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Ramana Gita Study Group Ch 6. V.1,2,3 MIND CONTROL

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Translation by Krishna Bhikshu .


1.Having thus explained the Essential Nature of the Heart,Sri Ramana

Muni,emminent among the

Knowers of the Fundamental Truth of Things,explained the way of contolling the



2.Men [and women]are enamoured of sense objects and their thoughts ever flow

towards them .


Inherent tendencies[vasanas]* are powerful and the mind is therefore very hard

to control.


*Fixations in the mind[conditioned reflexes brought about by associations]on

which depends the

reaction or response to any stimulus.They are carried over from birth to birth

and new ones formed

in this birth .


3.It is fickle and it hops from one object to another incessantly.


One should contol it by controlling the Prana*,when it ceases to be active,as a

tethered animal.


*Purification of the mind brought about by the practice of Pranayama

,subjugating the breath and

life force by restraint .


Later in the Chapter Ramana has simplified the Practice of Pranayama to:- one

deep exhalation ,

one deep inhalation ,restraint of breath for 4 counts and then a deep exhalation

..This may be

repeated a few times daily .See also his essay "Self Enquiry' in Collected

Works which can be

downloaded from the Ramanasramam Web Site . Breath and mind emanate from the

same Source therefore

control of breath leads to contol of mind and its purification to a more satvic

maturity .He also

gives watching the flow of breath as a means, and Japa, as the Chapter proceeds.


Breath Restraint is also an option when practicing Diving Into the Heart' see

Ramana Gita Chapter

2. V 2.















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