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RAMANA GITA STUDY GROUP .CHAPTER 11.V.1 & 2. Jnana and Siddhis

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RamanaMaharshi, Alan Jacobs

<alanadamsjacobs> wrote:





> Professor K.Swaminathan and Sri Visvanatha Swami Translation


> 1 & 2


> On the night of the 16th., when he was alone, I approached the

Guru , the Great Sage, the most

> emminent of the Enlightened who always abides in the Self, the

Illustious Ramana, now in human

> form, and sang his praises so as to be blessed with Jnana, hard to

gain .



Ramana Gita [Translation & Commentary by AR Natarajan]

Chapter 11 `On Compatibility of Gnana & Siddhis'


Vs1 & 2

I approached the Guru, pre-eminent among the knowers of Brahman, who

abides always in the Self, the great sage, the illustrious Ramana,

in human form, on the night of the 16th when he was alone and sang

his praise to be blessed with wisdom so hard to attain.



In the words `in the human form' we find a hint of the divine vision

which the Muni was blessed with. That vision set out in the later

verses enabled him to havean idea of the true stature of Ramana as

Subrahmanya, the God who is regarded as peerless among seers of

Brahman. In this chapter the questioner is the Muni himself. The

praise in twelve verses which flows mellifluously evidences the

pedestal on which the Muni always places Ramana as the world-teacher.



anu __________

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