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Ramana Gita Study Group Ch 5. V.13,14,15,16,17 cont'd THE SCIENCE OF THE HEART

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This is a long spontaneous dissertation by Ramana on the Science of the

Heart,not prompted by a

questioner, often using the language of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, 20 verses in

all .I propose to

post just a few verses at a time.Alan


Translation by Krishna Bhikshu


13.The Heart exists in the body even as the Sun exists in the universe.


The mind exists in Sahasrara as the orb of the moon in the Universe.


14.As the Sun lights up the Moon even so this Heart imparts light to the mind.


15.A mortal not established in the Heart, perceives only the mind,just as the

light is perceived

in the moon in the absence of the Sun.


16.Not perceiving that the Source of the Light is one's own Real Self, and

perceiving the objects

through the mind as apart from himself,thhe ignorant one is deluded.


17.The Enlightened One inhering in the Heart, sees the light of the mind merged

in the light of

the Heart,like the light of the Moon in daylight .











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To me the verses 13 to 17 not only give clear and direct instructions but also

resolve some symbolic representations.


It reminds me of the instructions given by my Guru Sri Parabrahma to a muslim gentleman.


Sri Parabrahma was moving around Sringeri partaking food as and when available.

He spent most of his last days in the outskirts of Sringeri in the verandah of

residence of a muslim gentleman, Sri Ibrahim, who had the good fortune of

serving this Jnani.


In one of his visits to Sringeri my revered uncle went to Sri Ibrahim's place to

have darshan of Sri Parabrahma, who, immediately after seeing my uncle said

"humne yaad kiya aur voh aagaye, swagatam, upavishyatam" (we were thinking of

him and here he arrives, welcome! take your seat). There was a visitor to Sri

Ibrahim's house and he was being addressed by Sri Parabrahma.


With little knowledge of Hindi and Urdu languages in which Sri Parabrahma spoke

to the visitor and Sri Ibrahim, my uncle could not follow what was being told.

He understood that some explanation was being given about "Shariat" in Islamic

texts. In between saying "Hilal Chand" (the sacred symbol in Islam with a

crescent and a star) Sri Parabrahma turned to my uncle and said that it (Hilal

Chand) was also the representation of Parabrahma Tattva. The Star (Hilal) is

located in the "shikha sthana" (a place slightly behind the brahmarandhra,

towards back of head where a tuft of hair is allowed to grow. This practice is

followed in some of the traditional families in South India even today) and

Chand has its centre of trough in Ajna Chakra while the two ends stretch across

the head towards back and top. Chand is at an angle of 60 degrees from Shikha.


In Islam Hilal must be Heart and Chand, the mind.


I see some reason in the crescent found above the forehead of deities like Sri

Dakshinamurti, as a sign of Being beyond mind, dwelling in the Heart.


The Purusha Sukta too says "Chandrama manaso jataha...." (moon is born of mind

of Virat Purusha) - indicating mind to be of the nature of reflected

consciousness similar to moon and its light.


Namaste again,



Alan Jacobs <alanadamsjacobs (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

This is a long spontaneous dissertation by Ramana on the Science of the

Heart,not prompted by aquestioner, often using the language of Patanjali's Yoga

Sutras, 20 verses in all .I propose topost just a few verses at a time.Alan

Translation by Krishna Bhikshu13.The Heart exists in the body even as the Sun

exists in the universe.The mind exists in Sahasrara as the orb of the moon in

the Universe.14.As the Sun lights up the Moon even so this Heart imparts light

to the mind.15.A mortal not established in the Heart, perceives only the

mind,just as the light is perceivedin the moon in the absence of the Sun.16.Not

perceiving that the Source of the Light is one's own Real Self, and perceiving

the objectsthrough the mind as apart from himself,the ignorant one is

deluded.17.The Enlightened One

inhering in the Heart, sees the light of the mind merged in the light ofthe

Heart,like the light of the Moon in daylight .=====alan


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---Dear Sri Nagaraja Pani,thank you for your original and interesting

contribution to the Study

Group .Lord Shiva also bears a crescent Moon in many representations as does

the Goddess Diana in

Ancient Greek Mythology .Food for reflection, in His Grace , Alan



<swayanjata wrote: > Namaste,


> To me the verses 13 to 17 not only give clear and direct instructions but also

resolve some

> symbolic representations.


> It reminds me of the instructions given by my Guru Sri Parabrahma to a muslim



> Sri Parabrahma was moving around Sringeri partaking food as and when

available. He spent most

> of his last days in the outskirts of Sringeri in the verandah of residence of

a muslim

> gentleman, Sri Ibrahim, who had the good fortune of serving this Jnani.


> In one of his visits to Sringeri my revered uncle went to Sri Ibrahim's place

to have darshan of

> Sri Parabrahma, who, immediately after seeing my uncle said "humne yaad kiya

aur voh aagaye,

> swagatam, upavishyatam" (we were thinking of him and here he arrives, welcome!

take your seat).

> There was a visitor to Sri Ibrahim's house and he was being addressed by Sri



> With little knowledge of Hindi and Urdu languages in which Sri Parabrahma

spoke to the visitor

> and Sri Ibrahim, my uncle could not follow what was being told. He understood

that some

> explanation was being given about "Shariat" in Islamic texts. In between

saying "Hilal Chand"

> (the sacred symbol in Islam with a crescent and a star) Sri Parabrahma turned

to my uncle and

> said that it (Hilal Chand) was also the representation of Parabrahma Tattva.

The Star (Hilal)

> is located in the "shikha sthana" (a place slightly behind the brahmarandhra,

towards back of

> head where a tuft of hair is allowed to grow. This practice is followed in

some of the

> traditional families in South India even today) and Chand has its centre of

trough in Ajna

> Chakra while the two ends stretch across the head towards back and top. Chand

is at an angle of

> 60 degrees from Shikha.


> In Islam Hilal must be Heart and Chand, the mind.


> I see some reason in the crescent found above the forehead of deities like Sri

Dakshinamurti, as

> a sign of Being beyond mind, dwelling in the Heart.


> The Purusha Sukta too says "Chandrama manaso jataha...." (moon is born of mind

of Virat Purusha)

> - indicating mind to be of the nature of reflected consciousness similar to

moon and its light.


> Namaste again,


> Nagaraja



> Alan Jacobs <alanadamsjacobs wrote:

> This is a long spontaneous dissertation by Ramana on the Science of the

Heart,not prompted by a

> questioner, often using the language of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, 20 verses in

all .I propose

> to

> post just a few verses at a time.Alan


> Translation by Krishna Bhikshu


> 13.The Heart exists in the body even as the Sun exists in the universe.


> The mind exists in Sahasrara as the orb of the moon in the Universe.


> 14.As the Sun lights up the Moon even so this Heart imparts light to the mind.


> 15.A mortal not established in the Heart, perceives only the mind,just as the

light is

> perceived

> in the moon in the absence of the Sun.


> 16.Not perceiving that the Source of the Light is one's own Real Self, and

perceiving the

> objects

> through the mind as apart from himself,the ignorant one is deluded.


> 17.The Enlightened One inhering in the Heart, sees the light of the mind

merged in the light of

> the Heart,like the light of the Moon in daylight .



> =====

> alan






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