whole receives. Start

not from the pump: but hridayam as hrit,

in-drawing and exhaling universe, by Ayam lit.


-- our Self is unity, we've understood.

Let Heart's ease -- subtly right of centre's best --,

sushumna's stream to sahasrara flood,

and now your flower in lotus heart to rest.



The Goal of All in the Heart


AWARENESS FLOWS from Heart to body whole,

then impressions world wide arise.

Beholding these apart from sky, the soul

enmeshed in samsara's snare, becomes unwise.

In the flame of flames, by candle of pure light,

the circling moth's consumed, and swiftly dies.

Things limned by power of mind and sight

alike seem differient to thought-bound eyes.


Samadhi, firm, one-pointed, seeing in all

sahaja; in nirvikalpa finds their absence.

This whole wide world on body-sense does fall

like rainbow prism; and indeed in Heart is presence.


The universe entire, and multi-formed, is mind

whose origin is Heart, here now to find.





The Light of the Mind


THE ORB of space, ere we merge in Heart,

describes in night a circle, round our sun.

The mind by sahasrara lit, like moon, is one

reflecting a greater light, of Self but part.


Heart gives light to maya, magician's art.

A mortal man absents the Heart, sees mind,

moonlit, cruising in dark night, purblind.

From observation, may our meditation start.


Seeking not Self, immortal source of light,

but surfaces which silvered gleam, from Self apart,

The ignorant soul, deluded, mists his sight.


The one who Knows reveals Real light in mind,

as moon at noon in clear blue sky to find:

so truly centering Science of the Heart.



The Supreme is the Heart


TO THE WISE, the universal face isn't mind.

To be true, all meaning else than Heart is none.

He is no thing but holy Heart at birth.

No notion differing seer from seen on earth

can integrate; man's conceit is unrefined.


In Heart abiding, seer and seen are one.

When stream of mind is stopped by swoon,

or excess elation, grief, or terror, 'twill run

swift into source to sleep, unbeknown.


Poor ignoramus, toiling 'neath the Sun --

into the Lion awareness dropped his thought --

the Sun within the vestal flame

of Self is ever ablaze. His sleep is nought,

but Science of Heart, will enter holy name.














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